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I was explaining at lunch today to a guy that knows nothing about programming , I was like say you just put a door and stars going down right there, then later you realize another room on this floor needs stairs , so you make another door and another staicase , then another , thats like my code
then you look like - damn , all three rooms could of came to a hallway and used the same stairs
At least you didn't take oracle's approach. This room needs stairs. First we will have to build a scaffolding around the entire floor to make sure that everyone has access to the stairs so we never build another set of stairs. Next, every hallway will be connected to the scaffolding. Once this is done, we can then implement stairs in the center of the floor and have a hallway dedicated to go from the corner of the scaffolding to the center of the floor.
I hate it when API classes do odd things like an actual object compares positive to null because of an overridden '==' operator...
anyone know of other vids like dimecasts and channel 9?
lol Travis , thats another approach
I dare you to look at the code in mysql-connector-net-6.5.4-src :P
I make every function very fast and simple and completely independent of anything else, I need to get a better idea of the big picture on future projects that I may work on
and I really really need to learn MVC - who has time though , really?
I like simplicity too. When someone makes a class with over 1000 lines of code though, that raises a huge wtf flag.
mvc is so awesome though, there isn't much to learn
@ScottSelby uncoupled code is good. keep doing that, just improve how you write uncoupled code :)
I already have viewstate completely turned off on everything and ajax everything , so I know i'll get the concept pretty quickly , I just don't have the time
I write a unit test for every single public method I write
Not everything has to be ajax
I am a huge fan of preloading.
Simple is not easy, most of the time simple is hard
all you have to learn for mvc is asp, .net, sql, c#, xml, javascript, css, html, and razor
In actual practice do you think there is really a big downside to writing things like EnterUsersIntoDB() , then EnterUsersInDbFreeAccount() , then EnterUsersInDbPayPalAccount() , all seperate , instead of one real long function ?
I know all those except razor
@ScottSelby do you mean performance?
public class DataBase
 public void EnterUser<Account>()
yea - it seems my way , performance is better, a lot less code to get evaluated
but I guess compiling - way more code
generics are awesome, if you find yourself using multiple methods which are similar, try to leverage generics
what do you mean generics ?? like var ...
from the names of your methodss IO is going to dominate the time.
or List<string> ??
a ha! you don't use generics?
its a new day for you :)
List<T> is an example of a generic list implementation which accepts many different types
such as List<string>, List<int>, List<MyClass>
Generics are one of my favourite features of C#
Me too, can't get enough of them
Generics is good, but if the code in the methods is very different depending on account type I would adviseagainst generics in that case
I a a junior level developer off on my own with no one looking over my code or testing
I want my whole application to be one generic method that infers what to reflect.
I would use interfaces/base classes and generics where functionality varies
@ScottSelby - Generics are sweet, they pretty much allow you to control your method based on what type is passed in.
ooooohhhhhh, i get it
like InsertIntoDb(List<T> account)
Then in the function check what type of list it is?
Yeah, except you can type the whole method
InsertIntoDb<T>(List<T> account)
oh boy
I have no idea what that means
but I would say only use generics if you do the same thing with different types
Anywhere you want to use the type passed in, you just use the variable
If you start switch on type inside the method I say overload>>generic
alright , i'll look into it , thanks - got a meeting
InsertIntoDb<PassedInType>(PassedInType Account){
 var List<PassedInType> myAccountList = new  List<PassedInType>();

public void Add<T>(T te) where T : class
            DbSet<T> dbSet = context.Set<T>();
^production code
Sweet examples of generics^^
lol, except for the extra var in front of List
where T : class is not much of a constraint?
no, but it is required that T be a class when setting the DbSet from the context
no interface?
I suck at DB...
Ah, well it isn't so bad
I only have a small class that handles all my db interactions
150 lines of a dynamicrepository that handles all my db interactions
then I just linq into it when I need data
times up..until tomorrow :)
5 hours later…
anyone around?
I have a newb question...
if i clear a list... that was added to a list of lists... it doesn't clear it from the list that was added to the list of lists right?
i'm around
1 hour later…
Hey guys how would you name a boolean parameter which indicates whether to show a message box or not?

private void Send(bool displayMsgBox)
private void Send(bool canDisplayMsgBox)
private void Send(bool isDisplayMsgBox)

or possibly Send(bool showMsgBox)
Hi all
plz see my new question and help me to solve it if possible
A: Clear InnerList elements of a custom control property after delete control from a form

Grumbler85You could just remove them from generated code, which is the Form1.generated.cs File, where InitializeComponent() is defined. Basically Tabs are reusable so this might be the reason, that VS is not deleting them automatically, but that's not more than a guess.

