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Can I subtyping String?
you mean, you want to subtype the String class?
posted on September 20, 2018 by Scott Hanselman

.NET Core is lovely. It's usage is skyrocketing, it's open source, and .NET Core 2.1 has some amazing performance improvements. Just upgrading from 2.0 to 2.1 gave Bing a 34% performance boost. However, for those of us who are installing multiple .NET Core SDKs side by side have noticed that they add-up if you are installing daily builds or very often. As of 2.x, .NET Core doesn't yet have an

I think I just fixed the size nvarchar(4096)
As far Database size does not matter
ObservingProxy, JumpingSquirrel GM
Gooooood moorniiiiiiiing CeeeeShaaarp! Did you extend any final classes lately, for example wrote any extension methods for the String type because you can't extend them?
LOL no I just solved it by setting fixed nvarchar size in database.
We're still working on doing the opposite for our codebase:
Because there was no nameof() before, we have a string.Of(Expression) extension method that basically does what nameof does just a bit hacky. Since we got nameof like a year ago we're working on switching all the string.Of() calls to nameof.
Then control string size in modelview
How is string size important here, do you store full texts in a database?
Yes, full text. Like Address1,2,3,4 and that Person Name as well
That...shouldnt be very long, right?
Yup it shouldnt be very long till 4096
Maybe 512 should enough..
Some time our customer input entire paragraph in Addr1 because they lazy to split it up... or insert remark in it etc...
I dont want any extra support by get asked "Why it is error when I am typing? Is your software broken?"
Ah I see
Could you like...use some google or OSM api to check the input and find the actual street there?
Then you could even show a message "adress not found"
force your user to input their latitude, longitude instead of their clunky address format
It is winform... :(
LatLng is old, use the google geo code
LOL how about altitude too
Well that was implied obviously
Hey does google have their own addendum for altitude too?
Isnt that encrypted
Google always make thing complicated. It should have altitude as well.
The editable multilined-entry control as an address input is obsolete and should not be used. Make the control popup a map and let the user pick their location instead of typing
Good morning. It's Monday again. Welcome to the shitshow. :-P
ye :(
Yes. But maps in Malaysia is not reliable to be used, it was always wrong address by given, or empty address/ empty map because it is new developed town. And our software is shall fully usable in none of network connection..
Maps in Malaysia is created by someone draw it manually by according to satellite images
It is always wrong routed and given wrong instructions in main-route-interchange.
Poor place.
GoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOd Mornin' pleberinos!
o7 killerino, you didn't take the umbrella yesterday, hope you didn't need it.
Yup put it back when I realized there was no more rain :D
Don't worry though, we'll visit again anyway :)
You'd better!
I promise!
good morning
Morning ntohl o/
@nyconing I don't get it
@RoelvanUden And why shitshow sensai?
@Squirrelintraining Because we all have to do silly work things again
Morning freindos
It's too early to spell proper
Grammar != spelling
That too
Also hey Lee
@RoelvanUden I actually like my work.
As long as it doesn't have to do with Lotus Script
Why do I have two bulbs?
@Squirrelintraining I'm happy for you.
Cuz you are a braniac?
Right. I forgot.
Back to...world domination and stuff*.

*Stuff involves mandatory pancakes.
speaking of silly things we are planing to use mobx instead of redux for our new react app.
I don't know what either of those are because I don't use meme UI frameworks
I'm still not 100% clear on this - is react a js framework? Can you use it with typescript? And you guys just use it to...make a whole frontend, which then probably works wiht some kind of c# webservice?
@DevProf you seem to have the perfect timing with that name
I can't wait for him not ot be a prof dev
@Squirrelkiller one for r# one for vs. But r# should hide the other one
I got the "hide VS bulb" box checked, just double checked cuz I wasn't sure.
What type of authentication suits the on-prem web app, that doesn't require the heavy authentication system of ASP.NET, is it just user name an password (plain?) saved to db?
on-prem? Best use AD, don't you think?
