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@Greg PCI DSS Requirements
1.3 Prohibit direct public access between the Internet and any system component in the data environment.
2.3 Encrypt all non-console administrative access using strong cryptography.
3.1 Keep data storage to a minimum by implementing data retention and disposal policies, procedures and processes
3.2 Do not store sensitive authentication data after authorization
3.4 Render sensitive data unreadable anywhere it is stored (tons of information here - this is the section you want)
Yeah, basically, that pdf has a lot of guidelines that should help you maintain these credentials.
Time to go though, be back tomorrow
What the heck... alt tab isn't working
2 hours later…
yo, anyone want to help me document my open source project? github.com/deltreey/Dable
yeah, I suppose I wouldn't want to do that either, heh
working on building my first npm package, jam package, and bower package for it now :)
3 hours later…
pls help
Q: Html.BeginCollectionItem inside foreach not working

DKSI am using Html.BeginCollectionItem inside foreach loop because I am passing data from Server side. I am keeping that data in textbox along with hidden field(for those field no editing required) but when I click on submit button, that data is not posting to server side. please help. In MainView:...

hi there
i want to create a build machine for automatically building project when i do a trigger operation
in addition to a build definition, what are any other works i should do?
i dunt no how to start this task, so...
hello all
can someone help me
2 hours later…
Anyone there?
i need help regarding Export to Excel?
@deltree why not? i would help
1 hour later…
Guess what
Guess how many people we have got here who know WCF
person who will guess right, will get a.....
$ git show head
commit c321b23ad71ab5380492ac10dcf8dd12349c
Author: dav_i
Date:   Tue Mar 18 11:54:21 2014 +0000

    i f**king hate this website
Q: Server stack trace: at System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.WriteObjectInfo.InitSerialize

Customized NameI have got a WCF service, which is hosted on one server, this service has a class like this, [DataContract] [Serializable()] public class FruitObject { [DataMember] public string fruitName; [DataMember] public byte[] data; } [ServiceContract] public interface IFruits { [Oper...

What's the best Git GUI in your opinion?
SourceTree, using P4Merge for External Diff
I wonder if Github for Windows is worth using...
Its pathetic
In what way?
I went from GitHub (GUI) -> git cmdline (as you cant do what you need to in GitHub) -> SourceTree (only need to go into Terminal on rare occasion)
I learned on Tortoise, and have been using the commandline since then
I've used that as well, SourceTree is a bit cleaner
It integrates well with github and bitbucket, you can browse all your repos etc.
Git Flow is nice, a wizard like approach to branching Feature/Release/Hotfix
I never used branching, and am somewhat ashamed.
well, it makes it easy for those who dont know how to do it
otherwise switching between branches and merging is made simple in sourcetree
For Windows I use Git Extensions
wouldn't claim it was the best - just the first I used so never switched
If you know anything about py2exe and process outputs: stackoverflow.com/q/22480858/1140368
does source tree have a windows client yet?
@Shoe apparently so
you like it too?
Yeah sourcetree is great
I'll have to try it
Oh I did try Source Tree and it was SSSSLLLLOOOOWWWW
unusably so
Really? never had that problem
I only worked with maybe a mid-sized repo though, ~2 million LOC
I won't be doing anything nearly that big in the foreseeable future
SourceTree has had a lot of updates
We apparently have 3 million LOC
Q: Group database table data and load into c# objects

CoolArchTekMy database table will be generated as a DLL (consists of datatables and rows) and I wanted to group the data based on ID and load into the Student class. What is the best way to group these in C# code? Do I need to use plinq or parallel.foreach? Database Table Rows FName ID Cors Hour Jo...