Anyone have a better answer to this question? stackoverflow.com/questions/4154307/…
lemme check quickly
actually I have
it's a simple matter of subclassing a Panel and write a stacking logic in MeasureOverride/ArrangeOverride taking into account these rules
actually i don't think the measure need to be rewritten, only the arrangeOverride if you subclass a StackPanel
let's take this in the wpf room
Hi @Sisyphe
@l46kok .NET You could also rename the method to SendAndInform or something like this. You cannot infer what the function does if you see the following statement Send(false).
can help me about my new Q...
Q: Clear InnerList elements of a custom control property after delete custom control from a form

MRS1367I add my created custom control to the new Windows Form and add some Tab to it by "Tabs" property. However, when I delete my custom control from Windows Form, elements of "Tabs" property are not removed. Please see below figures for more information: Figure 1 - My custom control "Tabs" propert...

Hi @MRS1367
lemme check quickly
Hi @Sisyphe
tnx for ur attention :)
ho this is winforms ?
sorry, my fiel of expertise is WPF ;)
oh noooo
tnx @Sisyphe
sorry mate ;)
But stay around, there are some really good experts around
they will definitely be able to help you once they wake up :D

when we disable a CheckBox and by default its true, what would be the value of disabled checkbox ?
Hey mate
WPF or winform ?
can't help you ^^
@TimeToThine -> If I remember correctly, it will return the last modified value and If its value isn't changed, it will return the default value.
oh cool thanks,
my checkbox isn't displaying any text
rest all checkboxes are, what could be the possible reason
If you create a new sample project and add a new checkbox to it
can you see its text or not?
if you can see the text
this problem is related to your settings for check box properties
and if not, your VS settings change and you must reset them.
I wish that it ca help u :)
What are some good books/resources I can look at to learn ASP.NET? I've done extensive desktop programming with WinForms and WPF
many books
However, I suggest you that study books that are about MVC architect in ASP.NET.
I see so many different types of ASP.NET, such as ASP.NET Webforms, AJAX and MVC. What are the differences?
haha ok that helps thanks
Web forms are similar to windows forms that are used for design of the website.
MVC is an architect for developing web applications like MFC architect in C++ programs or three-tier in application development.
Ahh ok. Do you recommend that I only focus on MVC architect or learn about webforms as well?
w8 @l46kok
Hi again @l46kok
AJAX technology is Asynchronous Javascript And XML that with it, you can send some of your client information to the server and post it again to the client without refresh entire page and only with refresh some of the parts of web page that you want.
I suggest you that work with ASP.NET MVC framework and learn AJAX technology, JQuery (Javascript query) for more attractive design in the web forms, Javascript for perform many works on the client side, CSS3 and HTML5 for design your web pages and XML.
Hi @Maverik
kinda quiet in here today, isn't it?
all sleep :) zzzzzzzzz
feels like walking into my office on a weekend! :)
@Maverik plz see my new question and let me know if you have any solution for it
Q: Clear InnerList elements of a custom control property after delete custom control from a form

MRS1367I add my created custom control to the new Windows Form and add some Tab to it by "Tabs" property. However, when I delete my custom control from Windows Form, elements of "Tabs" property are not removed. Please see below figures for more information: Figure 1 - My custom control "Tabs" propert...