SSO and all?
> password (plain?)
If you can, AD, if you cant or wont, at least hash the passwords.
What does AD and SSO refer to?
Active Directory - Windows sign in
@Squirrelkiller AD takes in plain text parameter for passwords
Single sing on - browser can automatically send AD creds to your on-prem webapp so users can automatically login
@Squirrel 1) I don't believe you 2) where?
> The users' password hash is stored in the Active Directory on a user object in the unicodePwd attribute. Instead of storing your user account password in clear-text, Windows generates and stores user account passwords by using two different password representations, generally known as "hashes."
@Squirrel everything takes in plain text parameters as passwords - want the user to do the hashing themselfes?
It's about storing them
@Squirrelkiller any1 can read my RAM to get my pw :o
The moment you have your password typed into some textbox - yes
Windows does its best to stop programs from jsut reading other programs' RAM though
Wouldn't it be better to provide a "PasswordCrytogrepher" that encrypts your password with a user-specific public key, and you only interact with that?
Damn that would be complicated though..
Also anyone that has a keylogger on your pc can read your password
@Squirrelkiller They'd first have to read thorugh this junk here.
People on this room do it too so...
Still easier than trying to read your ram
Did you just judge my RAM?
Nah, I can offend without judging
What if I only use WOM, no one can read it then.
Write Only Memory
Did you just assume his RAM?!
how the hell do I make this readable?
(!x.HasValue || !x.Value)
where x is bool? (Nullable<Boolean>)
!(x.HasValue && x.Value)
lol dat x
if you treat both cases, you can just invert that and switch code blocks
> x?.Value
doesnt work
You forgot the '!'
ALso I like Mor's suggestion
!(x?.Value ?? false)
but x?.Value is not valid code according to my IDE
and I trust my IDE
if(x?.Value == true)
or just !(x ?? false)
that seems to work
Can't invert null, so it wont let you go '!x?.Value' probably.
I give up on the fifth screen
i guess ill go with !(x ?? false)
Como estas Hector?
What are you talking about
Just wietlol stufff
when x is bool?, x?.Value is the same thing as x
@Squirrelkiller ¿Cómo estás Héctor?
Accentuation is important
(for read purposes)
And the leading question mark
No tengo keyboard especial
@Squirrelkiller no no no no no
teclado? Is it a direct translation?
I don't have none of those upside down punctuation on my keyboard
spanish and their silly openning tags
Oh shit. Genius.
when its wietlol stuff, it would start with "What is dis shit? why does C# suck?"
Or "Use kotlin"
nah, that is the conclusion
why not just use <question>why not just use this</question>? oh wait this phone keyboard actually has ¿
Now that there are more people perhaps I can get better insight here, do you know if there are specific design patterns to implement an abstract method in children classes? I was thinking about either factory method or template method, but still not sure... also leaning more towards factory method.
I still think you are either overthinking this or being vague
@HéctorÁlvarez what exactly do you mean?
can you give a cement example?
No tengo context Hector
public abstract string ToString(IDictionary<string, double> valueDictionary);
I have a class that implements that, and there are a ton of classes that inherit from it
So the solution I took was to implement as high as I could
what @M.Aroosi said
@Wietlol I believe this question is rather vague too, that's all the info I have.
I cement example wouldn't be very strong
then find out more details
what exactly is the question?
Now the question I have to solve is: Is there a design pattern I could use to implement the base class abstract method in the rest of the classes?
Why design pattern? Why not just go with your standard questions?
So out of all the GoF patterns I think it's probably the creational (factory method) or the behavioral (template method)
also dammit squirrel you remember my first name. I can barely remember my friend's names
I will always remember you :)
IEnumerable.ToObject? What?
@Squirrelkiller Because they ask me this. Apparently they want to know if I understand design patterns.
