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4:56 AM
Gooood morniiing CeeeShaaarp! Have you encountered any unusual people on you way to work today?
5:44 AM
Good morning.
@Squirrelkiller I did not, and you know what that means - that I was the unusual people that other people encountered today.
Today is a half day. After lunch I'm going home, packing, and flying off to Poland for the rest of the week.
Maybe you can meet Kamil
ALso yeah, I have a feeling we're usually the unusual ones :D
Yup. Family vacation up north.
Nice. Any special plans? As far as I can tell from the northern end of germany, the summer is mostly over.
It averages around 30-35 degrees here. We want some non-summer.
Walking in the forests, swimming in the lake, visiting the Baltic sea, going to Malbork castle, some other attractions for kids.
unusual people? I think its me...
6:14 AM
GoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOd Mornin' neglecterinos!
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan where in polski are you going to?
@Squirrelintraining Staying in Pomlewo, near Gdansk.
I've heard of Gdansk
Oh It's Danzig in german :D
Yeah, probably best not to use that name near Polish people. :)
Welp the family of my wife comes from Ostruda (Osterode in german) wich is about 130km souts east of Danzig.
6:22 AM
o7 Proxy
how are things?
6:44 AM
Fine fine
Morning morning.
On a completely unrelated note, in town of salem game, you create names on the fly, and I often enjoy creating names which have completely different meanings simply by inverting the two words: like Bar Chocolate and Polish Nail, and Eagle Desert
7:05 AM
I usually construct names from Quenya or Sindarin roots.
hello! :)
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan like?
If I'm ever vampire, I'll be sure to bite you (don't take this out of context folks)
@Neil Face shit!
"Morduloth", for instance. Uses the roots "Mor" for dark (see "Mordor" or "Moria"), "du" from "dur" (dark, night, see "Barad-Dur") and "Loth" for flower (see "Lothlorien" or "Nimloth")
7:15 AM
Technically there should be an accent on the u, so Mordúloth
"Dark night flower".
7:29 AM
Morning all
It's bank holiday today, which in most places means less staff and/or shorter work day
@Squirrelintraining It's nice to see you too! *runs away sobbing*
But no, here that means a full roll of staff and I actually have to come in earlier because the others in the office have decided to take annual leave today and tomorrow
@LeeButler Like how whenever something gets released to production, even when it's not scheduled to be called, even when all components are new, the person making the change must be present at 7 o'clock in the morning when the changes are pushed to production
And yes, if you made the push friday, you have to be here saturday
Do you not know about Read-only friday?
And yes, if someone else made a change which must be pushed to production and your changes are there too, despite being new changes, you must be present there too
Tell that to my colleagues
Though some can actually connect from home through VPN, so it usually just serves to screw over my weekend
7:41 AM
I tend to yolo things into production if I'm reasonably confident nothing will be fucked
I've introduced major bugs, but I don't think I've ever (except one time and that was because of ClickOnce) released a build that straight up doesn't work and the system is unusable until I get back in
Every programmer worth half his salt has done this at least once in his career I think
Though you'd think he wouldn't be worth half his salt if he did
Kind of funny how that works.. the most cautious programmers are the ones who have been there before and they know the horrors that can await
Therefore, a programmer who hasn't made a mistake in production is one to be cautious of
I said I've never released a broken build. Doesn't mean I've never broken production in some other way
@Neil Hey that would have been an awesome name for a bar!
I am liking it neil
Face Dick!
Eye Bulls!
Reference Null!
Fish Clown
Danish Cheese
Polish Shoe
Bar Soap
Mug Coffee
Mint Pepper
Sharp C
8:28 AM
this is where @Neil would go to
8:39 AM
> Weekly karaoke (Wednesdays), video game tournaments (Tuesdays) and movie nights (Mondays)
Why are the days in reverse order
Clearly they need to hire a programmer
<length> based array indexes?
array.first == array[array.length]
8:56 AM
1 hour ago, by Neil
Kind of funny how that works.. the most cautious programmers are the ones who have been there before and they know the horrors that can await
A master isn't someone who knows everything. It's someone who made all the mistakes.
You can't know everything without knowing all of the mistakes
9:12 AM
Hi everyone!
but you can make all mistakes without knowing everything
today is the first of four days where I can click links in chat without being suspicious! I'm quite happy about that
9:29 AM
@Default Shame
one can never be to sure about @squirrelk though. 🤔
9:51 AM
Omg FileSystemWatchesr are such a pain in the ass
Wait fuck I had the wrong filter lol
They're still a pain in the ass though
I wanna know how Notepad++ does it that nicely
Does what?