sorry never done custom controls and my winforms is very limited in general
i'm a wpf kinda guy :)
WPF is very good for development application design. :)
sry for my speaking
no no you're fine :)
my main language not english
but your english is fine :) I can understand you easily
at the very least, your english is better than my grasp of your native language
and I don't know English slang and idioms as well, and can't usually use them in my terms
sry about it.
no need to be sorry mate
what's your job?
what's your programming skills?
I like to know about it... ;)
Job role: Automations
good and your programming skills...
skills: hard to say!!
they're more like buzz words that i can throw around :)
So, tell some of them such as WPF
wpf / wcf / tpl / LINQ (of course!)
reactive extensions tad bit - working on this
TPL = Task Parallel Library?
what is it?
I don't know about it.... :|
TPL is something like multi-threading..??
Hi @LewsTherin
I'm surprised I'm saying this, but: I'm moving from github to Bitbucket.
for a "social coding" site, the github devs sure come across as antisocial. No forum, no notification of upcoming new features. And github's issue tracker doesn't let you attach files.
@Jez welcome to the club!
That's it. Screw github. :-)
im only annoyed i persuaded my company to pay for a month's corporate account
i'll now have to ask them to cancel it :-D
they wont be pleased
hw r U @LewsTherin?
Oh, and another thing. When I commit something, github's diff viewer converts all my tabs to two spaces. Bitbucket actually puts a tab in there.
ffs, why is github so dumb?
@MRS1367 Not great :( Hope you are fine though.
@MRS1367 Yes its a framework to make our life easier with multi-threading
tnx @LewsTherin
what are features?
@Jez heh I only did that for linqpad - evne though I'm the only one who uses it! lol - my company doesn't mind.. according to them, it has already paid its price from the stuff that i rapidly prototyped in it
Multi-threading is for doing some works parallel and TPL what for?
TPL helps doing that :)
@Maverik what does linqpad have to do with paying for github?
what are its features vs multi-threading or vice versa?
oh that was in regard to corporate license
what are its features vs multi-threading or what are multi-threading features vs TPL?
@Maverik what about other github vs Bitbucket features?
i think it's ironic that the "social coding" website doesn't have a forum where you can easily communicate with its developers
then they whine about Bitbucket copying them. ha.
I haven't had much experience with github so I can't really compare them. For me the biggest advantage was private repositories for free
i'm the first guy to ask for source control in my company - and so far I'm the only one using it - so getting my company to pay for private reps? no that ain't happening!
my boss is all for change control but he hasn't been able to get it going. too much resistance from team that's used to no control
(we're not really focused on software development so no source control isn't that surprising :) )
ah right
i think a lot of ppl use github because they dont know any better
it has this "opensourcey" feel to it, but actually feature-wise it sucks
@MRS1367 thats going to take a bit of space here to explain - you're best bet is to google TPL. You might like the simplicity with which you can start multi-threading and learn a lot along the way.
and attitude wise the github company are asshats
you could say they are gits ;-)
no forum? just some shitty web feedback form? seriously?
i think its because when they came into being, i think they were the only ones of its kind
I like the company behind bitbucket - they're not earning from bitbucket but rather its their front to their other products
now there are some more, that are better
i hope they do earn from bitbucket... i wouldn't like to see it go broke
i'd have to jump back to github :-)
well they do but not from free repositories plan at least :)
they do things right. i dont have any complaints about their interface or anything. hopefully they will gain users and popularity
which i imagine serves most of their bitbucket population
yeah but it's clever. free for up to 5 users. as teams expand and larger teams get involved, they make more money. it's a fair pricing system
it makes sense, coz larger teams should have more financial resources
the real beauty is the way they integrate into their other products - something that github lacks in
heh, well i dont use their other products.
i didn't know about bitbucket - i learned about it from JIRA & FishEye
i did use JIRA briefly, which i found to be hard to figure out. but then maybe i just needed to get used to it.
i think i will move my personal projects over to bitbucket too
i think thats true for most tracking systems - you need to get used to them before they're effective
i have 3 of them on github
it's cool that im using git, because DVCS makes it really easy to hop over to another hosting provider and transfer your repo
really really really easy
yea no doubt
and the side effect of having auto backups - thats awesome too
and it encourages you not to check unnecessary stuff into source control :-)
at first i thought that was a drawback, now i think it's a feature
I agree - there was a time i'd check binaries in >.< (yes i feel ashamed now!) but learned better now - nuget restore ftw
yeah except they buggered up nuget by requiring explicit permission for restore
on a build server that becomes a real irritation
tnx @Maverik
@MRS1367 np mate
@Jez yea i know
is it ok to have a for loop inside of a case statement?
hello people
@Bryan depends on what you're doing, but sure - a switch case is just a fancy if else if block chain
Hi @E.LDunn
@E.LDunn hey
well for some reason
its not working right
and i can't figure it out
x = i;
for (x = (x + 1);x < (_list.Count() - 2);x++)
string _temp = _list[x];

for some reason x isn't increasing
@Bryan -> if your for loop not worked in case statement
for (int x = 1;x < (_list.Count() - 2);x++)
string _temp = _list[x];

you can add your for loop in another function and call it in case statement
it may be work.
i think i see whats going on >.>
@Bryan -> when you run your code
ive been debugging
dunn pointed something out to me
im working on fixing it
may be i variable has a number greater than (_list.Count() - 2) and your for loop don't works for this reason
may be.... ;)
Can you paste the whole block?
@E.LDunn and @Bryan -> plz see my new problem and help me if you have any solution for it....
Q: Clear InnerList elements of a custom control property after delete custom control from a form

MRS1367I add my created custom control to the new Windows Form and add some Tab to it by "Tabs" property. However, when I delete my custom control from Windows Form, elements of "Tabs" property are not removed. Please see below figures for more information: Figure 1 - My custom control "Tabs" propert...

and lews
lews _list.count = 26
@Bryan Hi
@E.LDunn -> Lews already told me that not worked with Custom controls
even with x as 1
@Bryan Why are you using the Linq.Count method?
its failing to increase
Paste the whole block. So we can get a clear picture..
            #region ProcessMapXML(List<string> _list)
            int i = 0;
            int x = 0;
            foreach (string str in _list)
                switch (str)
                    case "<width>":
                        _mapwidth = int.Parse(_list[i + 1]);
                    case "<height>":
                        _mapheight = int.Parse(_list[i + 1]);
                    case "<levels>":

                        for (x = 1;x < ((_list.Count() - 2) - i);x++)
@Bryan tip: when you paste code like that here, press Ctrl+K before pressing enter to switch it to code mode
Yay, that's better :P
i can read now!
it's better @Bryan
it seems like
my code is fine its just not working lol
x is not increasing...
Does your for loop run for once or never run?
So what is the last case supposed to do?

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