Wait its a method
it's an extension method
Oh that's an extension I made for discount EF
Why not name your method as a verb? I hear it's easier to read.
ToObject<Class>() pukes
so, when is c#8 coming out so wietlol can start hating on another concrete thing?
It's trying to be Entity Framework except it's far too late
@Hector honestly it feels like a bullshit-talk question. Pick one you can explain well and write a paragraph or something that mentions stuff about this design pattern that shows them you know what that it.
@Squirrelkiller Mmmmh well, I think that's it.
I mean, it took me about 3 hours to complete the test, but I've been stuck with this trash for a long time.
Design patterns arent always spot-on. They're guidelines, not rules.
@Squirrelkiller to me it feels like bullshit-talk where the guy asking the question doesn't know what he's talking about and just throwing out random terms he heard
Everybody has different use-cases. Design patterns are particular solutions to particular use-cases that were written down because they happen often.
and some of them were written before language features that solve the problems better were around.
or for different kind of languages
@Squirrelkiller you can use it with everything.
I'm sure multi-inheritance spawn some shit we dont need nowadays
@Proxy design pattern? Yeah, but should you?
ofc you should
but to be fair i have not used it on projects i worked on, maybe in the next one.

ALL the things!
any idea?
I actually built a generic singleton class during apprenticeship. Haven't actually found a good use.case yet.
Ya remove MS store from taskbar, you dont need it
@IvinRaj lol you have a lot of tests. Student?
Also delete chrom and get firefox
@IvinRaj also say hi to Stella
Also avoid uploading images to the internet containing personal data like names
Also pretty sure excel->db is a standard case and google will turn something up pretty quickly
Yeah, don't ever use your real name online
Also you should stop asking for help before even starting your homework
also i doubt anyone here will help you with that, since they try to avoid solving other peoples homework @IvinRaj
Also I'd expect SQL Server to have an easy to use SP or something that just goes "insert into myTable values (select * from 'C:\yourExcelSheet')
@Squirrel you could have windows generate a keypair, send connecting keyboard the public key and have them send each character entered into a passwordbox encrypted. Only when the current form is finished and the pw actually gets into the program the indiivdual letters are decrypted by the system and passed as securestring.
@M.Aroosi I (as well as everyone in here) wish that I am off-board of the C#-ship by the time C#8 is released
@Squirrelkiller whop
I created an excel file
when I try to read it
@Squirrelkiller what kind of shit?
it throws the error "sequence creates no matching element"
just went into passport appointment. I thought it would just take me few minutes there but ended up wasting my 4 precious hours
I figured out the number entries where on the left (when the excel was created)
now I'm going to undertime
if I manually re-enter the number or shift them to the right
it reads properly
any ideas?
@Breathing I think there's a "row" function in excel that gives you the row of the indicated cell
proxy won't let me view the images
Damn you @Proxy!
it is like
[ 24]
[24 ]
first one is correct so it reads
but the second row cell (which is formed when creating excel) is wrong
and throws me the error
when reading
Create a column next to it that is equal to the trim of the cell to its left
Then convert the cells to its calculated value (formula => value)
then replace the leftmost column
In other words, perform a trim on all your entries
when creating, right?
when creating? No
You working with an excel or you programmatically constructing one?
when reading, got it
I programatically constructed one
ok, then you'd just need to pad the values properly before you set it as the cell's values :P
or did I completely misunderstand the problem?
my brain is not able to communicate well right now
OpenXMLExcel.SLExcelUtility.SLExcelWriter oS = new OpenXMLExcel.SLExcelUtility.SLExcelWriter();
            byte[] Content = oS.GenerateExcel(new OpenXMLExcel.SLExcelUtility.SLExcelData() { Headers = new List<string>() { "PropertyName", "PropertyValue" }, DataRows = Rows });
This is how created
rows is a list of list
you need to make sure the "PropertyValue" value of rows is already correct before you construct
is what I mean
in other words, make "24 " be " 24" before you call that
but it is in a list
@Neil i don't think that will work
the values are coming from db. And it is like "24"
hmm, ok then it's getting converted somehow
you sure though? Could be that it is written that way in the db
oh wait
so if I maybe convert it to int?
