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4:02 AM
Do you use a harddisk aged over 3yrs even it was working good?
4:45 AM
@nyconing My WD Black 1TB drive from year 2013 is still rocking...
harddrive failure is unpredictable
@Feeds Shut It!
WD Green failed the most (3 drives, within 3 years), such a disappointment...
Buenos dias
4:48 AM
For now I would only use enterprise/datacenter grade drives whenever possible...
No more consumer grade junks
Modern consumer grade SSDs are just fine
They will live longer than 10 years, and by then our games will be to big you need a new one anyway
For average use cases, it would do just fine
For my own use, kabooooom!
Which is?
I/O heavy
Moving big and small files around, playing with DB, torrenting, etc...
@nyconing SMART Warning
4:55 AM
Values in S.M.A.R.T. will be reset after you zero fill the drive
Why do you zero fill the drive though? Do you regularly have to break down shop and get away from federal agents?
I usually random fill + zero fill when taking out old drive...
Ok but if you throw out a drive you don't really care about SMART after that, do you?
In the event of drive being stolen, my personal data won't be leaked
I don't throw them out, I'm still keeping them somewhere for emergency use
project euler problem 10
brute force xD
this one took at least 10mins to finish
5:09 AM
typedef long long T
it's equivalent to class<T>
ahh no
it's equivalent to using T = System.Namespace.SomeClass
#define T long long
5:13 AM
there's also unsigned long long and long double. At this point, I'm not yet sure the size of those containers.
long long could also expand to signed long long int
5:30 AM
hi, can I ask you here... how wrong am I (if at all) by learning PHP now (full stack web development); I started around 18-20 months ago, I still have quite a lot to do; there is node.js, python; php seems to be like #8 language in popularity; people say, it is ok, you can continue if you want to (and I want to); I want to do something like php - symfony 5- mysql - java script - react; I mean C# is out there too (I think this is the main "C", like there is C##, I dont get the differences yet)
PHP ok?
36 mins ago, by DK Dhilip
Values in S.M.A.R.T. will be reset after you zero fill the drive
Just to clarify, this is actually wrong (I just remembered it wrongly...)
A: How to force a remap of sectors reported in S.M.A.R.T C5 (Current Pending Sector Count)?

Ian BoydShort answer: Write something new to the sector (even zeros - which a long format does). Long Answer Hard drives today try to hide bad sectors from the host computer. The host computer simply asks the drive to return the contents of a particular sector number. Normally the drive reads the secto...

