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Hello, I are there any people here?
2 hours later…
hi all
anybody in here?
hey ryan
are you a noob?
anybody here?
Looks like they're all tucked in
hey there
are you tucked in too?
1 hour later…
6 hours later…
anyone with reflection experience here?
ill ask tomorrow then
hans - i do
@HansRudel hans - do
2 hours later…
Some experience
2 hours later…
its this part "The behavior of Type.GetField() and Type.GetFields() is exactly similar to the above two methods, except Type.GetField() returns a reference of System.Reflection.MethodInfo"
it seems odd that the reference ends with MethodInfo as arent u getting all the fields for the class?
"reflecting on fields and properties" is the section header
1 hour later…
@HansRudel that article is wrong
getfield returns fieldinfo
@KyleTrauberman yeah ok. I was thinking it was odd but figured i was just being stupid.
Hows ur wknd been btw?
little rascal keeping u up?
teething baby
feel for u bro
im typing w/ 1 hnd
hope it gets better soon!!
baby in other arm
me too
haha multitaskin ;)
i know it will
we have a 4 y/o
then it just gets worse :P
dude i got to roll, parents are shouting dinner is done.
i hardly know her...
I have a SQL Insert statement, where it inserts if the row is unique , is there a way to tell if the row got inserted or not from c# , or do I have 2 commands , select to tell if the row exists, then insert ?
it should return the number of affected rows
if > 0, then success
are you using an orm
or just ado.net?
just SqlConnection , then SqlCommand
thats ado.net
you'll use ExecuteNonQuery
IF I do it Sql Management studio then it will say 1 row affected , but i don't know how to get a response from ado.net
exactly what i needed
@KyleTrauberman - do you know VB at all?
do I put this right before I do executenonquery ? or does it go in the bottom somewhere?
Public Overridable Function ExecuteNonQuery() As Integer Implements _
no, i have a conversion tool, I was just wondering where to put the overriding function
thats just the definitionof the method
just do SqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery
no need to override
like Dim i As Integer = comm.ExecuteNonQuery() ?
see the example:
Public Sub CreateMySqlCommand(myExecuteQuery As String, myConnection As SqlConnection)
    Dim myCommand As New SqlCommand(myExecuteQuery, myConnection)
End Sub 'CreateMySqlCommand
that's not returning an integer in that example
it is
the example is just ignoring it
oh , ok, at the top of that MSDN page it had this
Public Overridable Function ExecuteNonQuery() As Integer Implements _
I thought I had to put that in the code
so in c# it would jst be
int i = comm.ExecuteNonQuery()
VB is weird you get statements like If ... IsNot Equal to Nothing
it sounds like Indian talk
hey @KyleTrauberman
you think its acceptable if there a a "watch event" button , and you've already clicked it - it changes to "unwatch event"
is unwatch even a word?
@ScottSelby "it sounds like indian talk" lmao
"stop watching event"?
i have an SProc which returns the avg all all columns between two times, ie 04:00 to 04:15. I want to have an option to return results for 24hr at that same interval (in this case the interval is 15mins. 04:15 - 04:00)
im assuming i cant change the sqlcommand and would need to put the for loop before:

        for(int i = x; .....)
            using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand())
Why doesn't this work?
it says , must have open connection state / connectioin state is closed
isn't using supposed to automatically open it
have u stated conn.open();
;) that kinda helps
I thought using opened and closed it for you
no i dont think so
i think u have to explicitly open it
using just takes care of conn.Dispose();
(i may be wrong though but i always have connection.open();)
kyle may be able to correct me if im wrong.
try it with conn.open(); and let me know if it works.
im pretty sure I remeber back in school that is was bad practice to open and close connections on your own , incase you forget to close or an exception happens , that using does that for you
@ScottSelby Scroll to the bottom.
which part?
the selected answer opens the connection in the try block
first answer
SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(queryString, connection);
2nd line opens the connection!
the MSDN site says that using will automatically close it for u though!
oh, that what they meant then , it just automatically closes it
make sense or have i misunderstood u?
MSDN site "To ensure that connections are always closed, open the connection inside of a using block, as shown in the following code fragment. Doing so ensures that the connection is automatically closed when the code exits the block."
i got it, i got to go eat
cool cool
catch u later bro
Hello, i have big performance problem on linq to entities.
The problem is that when use "order by" entity framewok produces a subquery on the "from" statement.
That query affects performance of MySql server.
Any advice?
I have posted a question but nobody reply:/
Hey !!! Any RSS reader application experts here?
Q: For loop using in conjunction with an sqlcommand

Hans Rudeli have an SProc which returns the avg of all columns between two times, ie 04:00 to 04:14. I want to have an option to return results for 24hr at that same interval (in this case the interval is 15mins. 04:14 - 04:00) So the results would look like the following: 00:00 - 00:14 = x.xxx 00:15 - 0...