I think he means Encoding.
Displaying the encoding.
A: Effective way to find any file's Encoding

2ToadThe StreamReader.CurrentEncoding property rarely returns the correct text file encoding for me. I've had greater success determining a file's endianness, by analyzing its byte order mark (BOM): /// <summary> /// Determines a text file's encoding by analyzing its byte order mark (BOM). /// Defaul...

And @Squirrelkiller isn't notepad++ open source?
Why not look at source in that case :D
10:21 AM
I wanna know how npp always notices when a file has been updated
Also I'm too lazy to go through their source
10:35 AM
Probably just checks on activation if the last modified is the same as it was when it opened
Also Github desktop is stupid
well, for one, notepad plus plus is written in C++
The window is offscreen and all of my usual tricks to get it back onscreen are not working
windows up to maximize doesn't work?
Nope. Nor does snapping it across screens, or rightclick and "Move" from the taskbar
Fucking Electron apps
wait.. did you lose a screen? what's with the new layout?
10:40 AM
I'm in a different office this week so I don't have my usual system
oh. hm. windows 10 I presume?
Of course
what if you win+tab, and rightclick the window and try to pin it from there?
Nope, I can move it between virtual desktops but it stays in the same position, and most of the other options aren't helpful
On another note, 3 screens is practically unusable. It's just not enough
First world problems etc etc
powershell script to change position of a window: gallery.technet.microsoft.com/scriptcenter/…
do you think that could work?
example for set-window: uses get-window - really helpful. A+ for effort
10:49 AM
So dirty. I've raised it as an issue anyway so hopefully they can look at it and work it out
11:01 AM
I have a similar issue
I have two screens (one of my laptop) and if I disconnect the external screen to move some other place and open my laptop again, some of the applications that were on the external screen are out of the screen
this is even worse when there is a popup (which you cant always move using win-left/right
there is also an issue with my home laptop, which I often have the same setup with
if I close my laptop while disconnecting the external screen, the moment I open it again, the login screen is on the external screen... at least, its next to my laptop's screen, but I have no other monitor connected
so... then I have to blindly login and do stuff to get it back to normal
or shut down the laptop
both equally horrible options
in any case
!!lunch afk
i accidentally sent some emails to customer with a hash value that they can use to deactivate some accounts, but i made an error while setting the expiration date. Instead of using the time of the product activation i counted the time from the day they registered, so when they click on the link it says the link is not valid anymore( which is okay because it should be valid for a week)
is there any convenient way i can fix this or must i send new emails?
11:26 AM
@Lee Go to display settings, switch main screen around until stuff is fucked up so much the window comes back somehow?
I'm on remote desktop so I can't
I'll have to fiddle with the windowstate.json thing they have in the other issue which has existed since last year
11:43 AM
@Proxy dont fix it, just send a new email
potentially mention what the old hash value was
can i even fix it?
i mean the only way is to fake the date
depends on what you mean with "fix"
make the hash valid
This term should be a thing I think: "generating books from docs".
oh, the mail was supposed to have a link that deactivates accounts?
11:45 AM
> i accidentally sent some emails to customer with a hash value that they can use to deactivate some accounts
sounds like that was a mistake
but the check to see if it expired, that one must be based on some date in a database
simply change that date
i thought as so but from what i have read so far it extracts the id from the hash
yes, and that id leads to the date
(if not, then you are in some serious shit)
dammit it's all your fault, Proxy!
11:56 AM
yeah i think it is not saved anywhere
i know :( @Neil
what does it tell you when internet explorer fails to load a site because "Proxy is not responding" and yet chrome opens it properly?
same site of course
I figured chrome might have its own proxy settings which worked, but it refers me to humdrum windows internet options for proxy settings
i am often going for a coffe
I had a doubt regarding usage of Xml Document
@Proxy enjoy your coffee then, fascist
 XmlNode element = doc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "Pages" ,null);
 XmlElement element2 = doc.CreateElement("Pages");

 root.AppendChild(element2); //or element
are these 2 any different?
12:00 PM
@Neil i will :=)
12:40 PM
sounds like something from halflife
or portal
12:58 PM
@Neil you have experience with xml?