I need to make "24" -> 24. That should do
how does this not work?
('+[ID]+', ''' + [UUID1] + '''),
('+[ID]+', ''' + [UUID2] + ''')
	FROM [OtherTable]
is it possible to create a dynamic list?
I mean a list containing different types
like an array can do in Js
nvm, stupid SQL requires a name for the sub query
sorry @Wietlol I couldn't help. :/
@Breathing List<object> ?
Can literally hold anything
guys guys gals
who here likes microsoft?
Why is it even 'Me'? Shouldn't it be 'I', grammatically?
'Me' just feels...righter
yes I is correcter
that's nice
'Correcter' is actually a way better word than 'righter'
Still technically impossible, but sounds better
so if you were told to develop a windows app, what would you use? it needs some 3d support for viewing/interacting with models
WPF probably
But I havent worked with 3d models, no idea how to do that
!!lunch afk
afk 10s
ask 9s
afk 8s
so what cool projects you'all working on these days?
I.assembled my first AR-15.
Who you wanna shoot?
aww damn, no run time error?
@Neil no fun while you are at work!
@Squirrelkiller I get an error in a method cannot convert from System.Collections.Generic.List<object> to System.Collections.Generic.List<string>
MMostly clay pigeons.
@Breathing Because you're using a method that expects a List<string> ?
If I make changes in the method signature( changing the type of parameter to object now) Do you think it could have affect on the code
yeah IKR
it actually does
Why would you do that
Instead of just providing it a List<string> insteadf
18 mins ago, by Breathing
is it possible to create a dynamic list?
List<dynamic>: YOLO your problems away until runtime
I don't think c# lets you do that
dynamic is not a class, it's a special kind of reference
It won't accept it as generic type
works fine on dotnetfiddle
dynamic is the true king of stupidoty
Oh shit c# interactive does it too
I didnt expect that
@Breathing for reference, absolutely don't use dynamic
we're giving Breathing ideas
I am gonna have to convert each object to string which was earlier taking in string, things like TryParse
Think if converting everything to string is the right choice here
Breathing, odn't listen to them, USE dynamic it's life important!
is there a way to use preprocessors to switch between libraryies? e.g. you do in python import numpy as np
depending on the definition of "switch" of course
well I don't want to disturb the old code
it was taking everything as string
but now that list can contain numbers
which would be used by different method
but still those numbers need to be changed to string for differnt methods
squirrel in training, lol
I eventually solved the question with singleton
Singleton is easy to explain: Does whatever from outside, please don't abuse.
A programmer once had a problem. Then he thought, I know, I'll use Singleton! Now he has one problem.
@Neil one bigger problem, you mean.
Before he had a problem. Now he has one problem.
I had a problem, I used Java to solve it. Now I have a ProblemHelperFacadeFactory.
meh, you shouldn't jump to singletons.. it's bad practice. That said, have I made singletons? Absolutely
I made singleton once or twice. Both became god objects.
I make singletons but I only make singletons they way they should be made
the only way that singletons should be made
I also use singletons
but I only rarely use them
The Way It's Meant To Be Made™
I only use singleton for utils and helpers, never to actually replace code in a class.
My singletons have constant state
I know people who worked next to me who only do singleton all the time
not immutable, constant
Hmm, doesn't italicise
Hell, they ask why it's so hard to code tests.
that is the only way to have a singleton without any drawbacks
@HéctorÁlvarez yeah that's bad :)
I also use singular instances in an IOC container
but I rarely use singletons there
All of you just lost The Game.
@ntohl tbh, I do think similarly, but my structure designs would be much cleaner
@Wietlol You should listen to some Kevlin Henney

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