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The last 20th of this year.
2 hours later…
If I purchase VS Pro 2017 commercial license, how many ppl can use with single license?
is it unlimited or do I need to buy each one for each person?
@Arphile afaik, 1 person per license
also, morning
why is my hat not updating
lol... where did you get that amazing red glasses?
1 hour later…
  ".issued": "Wed, 19 Dec 2018 18:05:57 GMT",
  ".expires": "Wed, 19 Dec 2018 19:05:57 GMT"
How to deal with this json? C# dont allow . in property
        public string Issued { get; set; }

        public string Expires { get; set; }
did it solved it?
and who the hell named their property that starts with dot?
whoever they are, they deserve to read Squirrellikers starred comment
2 hours later…
There is a weird datetime format tho
DateTime.ParseExact("Wed, 19 Dec 2018 19:05:57 GMT", "ddd, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss Z", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
1 hour later…
hello nerds
Good morning.
hello a nerd
y r u not going home yet arfli?
gimme that red glasses to me
after 84minutes, I'll return to my sweeeeeeeeeeeeet home.
haaa! in ur dream
this is a secret "hat" according to SO
@nyconing is it? precisely 1538H where youre from?
Gooood moorniiiiiiing CeeeeShaaaarp! Have you build any previously un-thought-of extension methods lately?
Goooooood Afterrrrrrrrrrrrmoon SquirrelKiller
Have you had a productive day so far, Arphile?
@c0dem0nkey Its UTC. I dont know why the web api use GMT+0
there's lots of things to do :(
Im Malaysian
even tomorrow is my vacation :)
THere's always much to do
Doesn't mean you always get much done
after I back to my home, there's another work to do, which is my personal project.
Rest is important @Arphile. Don't overwork yourself.
RESTful is importnant
I hate how IT has an acronym for every word.
It's vacation time... tomorrow... evening!
Yeah but all digital are in form of an information.
Good morning.
Programmers Don't Throw Stale Pizza Away
At what point of my webapi application do I "mangle" my password? The moment before I write it to DB, meaning newEntity.Password = secureStringPassword.ToNormalString.Hash(); ?
Also how is that acute angle 114° this is the first time I notice that
So where's the difference between .NET Core and ASP.NET Core? Are they the same? does ASP.NET Core build on .NET Core and adds web endpoints, controllers and routing and such? Does it actually offer .asp files for making websites?
@Squirrelkiller Why are you doing that yourself?
@Squirrelkiller .NET Core is equivalent to the .NET Framework - it's a runtime and base class libraries.
ASP.NET Core is equivalent to ASP.NET MVC + WebAPI - a web and server stack that runs on top of .NET Core or .NET Framework.
Basically, .NET Core is .NET itself, rewritten to get rid of legacy baggage and support multiple platforms (Windows, Linux, OSX). ASP.NET Core is ASP.NET rewritten to get rid of legacy baggage and support .NET Core as a platform.
My actual implementation:
How else should I hash that?
By using an identity/password management library instead of rolling your own.
Or should I hash it before I put it in the SecureString? first thing the api controller does is putting it in a secure string
This is a personal project. WHne I use some library, I don't learn.
I won't use salt or multiple iterations either yet
Fine, as long as you're aware that this is not secure by any stretch. There's a reason you're always told to not roll out your own encryption or hashing schemes.
When you use a library, you don't learn. When you do it yourself, you learn bad practices.
This is actually an improvement on my partner making his own "hash" (appends something at the end? Kinda forgot right now).
Also that's why I'm asking, so I can refrain from learning wrong stuff. I know not salting and some other things inhere are wrong, but I once I got the basics I can build on that.
@nyconing I don't het it
@mr5 It plays on the two common meanings of "degrees" - both of angles and of temperature.
I though that is a PTK
this spa oauth2 is killing me
i need some asistance
i will try to explain in short
we have a spa app that you can log in if you have an account on another site (oauth2). So from SPA i open a new tab where the user has to enter his credentials. After he has done that i get a redirect url to my page with the autorization code
but that opens in a new tab?
and then i need some kind of listener on the SPA side where i can parse the incoming url.
Well this is how i think it goes, but that requires an additional new tab for the user
when he has confirmed his identity
Yeah, that's usually implemented as a small popup window that handles the remote credential flow and redirect.
Maybe an iframe can work as well.
so, basically on the js side i have to constantly check the uri
when the page is opend
I'm trying to subclass this ImageControl just to insert a ReloadCommand property that's suppose to trigger a function ReloadImage(). Now, I can't think of anyway to trigger this command from a ViewModel other than toggling a boolean property.
and the property ReloadCommand is not suited to be a boolean, is it?
Why is it part of the ImageControl at all?
Why not just have the VM refresh the binding to the data?
The image loading is processed on the control itself
I have not much control of it other than the ImageSource which is the absolute url
If the control handles the logic, there's no reason for it to pass through the VM at all. Have a button with a behavior that triggers the control's Reload method.
That's the downside of working with smart controls - they're not MVVMish.
An MVVM control would have the processing logic be on the VM side.
As much as possible, I would like to avoid putting logic in the code-behind files of these xaml files
Behavior. Not code behind.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan yes that's what I'm trying to do. If the image fails to load, a button next to it would appear to reload the image
If you have a view-only behavior, it should be enapsulated in a Behavior, not strong-armed into an ugly boolean property on the VM.
hmm let me look at that Behavior
but how can I put the ReloadImage logic in the VM?
In a MVC application, what is the common way to show for example a div only for an admin is it in the controller ViewBag.ShowaAdminDiv = User.IsInRole("Admin") and then in the View, always write @if(ViewBag.ShowAdminDiv == true) or always check it in the View @if(User.IsInRole("Admin")
@mr5 It probably shouldn't be in the VM, since it doesn't have anything to do with the VM's logic - if a view control has an error and needs to be reloaded, the view should take care of it. Just like other view-specific activities, like drag-and-drop, should be handled by the view.
If you really do need to trigger an action in the view via the viewmodel, a way to do it is using events + behaviors that listen to them. For instance, I've run into the need, several times in the past, for a VM to close the current window (e.g. for dialog windows) when a VM action completes.
A way to do that is to have the VM raise an event, and a behavior in the view subscribe to it.
public interface ICloseRequester
       event CloseRequested;
public class DialogWindowViewModel : ICloseRequester { // code to trigger event}
public class WindowCloseBehavior : Behavior<Window>
    override OnAttached() => (AssociatedObject.ViewModel as ICloseRequester)?.CloseRequested += (o,e) => AssociatedObject.Close();