@Breathing do I!? I program in xml!
kidding, what's your question?
I had a query above
@Breathing ah
No, in fact if I'm not mistaken, the above is the implemnetation for CreateElemnet
one is just more generic
yeah but Element is also a Node right?
if you need an element, call CreateElement
1:01 PM
so will it affect the structure of xml?
If you were doing something a little more dynamic, CreateNode might be better suited
that's all
yeah gotcha! :)
No, they are the same from the point of view of xml structure
1:03 PM
<!DOCTYPE root [
  <!ELEMENT root ANY>
  <!ELEMENT Person ANY>
  <!ELEMENT Customer EMPTY>
  <!ATTLIST Team members IDREFS #REQUIRED>]>
  <Person SSN='A111' Name='Fred'/>
  <Person SSN='A222' Name='Tom'/>
  <Customer id='A222334444'/>
  <Team members='A222334444 A333445555'/>
I was trying to make this using string
but got error saying invalid character used
used with doc.load("");
Attributes use quotation marks, not apostrophes
that's probably why
the example is here
I try
doc.Load("<!DOCTYPE root [" +
              "<!ELEMENT root ANY>" +
              "<!ELEMENT Person ANY>" +
              "<!ELEMENT Customer EMPTY>" +
              "<!ELEMENT Team EMPTY>" +
              "<!ATTLIST Person SSN ID #REQUIRED>" +
              "<!ATTLIST Customer id IDREF #REQUIRED>" +
              "<!ATTLIST Team members IDREFS #REQUIRED>]>" +
            "<root>" +
              "<Person SSN='A111' Name='Fred'/>" +
              "<Person SSN='A222' Name='Tom'/>" +
              "<Customer id='A222334444'/>" +
Get error
That's not the same as the example.
if I make a separate xml as it shows in the example it works
1:06 PM
@RoelvanUden oh
You're missing all the whitespaces and new lines..
@Breathing well that is odd
In computing, Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a markup language that defines a set of rules for encoding documents in a format that is both human-readable and machine-readable. The W3C's XML 1.0 Specification and several other related specifications—all of them free open standards—define XML.The design goals of XML emphasize simplicity, generality, and usability across the Internet. It is a textual data format with strong support via Unicode for different human languages. Although the design of XML focuses on documents, the language is widely used for the representation of arbitrary da...
I read up on it (I wasn't sure), but it makes no mention of apostrophes being used
@Squirrelintraining let's avoid posting stuff that others are likely to flag, ok?
so to insert new line I have add escape characters, right?
@Breathing no, you don't have to
1:08 PM
@AaronHall dont be so hard on him, we all have that moment when we are done with null references
Aswell it was related :D
@RoelvanUden I still don't understand what is wrong
string str = "<!DOCTYPE root[ \r\n" +
                " <!ELEMENT root ANY> \r\n" +
                " <!ELEMENT Person ANY> \r\n" +
                " <!ELEMENT Customer EMPTY> \r\n" +
                " <!ELEMENT Team EMPTY> \r\n" +
                " <!ATTLIST Person SSN ID #REQUIRED> \r\n" +
                " <!ATTLIST Customer id IDREF #REQUIRED> \r\n" +
                " <!ATTLIST Team members IDREFS #REQUIRED>]> \r\n" +
              "<root> \r\n" +
                " <Person SSN='A111' Name='Fred'/> \r\n" +
@Neil @RoelvanUden solved it ! :)
1:26 PM
You used a different load method?
hahah yeah xD
load takes string file name
loadxml needed
ofcourse that wasnt clear from the error message wasnt it?
To be fair, .NET's error message are horrendous.
true but "Invalid Path" should ring some bells
even if it doesnt mention what was actually used as path
it is funny though
I am always like "what is this shit exception message? frigging tell me what went wrong!" (about .NET exception messages) while .NET developers are always like "this is perfectly clear what is wrong"
until they start using Jaba and they are like... "wow, this is what you meant all those times"
1:37 PM
also, the toString is something interesting
if you use System.Object.ToString on an int, float, datetime etc, you are a horrible person
if you use it anywhere else (except for Exception), you end up with GetType().ToString()
so, its either useless, or you use it on an Exception
1:54 PM
Yay fucking up git repos
Hi. What is meaning if the CultureInfo is neutral ?
What is meaning of Language neutral ?
