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2:52 AM
3 hours later…
5:49 AM
@KyleHumfeld the screenshot is taken from VS for Mac
I'm sure it's somewhat the same thing when you set it up in VS in Windows
8 hours later…
1:34 PM
> Crashing on dereferencing null? Add a null check
I love this phrase. It's both correct and incorrect at the same time. I put it right next to "Crashing from an exception? Just try-catch". It's such an easy trap to fall into: fixing a symptom instead of the cause.
2:29 PM
Hi, I forked a repo from GitHub but one branch isn't available , I have this repo forked already before the branch is created
when I fork it again it goes to my fork, without that branch
any idea?
2 hours later…
4:21 PM
Hello guys, can any one give me a good example/repo. for WPF + openstreet map sample. Like drawing line/path in the map. thanks.
4:49 PM
posted on May 25, 2019 by jonskeet

This morning I tweeted this: Just found a C# 8 nullable reference types warning in Noda Time. Fixing it by changing Foo(x, x?.Bar) to Foo(x, x?.Bar!) which looks really dodgy… anyone want to guess why it’s okay? This attracted more interest than I expected, so I thought I’d blog about it. First let’s unpack what … Continue reading Lying to the compiler →

2 hours later…
6:22 PM
this blog post confuses me
public Delivery(Person recipient, Address address)
    Recipient = recipient ??
        throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(recipient));
    Address = address ??
        throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(address));
recipient is of type Person, which means that it is non-null (it would be nullable if we used Person? instead, but we dont)
so... why do we have null-aware code?
or did they ruin the only useful thing of C#8?
6:49 PM
I need a good example where we can work with open street map + can draw path (polyline)

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