In order to make an image appear from left to right, I am setting the anchorPoint like so:
myImageView.layer.anchorPoint = CGPointMake(0.0f, 1.0f);
then animating it:
[UIView beginAnimations:nil context:nil];
[UIView setAnimationDuration:1.0];
[UIView setAnimationCurve:UIViewAnimationCurveLin...
There are many different options for app analytics, but as far as self hosted solutions the pickings are slim – especially if you’d prefer not to pay licensing fees. If you’d prefer to keep your app analytics in-house recently I came across an excellent app analytics solution that provides an open source community edition that [...]
@hi all i try to implement the customkeyboard with a UISearchBar using this way searchBar.inputAccessoryView = customkeyboard; but it return both keyboard Defualt + customkeyboard can any one suggest a solution for it.any help will be appriated.Thanx
@SJS i try to implement the customkeyboard with a UISearchBar using this way searchBar.inputAccessoryView = customkeyboard; but it return both keyboard Defualt + customkeyboard can any one suggest a solution for it.any help will be appriated.Thanx
UISearchBar doesn't has inputView property. So you can either make your own search bar with text fields and set inputView of the text field (as text fields have input view)
Or continue to use USearchBar and manually animate/show your custom keyboard appearance.
@sreecharan I have created a game use some animation when it enter in background I stopped the animation and when it comes in foreground I start the animation but some time it crashes when come in forground
'm having textfield in each cell and text is from a array if a textfield is changed particular index value of my array should be changed..can u help it out @Leena
Just create a custom cell class, with a delegate. using this you can message the datastore to update any values that are changed in the cell.
lines like textfield = indexpath.row+100; are brittle.
You use tags when you can't get a reference to an object until run time. If you control an object's creation, then you can always get a reference to the object.
Storyboards make it trivial to create and use custom cells.
@TheRock For the love of a programmer's sanity - have a look at the Core Image Programming Guide and come back with a specific question if you are having trouble.
@YossiTsafar Create an NSDate components object that is two weeks in the past (by using setOffset) and then create a new NSDate with your original date and the offset.
I am trying to insert data into this table I have made but im getting and error "datatype mismatch". These are the data types that I have set for ny table are any of them worng?
I am implementing in-app purchase to my iPhone App. I am following with this tutorial and everything working fine.
But in the above tutorial purchase state is saving in the Phone KeyChain Utility. We can able to ...
I have implemented in-app purchases . and the purchase content in non-consumable. My client want to reset and check the purchase. How to reset the purchase state
I am implementing in-app purchase to my iPhone App. I am following with this tutorial and everything working fine.
But in the above tutorial purchase state is saving in the Phone KeyChain Utility. We can able to ...
I'm new to objective-c/cocoa and I want to build a simple app using Twitter API.
I only want to access the Followers of the user and because of that I don't think I will need a complex library like MGTwitterEngine.
Is there any Engine out there to my needs or should I use MGTwitterEngine?