Can anyone explain ?
neutral language is neither positive nor negative
I didn't get you
I didn't get me either
dont worry, we are all in the same boat
the same, small, sinking boat
2:00 PM
Yay I unfucked up my repos
Protip: Don't accidentally copy commits which won't build to master
I started learning using GIT..
If you do that, don't them sync them up to origin
its very interesting ..
"A neutral culture is a culture that is associated with a language but not with a country or region. It differs from a specific culture, which is a culture that is associated with both a language and a country or region. For example, fr is the name for the neutral French culture, while fr-FR is the name for the French culture in France."
I accidentally fucked my local head
And then I fucked the remote one when I pressed push instead of pull
2:01 PM
I accidentally fucked up my local head
I need some sleep
has anyone ever deployed their application over cloud?
I had to rebase a bunch of commits on master back to where it was before I fucked it up. Then do a good old git push --force to make GitHub right again
which cloud?
there are many clouds
azure cloud
what kind of app?
2:06 PM
@Breathing Got a few websites, a web app, and a Web API running on my Azure VM
i deployed mine using app service
I just developed my stuff directly on the VM (and also let the other squirrel develop it on his machine and sync with git), and then basically deployed per Webdeploy
and just gave it localhost as server to deploy to
Time to go home and do something fun, as for example....coding some more or something, we'll see. Bye bye!
or gathering acorns!
In fact, I recently bought a spade!
Time to work in the garden
@erotavlas web app
can you provide me the source?
@Squirrelkiller thanks take care!
2:23 PM
uh no, and there should be plenty of examples how to deploy a web app to azure on the MSFT documentation.....what exactly are you having problem with
Why some commands works regardless the current path of the cmd like `dotnet --version`
but other commands require to run in the path of the tool ?
@mshwf because they are part of the Path environment variiables howtogeek.com/118594/…
@erotavlas Well, it will be first time so just asking :p
@erotavlas thanks
@Breathing did you look here, there's lots of samples docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/app-service
2:33 PM
@erotavlas can you provide me the source code and database scripts of all your applications? you know, for learning purposes :D
hey! morning!
I'm having a problem.. Two applications with the same Action name
The request for 'SolicitacaoEnvioEmail' has found the following matching controllers:
When I make a request to ViagensWebAPI App, IIS lauch this error.. but I don't know the reason
This doesnt make sense to me... any ideas?
I almost read Viagra.Services for a second lol
2:41 PM
I would like to design an interface with a method called Validate() that lets you pass in an instance of the class that implements the interface to check whether or not the parameters are valid
interface ICommand{ void Validate<T>(T command);}
class XCommand : ICommand
    public Validate(XCommand command);
is that valid?
wait a second is ICommand your own interface or the Icommand interface of WPF
my own
You wouldn't want an interface for that then
what do you mean lee?
2:50 PM
Interfaces can't actually do anything.
An interface can't check "check whether or not the parameters are valid" because interfaces can't execute code
you would need an abstract class instead of interface
^^ That
the class that implements the interface "checks whether or not the parameters are valid"
2:52 PM
why would it be passing itself into the method?
i didnt say it would be passing itself
i said it would be passing an instance of the interface to itself
No what I think you're saying makes even less sense
where am i not making sense?
But I'm not sure because it doesn't make any sense and there's no logical reason to do that
2:53 PM
What exactly are you trying to achieve
Well I am designing a game
so you want to all your classes to have a validate function that validate that their parameters are valid? right?
I mean, you shouldn't be attempting to call a method with invalid parameters anyway
The active player has a list of certain actions he can perform. The actions have parameters in them. The way i check for a valid action is I store the action offers I dispatch to the player, and when I receive the action I want to compare it to what I offered
are all the parameters identical? or are the different between actions
2:56 PM
I don't get it
you are playing poker
you are the current active player
I love playing poker
you can fold, call, or raise
instead you send me a command that says check
i check it against what was offered and say no you cant do that
Why would you even offer check then
i didnt offer a check
i am illustrating the security risk
2:57 PM
How can I say check if it's not an optoin
because people like to break things
or do you assume all input that comes in through the internet is valid?
If that is the entry point for issues then there's something wrong
whats wrong
There are many ways to ensure you get correct input
tell me how
client is javascript/webscoket
2:59 PM
Regardless, you can also check on execution if the option is valid
You don't need to do some weird parameter checking through an interface voodoo
ok, well if you have an idea for an alternate way please enlighten me

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