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3:24 AM
Used CC's Attribution-NoDerivatives license been 2 years, I wonder why nobody uses it, it was sooo much useful
So i just heard again that in C# strings are immutable
myString = "something"
myString = "something else"
should not work correct?
if you can modify strings then why use the same word to describe consts?
Its immutable on object reference, not variable, you are creates a new string and assign to a variable, causing that variable replace to a new reference, and the old reference you cant access anymore and the GC will disposing it soon
3:40 AM
string are by value right? no they are by reference?
string is a class, they are immutable reference
variable holds a reference.
you assigns a new string to it, then the variable have a new reference, the old one will GC
For example
var str = "gigawatts";
str still is "gigawatts"
str = str.Replace("giga","tera");
str now is "terawatts"
3:57 AM
i've seen that before
is arrays immutable too then?
var newArray = array.concat("new");
but then
myArray.push("item 2") modifies myArray
no array are not immutable
3 hours later…
8:03 AM
8:40 AM
9:00 AM
What are HTTP handlers?
Things that handle HTTP, hopefully
9:23 AM
hi botler
so i have a main view and in that view i want to add smaller views
if this was HTML i would create a flexbox row or grid and add a group of html items that represented my panels
in C# i would want to create an NSView and then add it to a view container? then would the view container be able to do the layout?
HTTP handlers or HTTP headers?
9:38 AM
that's strange
the Convert class has conversion methods for everything except float
ew, Convert class
@Squirrelkiller LOL :'D
2 hours later…
11:22 AM
I finally drew again last night 😩
11:41 AM
[Hans1984] FINALLY
[Hans1984] I have to say my drawing is also lacking lately
3 hours later…
3:03 PM
Hi all
3:51 PM
4:29 PM
you know whats next...
not very fluffy but I take it
Still fluffy enough
Wondering if this is a good way to do IN statements with System.Data.OracleClient: stackoverflow.com/a/48541060/177416
4:38 PM
Sleepy head
I need a shiba
Big baby
but they are quite expensive over here
but then i heard they are rather active
3 hours later…
8:02 PM
hello there
I'm building .net library, is it possible for my library to get enviroment Variables from the application whre my library is installed on
but it might be better to just let the user of your library decide where the values come from
you dont care where the values come from, you just want values
4 hours later…
11:46 PM
why is stack.imgur down

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