@HansRudel sorry, that bugged me.
@KyleTrauberman my question bugged u?
so the original wording bugged u?
no, the missing close braces
nevermind, I'm being anal.
ahh right, sorry + thanks for editting it
nah nah, its a valid point.
the for loop will be here.
                using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
                      for(int i......)
                             using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand())
then you should be fine.
are u willing to put that as an answer?
if so ill mark it as the accepted answer
moved to answer
cheers bro.
woop woop - 25 closer to 10k
just wanted to make sure i wasnt missing something stupid.
+ 25 to 10k.... not bad!!
wait a minute
I'm wrong
loopedcode brings a valid point
yeah and urs is still right
as the for loop is between those two
so it never exits the using(sqlconnection...)
No, don't worry about it. The difference will be minimal, almost nonexistent if you have connection pooling turned on
Although it disposes the connection between loops, in reality, what really happens is that the connection is returned to the connection pool - it's not totally discarded
@dash i dont understand. Doesnt the same connection remain open since the for loop be declared after the using(sqlconnection connection = new sqlconnection())
Hey !!! Any RSS reader application experts here?
Is the using(SqlConnection blah = new SqlConnection()) inside or outside the loop?
Although it really doesn't matter that much
using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
                      for(int i......)
                             using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand())
A: Is SqlCommand.Dispose enough?

Ryan FarleyNo, Disposing of the Command will not effect the Connection. A better approach would be to also wrap the SqlCommand in a using block as well using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connstring)) { conn.Open(); using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(cmdstring, conn)) { ...

Yeah, that's absolutely fine, but it wouldn't really matter if you moved the using inside the loop
disposing the command won't close the connection
for the SqlConnection
But it wouldn't matter if you did
so @KyleTrauberman ur ans is still right then, or am i missing something?
Because, if you have connection pooling turned on, calling Dispose doesn't quite do what people assumes it does
nope I'm right
got confused for a sec
Yes - I just wanted to mention that it doesn't really matter
good point @dash I wasn't thinking about pooling
From a performance perspectgive
Er, perspective
@dash dont worry bout spelling i knew what u meant ;)
FWIW people often reuse the same SqlCommand by calling Parameters.Clear in between each loop
ahh ha
nice, ill have to see about implementing that tomorrow
But if you are worrying about object creation time then you are really pushing for max performance
nah its more if im doing something silly. I remember id setup a verification loops for a csv file and i'd screwed up and it took 10's longer than it should have. needless to say i was happy when someone pointed out my mistake.
I'm off to rid the world of evil doers. cya.
@KyleTrauberman @dash thanks for ur help guys!!
Oh yes, with my earlier comment, I assumed your loop might look like this:
for(i = 0; i < 1000, i++)
using(SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection)
I see you had the connection outside the loop, but it shouldn't make a great deal of difference
aye, nah i was either going to set it up in my form1 class (thought that was stupid) or try n just change the sqlcommand (wasnt sure it that was possible)
@dash btw are u an Aussie?
I wish I was! Nope, from the land of rain, tube trains, and rubbish customer service
If I added that our football team can never win on penalties, you'd know it for sure ;-)
But yes
yeah i just watched it
yo - If I was going to get a book to start to learn about MVC , should I start with a MVC 3 book , or read about MVC 1 first ?
Italy deserved to win though, they seemed to be the stronger side unfortunately
Yes, but it's always disappointing
2 hours later…
i want to know that what should be the connection string of sql when i am attaching the data to setup deployment kit
and can any one help how to attach sql database with the setup kit???
Hello, i have big performance problem on linq to entities.
The problem is that when use "order by" entity framewok produces a subquery on the "from" statement.
That query affects performance of MySql server.
Any advice?
I have posted a question but nobody reply:/
any advice anyone?

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