<Window blah.... >
I have hit a snag
What should I learn to create good web templates?
@QuicoLlinaresLlorens Try the webdev room
oh thanks
Oh nobody connected :(
@QuicoLlinaresLlorens You should focus on UX concepts, not only on the technicalities.
do you think so?
:44892270 What's the snag?
@QuicoLlinaresLlorens I don't know what "good web templates" means for you, but the focus should be on usability, not only on code.
yes, I know
my thing is that I have little knowledge about all those
but never did one good template from my own
always copying things from places
I would like, to get inspiration from places like dribble.com and create something
I recommend Angular, in personal.
It used Microsoft TypeScript language.
I try to implement WebApp on several platform, only Angular feel comfortable for me.
Minimal time, maximum implementation.
Mvvm is default on every field. Component are useful. Animations in few codes. Support JS and CSS for legacy dependency.
Hi @nyconing
I'm creating some .Net core libs for a new project (the entire system will eventually be core) and I have one which calls System.Windows.Forms (for some reason). How can I add system windows.forms to a .Net core lib>
is it a good approach to put datetime picker as column in gridview
winforms native coding folks :)
Don't see why not if you have a reason to have a shitload of datepickers
@nyconing why you left the server Bandai ?
Anyone ever had to deal with flexbox before?
struggling to get three divs to remain side by side if one of them ends up being a bigger height than the others
Might be the fact that i've got inline-block on them as well....
Try setting vertical-align (lol)
pls no
@LeeButler thank you for suggesting this
I tried literally everything other than that
and that worked.
Oh fuick
vertical-align never works
@LeeButler .NET Core 3.0 will support Windows Forms.
@LeeButler Until then - no, you're screwed. But since the move included open-sourcing WinForms, you can go to github, get the WinForms code you need and compile it locally.
Beta .Net Core 3.0 is avaible
With WPF and WF
Just download VS19 Prev1 and test
Ah tits
I was hoping I wouldn't have to use the preview shit
It's fine I got around it
1 hour later…
Lindsey Felcher on December 20, 2018

In 2009, Stack Overflow’s three employees (or associates, as they were then called) were inspired to end the year by giving back. To recognize our amazing community of moderators, we made small contributions to six nonprofits.

Since then, we’ve donated over $350,000 through what we’ve dubbed Stack Overflow Gives Back. This year, we’re celebrating the initiative’s 10th anniversary (along with the 10th anniversary of our company!).

This month our 577 incredible community moderators selected from five charities to which we will donate $100 on their behalf (that’s $57,000!). Our sites literally coul …

System.Security.VerificationException: 'Method Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Infrastructure.EntityFrameworkServicesBuilder.TryA‌​dd: type argument 'Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Query.Internal.RelationalEvaluatableExpressionFil‌​ter' violates the constraint of type parameter 'TImplementation'.'
I was using proxies 3 but the other EF componentes are 2.1
posted on December 20, 2018 by Phil Haack

My man in the field, Koba, found this site with sound bytes from Rumsfield that put him almost in the class of the President himself.

What's the point in that article
Warning, you won't get any work done for the next 10 minutes boyter.org/2016/04/collection-orly-book-covers
Any dangers using Task.Run with ASP.NET?
As long as you're sensible with it nah
That applies to everything though really.
Also is there a way to access System.Drawing.Image from .NetCore or is it like the Winforms assembly before>
But tbh, I don't know of another way to send an email to the SMTP server, which may take 20 minutes to respond, without blocking for 20 minutes.
I was curious why the fields for this enum had such odd values. All hail reference source.

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