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@Ffisegydd why you shocked?
I'm an advocate of learning what you love and against the convention that says computers or programming is the future of the world. Computers may not even exist after say 100 years from now, who knows?
And you have those schools teaching to program for the wrong people, you think high school students generally are interested in Java or say C++ or even the silly one Visual Basic?
Because it sounds like bullsh*t. 1. Not everyone wants to be a programmer, that's demonstrably false. 2. I find it quite insulting that you're accusing people of "pretending" to be programmers. 3. Have you looked at the IT job market lately? "Pushing people to do programming for no reasons." is ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous. The modern world needs more and more programmers, and we should do what we can to push them.
Incidentally, I seem to recall some time ago you coming in here and looking for help and advice with Python books and such - maybe people here shouldn't have bothered to help you, maybe you're just a pretender.
I find your entire opinion and arguments insulting and ridiculous.
"the wrong people"? How dare you.
I'm going to leave now, because if I don't I will literally go apocalyptic at you and I'm trying my best lately to be more mellow. Think whatever you want, but please don't bring it into this room.
I won't please you now with my talk
and I'll bring anything I want everywhere, it's not you who dictate the rules of this world
@Ffisegydd You have no valid reasons to kick me out from this chat room and all what I said was my own opinion, whether you agree with it or not that's another matter, but as all members here, they talk and express their agreement or disagreement as they like. When you said that I came here seeking help for books or whatever you said, I 'm here not to to seek help, but only to exchange knowledge and if I owe something, I don't owe it to anyone.
do you have to voice your opinion?
"The wrong people are deciding to become programmers, and they're just copying what they see", says known help vampire. Good one.
@vaultah I didn't voice my opinion, but I have to talk about this world
13 messages moved from Python
conversation over
1 message moved from Python
I will never visit this chat again, rude + despicable clique
2 messages moved from Python

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