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I only work on C# projects
unless I have to delve into the front end and do jquery
which makes me sad because it's so strange
@hsimah - I spend less time on c# than on JavaScript, because c# is so smooth and reusable that it manages to save far more time during the development process.
same, same
but you need js for the front end
I just don't like how sometimes things are undefined, or null, or 0, or "" or god knows what else
The whole gun slinging cowboy coding style of JavaScript is kind of fun though
Yeah, there are definitely a lot of nuances to the type inference system
I like to live within the bounds and rules of a language like C#. It fits my mildly autistic brain
!!> Array(16).join("use"/"rules")+" Batman!";
so does mopping floors
2 messages moved to Trash can
Mopping floors? That is a robots job :P
but there's something about mopping floors that really makes me pleased. So clean and sparkly.
when I worked at KFC in high school I was the best floor mopper in my city. I used to be sent to other stores to teach their cooks how to mop floors better.
If only you had also figured out how to ensure their frying bins were as clean as the floors... ;)
they were, I cleaned those too
but I live in Australia, I can't comment on fast food outside of here. We had strict health inspections quite regularly
Ah, in California at least, the KFC locations are what I would consider to be sub standard
You know what is impossible to get in California though, is Kangaroo meat. I know it sounds evil, but it is really good :D
it's not evil
they're cute and all, but like deer in the states they're pests at times
I like kangaroo, too. It needs to be prepared right and I've never managed to do that.
always too tough
 DateTimePicker arrival = new DateTimePicker();
 arrival.Name = "arrival" + v;
 arrival.Tag = arrival;
How can I make that a variable?
make what a variable
1 hour later…
Meeting Scott Guthrie soon :-)
1 hour later…
@Codeman say hi for me
3 hours later…
Goo0ood Mornin' fellas
For the Bookworms :)
Hello all,
I am trying to consume a WCF-enabled Rest service (a post method) in Windows application.

Post method requires a list<class object> to be passed and it also returns a list<object>. The method works fine when I tested in postman client, but when I am trying to consume in WinForms application, it throws an exception.

I have tried with multiple ways but seems no luck. Here is the code for web service and consuming part - http://pastie.org/10968122
I could see from this link convert it to array in both service and client side, but I don't want to do that.
Q: How to pass a IList<MyObject> as parameter for a POST method in Web API?

Vinícius da Cruz MaiaIn my project, I have a model class called Project and I have a POST method in my REST service, developed in Web API, that I want to receive a list of Project, but always that I call this method, the IList parameter is null. What I have to do to pass a List as a parameter? That's my controller: ...

Was there any other way to achieve this?
Morn all
We don't need most features made available to us
Just because a feature is available, it does not mean it should be used
It's like changing time signatures in a song just for the sake of it
I have a questions
A question implies a single question. Questions implies multiple. "A questions" does not exist. Which is it? :-P
\o @Kieran
1st, I have a question regarding the saving of image
I need LINQ Ideas.

I have an Array of Books, which in turn have an Array of Authors wich worked on that book.
Now i have a Listbox in wich i want to display all Books on that a certain Author worked on.
The Function should find Authors not only with their full name, but also with .StartsWith(). e.g. "Cha" would find "Charles Dickens" and "Charlie Brown".

This is what I've tried
`var booksfittingauthor = from book in Program.aBooks
where book.aAuthorsArray.Where(p => p.StartsWith(cbSearchByAuthors.Text)).Contains(cbSearchByAuthors.Text)
And yes i am rather newish to LINQ
why is there a contains
at all
no contains requiered
@DefinitelyMidTwo Program.aBooks.Where(x => x.aAuthorsArray.Any(y => y.Contains(cbSearchByAuthors.Text))
Some remarks: Hungarian notation is terrible. Seeking in an array of entries in a large list can be pretty slow if you have enough books.
luckely it's just 500
and whats the "Hungarian notation"?
Hungarian notation is an identifier naming convention in computer programming, in which the name of a variable or function indicates its type or intended use. There are two types of Hungarian notation: Systems Hungarian notation and Apps Hungarian notation. Hungarian notation was designed to be language-independent, and found its first major use with the BCPL programming language. Because BCPL has no data types other than the machine word, nothing in the language itself helps a programmer remember variables' types. Hungarian notation aims to remedy this by providing the programmer with explicit...
@misha130 @ntohl .Where() returned a string, wich confused me even more thats why :D
iValue, cbSomething, aLotsOfItems, etc.
^ :D
Just compare

Program.aBooks.Where(x => x.aAuthorsArray.Any(y => y.Contains(cbSearchByAuthors.Text))