@AndyRogers There's no right or wrong here, depending on what you're trying to achieve, just choose the tool you feel comfortable to work with.
ok, thanks; I am just trying to make sure I am not on some kind of dead end street that I dont see the end of; thanks!
No problem.
good luck!
5:41 AM
There are few dead ends when you use a language in some list of popular/used/known languages. As we saw recently, even COBOL is still needed.
go with popular languages to be on the safe side ^^
Learned Brainfuck?
blockchain developers are very vacant
and c# is decreasing....
5:56 AM
If CoreRT disappoints me, then I would go for another language...
Blockchain at it's core just a kind of database
It's like eventstore but in a linked list
Such a stupid idea...
Editable blockchain?! What the fuck I thought that's exactly the point of blockchain
That you can't edit anything
Invented by Accenture
Each node has the hash of the previous node so when you edit something in the middle the whole thing is invalid
6:07 AM
That's why I said that's a stupid idea
We could just perform "edit" by appending event/command at the end of chain
Just like event sourcing
6:26 AM
GoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOd Mornin' neglecterinos!
6:58 AM
good morning
7:12 AM
is there a mod in here?
since Madara left, I dont think we have a commoner any more
nah, he is not a mod... iirc
or the australian guy. forgot his name ...yeah Rob.
oh yea, the lurker
@Rob I summon thee!
did it wërk?
this one took at least 30 mins in JS
7:17 AM
on a side note...
45GB of memory...
I think I have a problem
cries in 16GB RAM workstation
it is a 16GB RAM machine
the committed memory is RAM + VM
virtual memory
7:19 AM
@mr5 oh. Rework in C++? Nice
just optimize the code
JS is just slow...
brute force is also just slow
But if you do the same optimization in JS and C++, the C++ one will still be way faster
7:29 AM
but at some point, that optimization becomes less and less meaningful
at some point, meaning becomes less optimal
@ntohl I'm practicing my problem solving skills in project euler. part of my preparation for my next employer.
project euler is cool
hopefully, I would land on a programming job that is not an IT solutions company.
yep. currently at problem 12.
err prob 13 I mean.
7:47 AM
@Wietlol What's up?
8:02 AM
Captain o7
@Rob can you make Wietbot RO?
Link to its profile?
@Wietbot yo
I have no clue what you meant right there. You can use the listCommands command to see all my commands.
8:05 AM
what conditions does Collatz Conjecture terminates?
@mr5 ouch. Conway again... "In 1972, John Horton Conway proved that a natural generalization of the Collatz problem is algorithmically undecidable"
I'd argue that in real world appliances, the Collatz Conjecture terminates when you reach 1, although this might of course depend on your actual task
that is odd
@Rob users are required to have at least 100 rep in order to become an RO
but it appears mods can bypass that limitation
8:14 AM
Or a bug...?
well we can't solve Collatz conjecture any better than a PC could
would be nice if you could train an AI to be able to mathematically prove things
or disprove for that matter
I think that goes one step farther than we can realistically do with an AI
I can see only one reason
@Wietlol Nevermind
@Wietbot votekick Wietlol "because heresy"
8:22 AM
I have no clue what you meant right there. You can use the listCommands command to see all my commands.
And after 3 votes he gets kicked
You're lying but ill join in on the fun
@Wietbot votekick Wietlol "because heresy"
I have no clue what you meant right there. You can use the listCommands command to see all my commands.
I mean, still gotta build that command first
Can Wietbot even learn dynamically yet?
@Wietbot learn ping >pong
8:26 AM
I don't know this command, did you mean any of the following? leave
What kinda fuzzy search is that
Ahh learn, ok
So yeah, we can't teach it from here since it can't learn
And if it could, we'd have to put the whole thing in code that keeps some form of state and interacts with the chat, which is more than complicacted
@Squirrelkiller not yet, I am doing some restructuring of libs
getting everything normally uploaded to maven (JVM's nuget) and getting some weird shit sorted out
after that, I want to make a website for documenting all the commands
and then... more stuff
Just use the listcommands command with an overload that formats the output as a nice table going command|description|taught
And put that in a controller action
ye... that will be a good idea... you have no clue how big the response would be
or do you mean a controller action for the website?
Even if it has a few hundred commands - for todays scale, the response wouldn't be so big
Yeah you call wietbot.me/docs and that goes to a controller that just spits out a generated html table
wiet.bot should definitely be its domain btw
8:35 AM
ah... ye... I think Ill do it my own way though :D
If you want to make it publicly available, that should be its domain. Assuming you want to actually buy a domain instead of just...using something AWS or whatever gives you for free
wietlol.me/wietbot/docs ?
perhaps even wietlol.me/p/wietbot/docs to have a more safe structure
putting the projects behind a sub url
@Wietbot listCommands
evalJs, evalKotlin, evalNode, evalCSharp, evalSql, hangman, abbreviation, listCommands, join, leave, refresh, shutdown, barrelRoll, slowpoke
Do the commands have descriptions yet?
8:48 AM
@Wietbot HANGMAN
@Squirrelintraining please provide a single character as your guess
@Squirrelkiller yep. this is what I did but feels wrong.
Answer me @Wietlol Why wietbot need to be RO?
@Wietbot J
I have no clue what you meant right there. You can use the listCommands command to see all my commands.
@Wietbot Hangman E
8:49 AM
  |   |
@Wietbot hangman a
I have no clue what you meant right there. You can use the listCommands command to see all my commands.
@Wietbot hangman l
I have no clue what you meant right there. You can use the listCommands command to see all my commands.
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  O   |
anyone know the name of this equation: (N+M)!/N!M! where N&M is the rows and columns of a grid respectively. It is used for Counting Paths on a Grid
8:51 AM
@Wietbot hangman v
@Wietbot hangman ¨
@mr5 please use an english alphabet character as your guess
@Wietbot hangman p
8:52 AM
@Wietbot hangman s'; drop table hangman;
@Neil please provide a single character as your guess
@Wietbot hangman '"'''''
@mr5 please provide a single character as your guess
@Wietbot hangman '\'\'\'\''''\\''';;''///''\\'\'';;\'\';\'\')
8:52 AM
@mr5 please provide a single character as your guess
@Wietbot hangan u
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@Wietbot hangman s
gee, I'm stumped
8:53 AM
I think if you write that word completely you'll get the win
@Wietbot hangman c
@Wietbot hangman JavaScriptoooo
@Squirrelintraining please provide a single character as your guess
@mr5 please provide a single character as your guess
8:54 AM
@Wietbot Hangman t
@Squirrelintraining please provide a single character as your guess
the word was JavaScript
@Wietlol fix your hangman
Why did JamesBot write ok?!
@Wietbot hangman x
8:55 AM
  |   |
jealous with wietbot's hangman ^^
  |   |
  O   |
Invalid command! Did you mean: test, test, testx? Try help for a list of available commands..‍.‍.‍.‍.‍.‍.‍.‍.‍
Invalid command! Did you mean: test, test, testx? Try help for a list of available commands..‍.‍
That's why
8:56 AM
Because ! -> ok
@mr5 I should add the word possibility, shouldnt I?
Also Supercalifragiliciousexpealidocious
Although better google that one first in case I borked it
"The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"
I should add that one as well to the possible words
not sure if I set the limit high enough
Then you'll have to call it "possible phrases" though
9:03 AM
Hi All,
Just looking for a bit of help with class types and generics.