Vote to close
@abhi ^^ use the [tag:cv-pls] syntax when you post a link to a question you'd like to be reviewed.
[tag:cv-pls] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/22481500/group-database-table-data-and-load-i‌​nto-c-objects
^^ like that.
lol HAHAHA I'm in the wrong room; I dunno if that tag is even scraped in here.
this is the c# room.
Yea, I can see that now.
I was in So-Close-Vote review a few seconds ago.
In the PHP room, we use the [tag:cv-pls] so that a bot picks up the links and adds them to a list.
same thing in Python room.
There is already a list on SO proper
@DanLugg it is not
We've been threatening to generalise the toolchain for room-specific backlogs etc for ages, quite a long way down a very long list of things to do though
@DaveRandom I hear that mo fo.
@DaveRandom Didn't think it was. Then again, I didn't think I was in C#.
lmao wut
I love prototype code
"You're a cheesehead, aren't you?"
vunderful vunderful code
Due to not running the integration tests more often than every 2 years, you mean
no.. its due to my stupidity
@KendallFrey No, I mean people who think that random RNG-driven test data is a good idea.
Or an integration test that compares timestamps coming from a database, and just randomly encountered a skew that made it miss the assert.
Or an integration test that involves multithreaded code that randomly decided to trip over itself.
i just did a code review, and the "mid-level developer" did not know about the "///" to generate xml comments.
Didnt he see other people doing it
@CharlieBrown maybe they only coded with notepad and csc previously
no clue. he had his own 'custom' way of doing it. I will say this... he was consistent throughout the code base.
the discussion went downhill when i asked about namespaces and drew a total blank stare
what was his way
@CharlieBrown I think I can beat that - I interviewed someone who when asked to write a program in C# that prints 1..100 with multiples of 3 print "Fizz" multiples of 5 write "Buzz" he said "oh yeah I've seen this before" and spent the next 20mins writing the following code for each i < 100 { if i = 3 console.WriteLine(i) else... clearly he did not get the job
single project names, no namespaces. comments looked like this:
/** name:     SomethingFunction(int x)
 ** purpose: Do something with the function
 ** int x:       The x integer
looks more like javadoc
@dav_i yeah, but was the output correct?
which is a real documentation style
@CharlieBrown note the lack of brackets and semicolons... it didn't even compile
@KendallFrey i prob would have said ok if he said 'oh, sorry, i learned that from javadoc"
when im allowed to choose the format for interviewing, i give developers a take home programming test that basically says, in any language / toolset you choose, create the following website...
// 11/12/13 Fixed Bug A
// 11/17/13 Fixed Bug B
// 12/01/13 Changed functionality
// 12/20/13 Fixed Another bug
@Shoe do people actually put that in comments?
Yeah I see it a lot
@Shoe oh, flashbacks
Hello everyone.
i guess if your source control system doesnt/cant document changes
Yeah if you work on legacy systems you see it a lot
We used to put a timestamp at the top of every script so we would know what 'version' it was.
@TravisJ @Steve I've decided I'll store the key in the database for decryption, then encrypt the data within a file on the server. That way it has the required in multiple areas, to make it more difficult. Plus they'll have to have some level of permission to the particular identity on the server to actually see or use that file structure.
anyone used F#?
Is there a way to execute a LINQ query in the debugger? lambdas don't work in the immediate window...
Hi guys!
Do anybody could help me with this: stackoverflow.com/questions/22391678/… ??? please
@KendallFrey don't think so :(
I can't wait for Roslyn :/
@Greg - Did you read that PCI pdf I linked?
@davi_i Reed has
@TravisJ Yeah.
Good information.
@TravisJ I'm running through www.tryfsharp.com - find the syntax quite scary
Apparently you can get more done with less code
well a simple example of the code would be
`let add x y = x + y`
`add 1 2`
whereas a similar thing in c# would be
`Func<int, int, int> add = (x, y) => x + y;`
`add(1, 2);`
Genuinely curious, who/what is using F#?
let add x 0 = x
that's the genius part
@KendallFrey well the example they give is let inc = add 1
hmm, how does that work, does it automatically add parameters?
memberName = Regex.Replace(memberName, "^[gs]et_", "");
fuck dis shit
well then inc 1 is the same as add 1 1
so it means the same as let inc y = add 1 y
the idea being you can string functions together
Isn't that "currying"?
let fib x = (fib x - 1) + (fib x - 2)
let fib 1 = 1
let fib 0 = 1
or something
@Shoe yep
@Shoe I think F# is pretty useful in sciency stuff because you can define units - e.g. let accellerationDueToGravity = 9.81<m/s^2>
@Shoe currying would be add(x,y) = x => x+y
Assuming I remember what currying is
@KendallFrey - It is a thai spice mixture
you so funneh
morning kids
afternoon grandpa
afternoon gma
java 8 huh
Hey all
a coworker want's to change synchronous code that we have by implementing the Begin/End pattern, (we are stuck with 3.5)... however, he is planning to use it in the "x.EndAction(x.BeginAction())" kind of way
but, wouldn't calling the end action like that still block the thread while the action is being done?
update to 4.0 at the very minimum
It would run on a different thread.. but it EndAction would still block the caller wouldn't it?
I really want to, but the "guru" around here is resilient about it
I just want to know if that assumption is actually true (about the calling End, and inside Begin will block the thread non the less), so I can argue against him doing those changes
I really think that pattern is a mess and makes it next to impossible to debug/maintain the code
This EndAction, do you have a link to an MSDN article for it? Is it custom?
Was that psuedo for an attribute?
I meant the overal Begin/End pattern
Begin<Something>/ End<Something
I see, so just convention then
yeah, I'd suggest maybe implementing a Backroundworker factory or something if he wants to hide the ugliness of it
but you're gonna have to wait somewhere
its called APM it was the original async pattern that MSFT came up with back in the day.. then it was the EAP, which is based around events, and is a little better but still kind of sucks, and then finally came the TAP pattern using the Tasks and then the Async/Await which finally make a good async pattern
I mean even MSDN says this :