Program.Books.Where(x => x.Authors.Any(y => y.Contains(SearchByAuthors.Text))
Isn't the second a lot more readble?
I agree Sensai, i have stopped doing that for my own stuff over the last few months, but if i programm sth for work here, i have to add the iAnInteger or sAString, because my boss can't read it otherwise :D
Or can't read it easely
lstVegetables.Where(aVeg => aVeg.Type = 'strPotato');
you're screwed then :p
@JARRRRG strPotato is to many letters, sPotato is sufficient ;)
also consider how would You communicate in talk a variable name like that
He's stuck in the 80's. Abandon ship. Abandon ship!
that's even worse, sPotato
@RoelvanUden he's stuck in Lotus Script - Burn the house down! Burn it all i tells ya!
so if a 3rd party comes in and sees iCount and sPotato.. he's going to be like wtf is this
and if it's me, what is a spotato
You get used to the s and i's. And start overreading them after your brain suffered enough damage :D
I admit I first started with Hungarian notation as well.
sPotato > szPotato
We have guys programming for us that uses sz for a String. No1 knows why
It means string zero-terminated.
A blast from the past, you used it in C
To indicate, hey this is a pointer to a string that has a 0 char to indicate its end
Hang on now i have to google that string zero
So old school. :D
really sz is the letter in hungarian, how You read 's' in string
The litteral Fuck.

Why use it in a scripting language?!
in my first year of comp science our lecturer made us add dim to dim variables in vb.net

so like
`Dim dimName as String`
and in the second year, the c# lecturer made us add comments to every method / private variable
it was part of the criteria to get "full marks"
university was great right?
(sais somebody, who works on a codebase, which contains 26 goto)
@JARRRRG i sometimes do that cuz i like typing
we submitted a program that didn't even compile, but had at least 3 lines of comments
and got a first
It makes me look like i am working
university grading things are fucked
the best, in the 3rd year we had a teacher who didn't know c#.. so as long as you seemed like you knew what you were doing the teacher was giving out 100%'s.
University was amazing @Kieran :p
Could be worse @JARRRRG
I was on a c++ specific course (ironic now)
and we went into a lecture one day
and he's talking about this program we will have to write
and he is talking about some of the stuff we will need to provide
And then he says "you'll need to provide screenshots of eclipse"
and we are sitting there like, "...uh what"
Thanks for this one anyways sensai, it worked like a charm.
Just out of interest, would it hurt to have .StartsWith() instead of .Contains()?
someone shouted out we don't/haven't used java
hahahahaha, we did java at university
And then had to write an entire program in java after studying c++ for a year and a bit and not even touching java at all
to be fair learnt a lot of oop from there
@DefinitelyMidTwo Yeah. If the author is 'Charles Dickens', and I start to write 'Dick' (ahahahaha), then I won't find this books.
@Kieran - we had something like that. I chose model "PHP Security".. hadn't done php and at the start of the course was told that they weren't going to teach basics of php..
@RoelvanUden Lol yeah :D But you could also find "Richard Darwin" By just typing "Ch"... forget that i am working case sensitive here :D
@JARRRRG lol what
I just
everyone who was on compsci in our uni did a year of basic stuff
like so everyone was at the same level
@DefinitelyMidTwo Isn't that what search is all about? Finding things that match? I usually split the input string by space and then do a contain on each piece :)
@RoelvanUden Yeah it is, i was thinking also about that and then use a .StartWith() instead but... nah it's enough for now :D
@Kieran how far are you with CandyBox 2?
as far as i was yesterday
resiting the urge to try to get past the desert
You can do it!
Just have it open in a second window and AFK farm the candies
ntill you can get the gloves
i can do dat
resharper is driving me nuts, everytime I use the rename refactor it scans a billion files in my solution to which I have no way of excluding from the rename... it's rediculous
You grade for today: A+
eating candies doesn't do shit
it does, raises your HP
but don't bother doing that atm
It didn't raise it when i needed it to
fucking camels
killing me with their long necks
Wait 'till you get to the forrest
pls no
There will be
Lions and Tigers and Bears
Oh my
So do lollipops do anything?
hello everyone
When i try to remove an item from a listbox, it doenst delete the item i selected. But it does select the first item that matches the same string which i selected
but how can i just remove the item which i selected?
and this is how i add items to listbox1:
@Kieran yeah
You canplant them for lolli income
and sell them for candy
you plant them
@user3201911 isn't there a .Delete(index) or sth like that?
@DefinitelyMidTwo im gonna google that
listBox1.Items.Remove(listBox1.SelectedIndex); doenst delete any item at all -.-
It should atleast
it doenst for some weird reason
Only SelectedItem seems to work
Do you know what the "Selected Item" is?
I always get that confused - thatswhy i am asking
he, because there are multiple same items in my list
it just deletes the first item that matches the selected item
Try .RemoveAt(listbox1.SelectedIndex)
I cant find the RemoveAt
nvm im stupid
Works for me atleast
u tha man
it works now
stupid selecteditem
Nah RoelvanUden is da man, he the best Sensai there is!
anyone here guru in CSS
that implies you need help with CSS
so I assume nobody will admit to it
@Mathematics I'm afraid to ask, but go on - ask away.
if it's about vertical alignment, use flexbox
if it's about IE10 compatability, the answer is "no"
@Squiggle don't need help at this point lol, just looking for opinions, is SCSS really helpful over CSS
I use SCSS. It doesn't fix bad design, but it helps keep things far more organised than would otherwise be possible
just make sure your tooling supports it
it took me 15 years to discover that there is a & in scss and ever since then my life was beautiful
there scss...never heard of it...heard of sass
>get asked about possibility of integrating into sage accounting software
>look at sage developer documentation
>developer program costs £1500 per annum
sass is scss
no, wait
scss is sass
but scss is not sass
ow god
@misha130 scss is just a newer version of sass...
thats what I was sort of trying to say
I think I need a new lightbulb
that the sass people made scss
@misha130 your arguments are not helpful, lets leave them here :)
@Squiggle what tools are you using
i aint even arguing
@misha130 ok a bit more straight, stop trolling
I am not even trolling either
anyway there is also LESS
so is it addin for vs?
which is the javascript transpiler of css
@Mathematics I'm working on a ReactJS project - so it's all part of the build/watch (webpack, npm etc)
@Mathematics I think your definition of trolling may be slightly incorrect
SCSS is better than LESS
IME. I've used both.
@Squiggle why though
atleast less is standalone though
without any relations to any task runner
@misha130 I don't mind task runners though as already using it with gulp
well scss is better anyway
Mathematics is better then English, but why though xD
@Mathematics better tooling support, more features.
ok I added a SCSS item to my project...now I just need to learn how to use it
than* @Math
@DefinitelyMidTwo I have close to 3k candy
wat do
@Kieran get the items from the shop (don't bother with the ring just yet) get the better weapon (more important) fight the camels!
@misha130 in UK it's then
are you trolling now?
@misha130 eh ?
@Mathematics its than
I think you've made me question my existence and life itself @Math
@Kieran Did you kill the bleedin Camels?
haven't tried yet
its still collecting candies
Go for it tiger!
closing on 4k now
can one
Can two
(fourty two)
Room specific, c#
I'll stop now