I have some code that I need to switch the class used depending on a value.
`FileHelperEngine<Structure1> readEngine = new FileHelperEngine<Structure1>();`

I want to switch Structure1 with Structure2 depending on a value.

Can anyone point me to some reading material please.
@Squirrelkiller true
but it is already having words with spaces
like "Visual Studio"
although, the brown fox one is a bit of a troll for hangman
you cannot guess wrong
@matty357 Read up on co/contravariance in c#
thanks very much Rob
@matty357 not sure what you mean with "switch"
@mr5 how fast is the prime thing required to be?
9:31 AM
@Wietlol which question is this?
sum primes below 2M
Sorry @Wietlol, I mean that depending on a value I need to use a different class.
if(a == "client1"){ use Structure1}else{ use Structure2}


if(a =="client1"){FileHelperEngine<Structure1> readEngine = new FileHelperEngine<Structure1>();} else {FileHelperEngine<Structure2> readEngine = new FileHelperEngine<Structure2>();}
ah, yes
and I assume you want to get that FileHelperEngine in a variable in the end?
I think the variable would be 'readEngine'?
but yes
9:38 AM
do Structure1 and Structure2 have a common supertype?
No, they are stand alone concrete classes
just Object
Make an interface, then make the generic class implement that interface, and only use the interface as a variable.
and FileHelperEngine is also your own class? not coming from a library?
I was just going to say that, the FileHelperEngine is a NuGet downloaded package so I wont be modifying that.
does it have an interface?
perhaps IFileHelperEngine
9:41 AM
No I don't think so
then perhaps, you need to make an adapter...
yo yo yo
what's up my fellow keyboard warriors
if you give Structure1 and Structure2 a supertype, would it be sufficient to just do FileHelperEngine<IStructure> ?
I did think about that but wasn't sure if its an ok thing to do. I'll test it now thank you.
@Wietlol I just went with Release build and overclocked my CPU instead ^^
way faster compared to think of a solution atm
9:43 AM
Hello, my app stopped working inside the visual studio with no sign. What can I do?
@mr5 but how fast was it?
the interface would need to expose all the properties from both classes?
@Alper check the logs. let us know where it stopped and maybe we'll be able to help out
@Wietlol it's 60% faster compared to JS
Since T isn't an in parameter, that won't work
35 mins ago, by Rob
@matty357 Read up on co/contravariance in c#
9:45 AM
@mr5 but how many seconds?
@matty357 a common api
it should expose the apis that both classes support
but perhaps we need more context about what those classes are to understand what the best solution is
My guess is they are like DTOs to store data as files
@CupOfJava I cant find any log, is there any native log of vs?
The Structure classes hold string properties that are the expected column names in a CSV file.
So Structure1 might have a different set of properties than Structure2.
The FileHelperEngine takes a CSV file and maps it to the properties of a Structure class.

If its a CSV from client1 then I need to use Structure1, if its a CSV from client2 then I need to use Structure2.

The FileHelperEngine has the following;
public class FileHelperEngine<T> : EventEngineBase<T>, IFileHelperEngine<T> where T : class
@CupOfJava There is no log file exist :(
Thanks for the help btw
9:53 AM
I'll keep looking at co/contravariance for now
it's not a problem, I run into a lot of issues, and chat usually helps
@mr5 using a memory intensive algorithm, you can do it in 80ms
is there anything in your error list or output?
although... for 2_000_000 numbers, you need 250kb
@matty357 perhaps make a switch to branch off the process per client
and join the branches again with the Structure instance
then you keep the FileHelperEngine to a very small scope
you can create a function readCsv<T>() where T : class and pass the T further to the FileHelperEngine<T>
@Alper Hay, I'll brb in 30 minutes. If you find anything ping me and I'll take a look at it when I come back
9:58 AM
then you can do something like
clientId switch {
    "client1" => readCsv<Structure1>(),
    "client2" => readCsv<Structure2>(),
ok, so the function readCsv<T>() where T will decide which class to pass to FileHelperEngine?
or is it like;
readCsv<T>() where Structure1
readCsv<T>() where Structure2
sorry, I will need to do some more reading I think.
@matty357 <T> is basically a parameter of type Type
so, when you create a function like this
Yes, I confused myself for a minute sorry
void readCsv<T>()
in theory, you have one parameter named T
you can invoke the function by specifying an actual type, like Structure1 or Structure2
10:13 AM
@CupOfJava Thanks, I solved the issue.
10:50 AM
@Squirrelkiller btw, you are welcome to provide a solid design for it
@Wietbot hangman h
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Jack, learn hangman @Wietbot hangman a
Jack, hangman
Jack, learn hangmanb @Wietbot hangman b
Jack, learn hangmanf @Wietbot hangman f
I've learned the command hangman
@Wietbot a
I have no clue what you meant right there. You can use the listCommands command to see all my commands.
10:58 AM
are the commands the same?
Jack is trash!
Please go and play in the Sandbox
I've learned the command hangmanb
I've learned the command hangmanc
10:59 AM
@CaptainSquirrel you have to stop doing the replace
@CupOfJava ssshh

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