Asynchronous Programming Model (APM)
Describes the legacy model that uses the IAsyncResult interface to provide asynchronous behavior. This model is no longer recommended for new development.
Begin/End should be shot. If it survives, it should be shot again.
that's my opinion haha
I really don't want him to change the code to that
It's that much cleaner to just go to 4.5 and use async/await
the async await keyword is just compiler sugar, in theory you could implement your own pattern which mimics it a little
but we can't upgrade now :(
But change is apparently scary
it's hard to know what it's deployed to, I get that francisco
@FranciscoNoriega - So are the actions using tasks? I don't see the asynchrony there in your simple approach. However, you can accomplish that using that pattern
unless the install base is tiny, handling updates could be a bitch
in a totally shameless and completely unrelated plug, anyone want to take a stab at an Odata / EF6 question I'm stumped on? :D stackoverflow.com/questions/22484263/…
@Kent, yeah but its almost like saying that C is syntactic sugar over Assembly... I know underneath the compiler pretty much converts it to the Begin/End Pattern, but it hides ALL of that in a way that as Human it lets you handle your code :P
you can do some fanciness now with anonymous methods to help with that a bit too though
@FranciscoNoriega - Basically it seems like you are going to make a delegate, and use it in conjunction with AsyncResult, AsyncMethodCaller, and EndInvoke
basically its a web app that is calling into a database using Good Old SqlDataReader (I'm trying to upgrade to Dapper.. so we don't have to manually do all the mappings.. but the guru is still weary.. and doesn't want it because it won't let it use the SqlCommand.BeginExecuteReader
It will prevent the thread from blocking
@TravisJ, no we are not using Tasks
its 3.5
@FranciscoNoriega - Right, see the second explanation.
Those are all .net 3.5 methods/classes.
ah yeah, missed that oen
but my question is, I understand if you use that pattern in this way:

[do other stuff while the command is executing]

But if you do it like EndExecuteCommand(BeginExecuteCommand()), that doesn't block the thread?
Need to be way more explicit in your psuedo
It depends on where you are calling and invoking the two methods
the code actually looks like that
this is how the actual code is
List<Listing> ListingGetPage(int userNo, long wallEntryID, int pageSize)
return EndListingGetPage(BeginListingGetPage(userNo, wallEntryID, pageSize, AsyncCallback callback: null, object state: null));
(I just added the type/named parameters at the end to make it clear what they are)
ffs moving for FF for dev work
so, how do you guys deal with imposter syndrome WRT software engineering? (I think this is on topic, but I don't want to interrupt the conversation you're having)
then inside the End method it looks like this:

