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12:00 AM
A committee is a group that keeps the minutes and loses hours. -- Milton Berle (source)
12:34 AM
2 hours later…
2:34 AM
@Feeds XKCD #2971 Explained: This comic multiplies the fraction of time that a number of events occur in the sky. The resulting product is the expected frequency that all of them would occur at the same time. The value he calculates is once every 4.3 billion years. This is in the same ballpark as the current age of the Earth, about 4.5 billion years.
5 hours later…
7:57 AM
goat moaning
@Feeds that surprisingly close to what I remember probability calculation was
5 hours later…
1:21 PM
@CaptainObvious Just saw this now lol. When a comic is posted, Oak waits 2 hours before checking the explainxkcd website. If a page hasn't been created for the comic yet, Oak will check the website every 30 minutes until one is posted, or until another 2 hours passes. :)
The exact numbers might be off, but that's the general gist.
@VLAZ That bot-context.xml file is not what Oak actually uses, but it's similar.
What happens after the second 2 hours
For that setting, Oak actually uses PT2H, not PT30M
@CaptainObvious Oak just gives up
@Michael quitter
1:28 PM
but also lazy xkcd explainers for not updating the wiki for 4 hours
That said there should always be something as a bot adds the article but with some placeholder "update me" kind of text
i should have it ask ChatGPT for an explanation after the 2 hours
@CaptainObvious I think Oak accounts for that. I don't remember I wrote the code forever ago
2:01 PM
Lol explaining xkcd is gonna be the next AI challenge :D
3 hours later…
5:28 PM
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