i thought Room specific laguage was Python
@JakobMillah do you still have the "oh shiieeeet" link? i can't find it nomore :(
Can someone please tell how to overcome this issue
Consider app.config remapping of assembly "Newtonsoft.Json, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=30ad4fe6b2a6aeed" from Version "" [] to Version "" [E:\RestZ\RestAppAllSolution\packages\Newtonsoft.Json.9.0.1\lib\net45\Newtonsoft‌​.Json.dll] to solve conflict and get rid of warning.
uninstall reinstall
may sure you clear old dlls
assembly mapping is a pain. Best avoided.
@NoughT can you trace which libraries are depending on those two versions? If possible, update your dependencies to use the same version. Failing that, use assembly bindings.
Thanks. I have not much experience with what you saying. I will go through this and I will come back. First I wanna search what is assembly bindings.
'morning all.
I really need to cleanup my code Sensai Roel-sama.
-No idea what i jsut said-
Like that?^^
> Sama (様【さま】?) is a more respectful version of san for people of a higher rank than oneself
> Kun (君【くん】?) is used by people of senior status addressing or referring to those of junior status
learn your place midtwo-kun
hey, I'm looking for cool pattern for creating C# objects representing bytes frame. I have many frame types in enum, therefore many byte interpreters. Each interpreter work as a factory of proper POCO type. For example, if I get frame 0x[start_seq]04[data][end_seq] I should read frame type which is 0x04, resolve proper for this enum value interpreter, which will create for me object of type Frame04. Any ideas?
I wanted to associate enum value with desired POCO type, but I can't resolve proper interpreter class this way...
So you always have a begin marker, a byte indicating the type, fixed length data depending on the type, and an end marker?
data length isn't fixed, its value is given as a last header byte. and yes, start marker and end marker are always
frame looks in general like this 0x[start_seq][header:[frametype][datalength][command][otherthings]][data][end_se‌​q]
thus data bytes interpretation depends on frame type
Oh. Weird protocol. Anyway, I would write IEnumerable<object> Process(Stream steam). You then just create a BinaryReader in there and switch on the type. The case for each type then just calls a static on the POCO called FromStream(Stream stream) that just reads and creates a POCO to return. That just gets yielded, and you continue like that forever.
Then you can just go

foreach(var eventObject in Process(my_stream)) {
// handle stuff
If you want to be super fancy, just find each type via reflection but honestly it's a lot easier to just read through a few dozen case statements
(unless you have hundreds of types ofc)
hmm, old application work like this. big switch..case
switch(type) {
case FrameType.Type1:
return (new FrameOfType1()).Interprete(bytes);
but I found having processor in another class fancier :(
hmm, I will go this way again anyway
thank you. BTW what is weird with this protocol? :P
@Jacek Yeah make the constructor of FrameOfType1 private and give it a static method FrameOfType1 FromStream(Stream stream) that produces one. It'll be clean.
@Jacek You have a length, and a start sequence and end sequence. You don't need the start or end if you know the length in advance. It's moot.
@TravisJ No I'm not, Swift, C#, Powershell, Asp.Net Core, Python, SQL, SSRS, SSIS, and a couple other technologies. The worst thing I support is SharePoint but I deal with it minimally. The new job is awesome.

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