List<ProvideListingShare> EndListingGetPage(IAsyncResult result)
AsyncEnumerator<List<Listing>> actualResult = AsyncEnumerator<List<Listing>>.FromAsyncResult(result);
return actualResult.EndExecute(result);
its just an ugly mess :/
@FranciscoNoriega - Yeah this needs to be broken apart. I am trying to make a mock of it for you in linqpad
linqpad is tits
so there was a helicopter crash in downtown seattle this morning
I saw that, a news copter
how ironic
awesome, thanks!
never have I wanted to kill a person who I've never met before so much (the guy who's code I have inherited)
the company spent like £15k on it - I've spent atleast £20k fixing problems with it
> Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live.
I knew a guy who instead of fixing the bugs in his program he would go into the database and edit the data to be correct
We wondered why when he got canned how a million issues cropped up all of a sudden
@FranciscoNoriega - okay check this out pastebin.com/ADapcFkr
@Shoe - Do you have a transaction log of his manual changes
@Shoe job security!
I bet you could hook it up to a neural net and then predict the type of changes he would make :P That would have been an interesting exercise
@TravisJ checking
thanks @TravisJ, it does work in LinqPad (gotta love it).. and I see how it should be implemented... I just checked and apparently the EndXX(BeginXX()) was just the synchronous overload of the method, he actually modified all of the stack so that the begin/end bubbles all the way up the the AsyncHttpHandler
@FranciscoNoriega that sounds overcomplicated
it is
I mean it will free up some threads from the ASP.Net threadpool (we are in a point where we are getting too many calls (and they are too slow to return) that ASP is going over the max num of queued connections
but we are already in amazon ec2... much easier to just spin up another webserver and add it to the load balancer
move to azure
little known fact, under the hood of AWS is azure
it wouldn't really matter though
scales better
the company took a babystep approach to the cloud, and we are just using VMs
its better than before, but not like we are actually running an ASP.Net role that can scale really easily
so for now we would need to spin up a new server vm running the app
and that would pretty much be the same in azure..
I got to 4096
Hi Guys, i made a installer using WIX and it's targeted 32 bits. When in installed it on 64 bit, it's installed in C:\Program Files (x86) the application is not all launching? Any idea?
you missing a .DLL?
@linguini What do you mean it's not launching? What happens?
@NETscape no.
@KendallFrey When i double click on the desktop icon..there is no sign of launching.
is the process running?
@KendallFrey It didn't even show me any error message.
still sounds like you're missing a dependency...
what kind of project is it?
if you go to the build folder and click on the .exe, does it run?
@KendallFrey No. The process is not running
you could try running it via the commandline
@NETscape I build everything on win 7 and vs 2012 debug/release targeted to 32
@KendallFrey how?
same as always
right, go to the output folder (bin/Release) and double click the .exe and see if that runs
do you know how to use the command line?
@KendallFrey yes
ok, try that
it might give you an error message
@KendallFrey There is blink and then nothing..
@KendallFrey There is no error message
@KendallFrey When i enter the command myapp.exe and then nothing. It came to the next command line
@linguini is it a Console application?
That 's not what it's supposed to do, right?
@NETscape no. WPF
All I can think of at this point is trying compatibility mode
@KendallFrey yes. I have no clue to figure it out
5 mins ago, by NETscape
right, go to the output folder (bin/Release) and double click the .exe and see if that runs
@KendallFrey what does it mean?
@NETscape yes
stop pinging him, its annoying me even. lol
then you're probably not including something in the WiX project that is in your build output
that, or you're trying to do something during app start up that is causing the issue.
It could be the problem. The same installer working fine on 32 bit.
I could run the debug/release files in win 64 bit without any problem.
whats the target platform for the project?
@NETscape 86
is every referenced .DLL in your project x86? third-party DLLS
@NETscape no..common dll
your application has to either be all x86 or all x64
if it's referred then it won't run the files of debug/release
am i correct?
hi guys
if you reference a .DLL from something like a third party, chances are that .DLL should be in the installer
and you should only be adding the files from the Release folder.
@NETscape yes, i did that.
okay, well if your common.dll is a x64 build, then your application wont run
on a x86
@NETscape i understood that part. I may be missing something with wix. But 32 bit app should be running properly on 64 bit os right?
@linguini what @NETscape means is basically you can't mix and match - you cannot get your 32-bit app to reference 64-bit dlls
@edc yes guys.
> But 32 bit app should be running properly on 64 bit os right?
only if all the .dlls are 32 bit.
When there is common dll..
are you registering any .dlls using regsvr32 during install?
(typically you don't)
@NETscape no. i'm checking the dll guys.
i'll catch you guys later. sorry
imagine if the iphones had a back button...
What does an iphone look like?
Lulz :P
Mmn no back button :O
Just noticed
Mr. Jobs said you shouldn't be looking back
so instead put a big ugly button at the top or bottom of a UI and make cross platform development have to use the same ugly UI
Oh yeah, if Steve Jobs was so smart how come he's dead?
I can't stand going to the top left of my screen to click the back button
what @TomW said.
Hipsters love his products even more now that he's underground
do people love apple stuff?
feels very unnatural
have a friend who does that when I think about it, should delete him on facebook for that reason I think
Yes you should :)
@Mike We should have him above ground then.
Perhaps they will love his products less
so I'm expecting a MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm:ss string, and I want to parse it to a DateTime, but if I change my date format settings on my PC, it fails... I'm trying to use ParseExact at the moment, but getting "String is an invalid date" or whatever
there's no way to not get the date as strings, I presume?
broken google link, i win: code.google.com/apis/calendar/v3
Q: Why can't DateTime.ParseExact() parse "9/1/2009" using "M/d/yyyy"

JimmyI have a string that looks like this: "9/1/2009". I want to convert it to a DateTime object (using C#). This works: DateTime.Parse("9/1/2009", new CultureInfo("en-US")); But I don't understand why this doesn't work: DateTime.ParseExact("9/1/2009", "M/d/yyyy", null); There's no word in the ...

this is probably why?
FYI, fuck this book, and the god damned authors
I kinda wish InvariantCulture was the default for everything
@Steve Lulz, why?
@Steve - Not a fan of Anzeneering?
dude, this whole book is "hey, let me describe this pattern for you, but only show you 10 lines of code", fucking cock sucking sons of a bitch FUCK FUCK FUCK
Yeah. Hate that.
Same with unit testing books.
Regex phoneRegEx = new Regex(@"^\d{10}$"); // 1234567891 != isMatch...
All theory but not hard code
I like books with code too. Jesse Liberty always gives a bunch of code
well, it gives code, as an example: its talking about refactoring to observer, and for its intro example, it talks about the two guys who created Junit, and how they needed to do this.... so it shows like some code, but not all the code, not where i can type it in and try it, but only enough to fucking piss you off
Although, design patterns are really supposed to be language agnostic
It is definitely aimed at the Java community
@TravisJ So? Exactly why it shouldn't matter.
I just want to see code dammit
@LewsTherin - Yeah.. well grad level classes in CS rarely include heavy coding.
so, my point being: They're using custom types, without ever defining them, so i have to hack through this stupid shit, spending 8 hours trying to figure out how to create a "base problem", that i can then walk through the steps and refactor it
@TravisJ I don't want heavy code. Just meaningful code that describes the pattern.
The belief being that general theory will benefit you more than implementation (i.e. hands on vs. theory)
I think design patterns can be aimed at certain frameworks. Take a look at MVVM
@TravisJ Yeah give a bunch of students theory, and another bunch to do actual code. I think I know which group I'd rather hire.
MVVM has apparently become MVMVVM
Model ViewModel View ViewModel?
Man versus Machine View Viewmodel
Did I not include enough stuff? Model View ViewModel Model View ViewModel
That is the SPA design pattern
server side and client side both use a mvc pattern
server side has models, controllers, views, view models, and the client does also (such as knockout or angular)
Basically. Although it can be argued the C is in the M and the V is separate from the VM which is how MVVM comes into play.
Semantics are a pain. Everyone is really saying the same thing
C can't be in the M
Well here is the thing, do you leverage a service layer from a controller?
But yes it is a pain
Yes, why?
Well is that service layer in the controller or the model domain?
seriously still want to hunt down this Joshua Kerievsky guy and punch him in the face
lol @Steve
@Steve XD
aw the in the face part worked better
Did you buy the book
@TravisJ I dunno tbh
It is like the Java Swing problem
You can't entirely separate View from Controller stuff /logic
@Lews - It is technically part of your model. The controller just makes calls into the model layer (which is a separation). But really it is just arranging stuff to be loaded into a view model. At this level, the controller is only a controller by name. The Model could easily have a class named something else which did the arranging.
Rigidly following any pattern is itself an anti-pattern :)
All I want is cs files that don't exceed 1000 lines each and can be re-used.
Call it whatever you want
I rarely break 200 lines though in one file
@Steve - Does that book ever suggest to refactor into the visitor pattern?
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