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is this legible to you? (straw poll ftw)
if (!/^(?:https?:)?\/\//.test(str)){ ...
14 hours later…
Eternal September (also September that never ended) is a Usenet slang expression, coined by Dave Fischer, for the period beginning September 1993. The expression encapsulates the belief that an endless influx of new users (newbies) since that date has continuously degraded standards of discourse and behavior on Usenet and the wider Internet. The term is so well entrenched that one online project providing access to Usenet feeds calls itself Eternal September, and gives the date as a running tally of days since September of 1993 (e.g., Jan. 12, 2012 was "September 6709, 1993, the september ...
4 hours later…
Any suggestions on what node stack to use if I want to create a horizontally distributed REST server with a database for quick access memory storage as well as permanent hdd storage, that is also horizontally distributed?
(I'm hoping couchbase server 2 is ready for node already)
@yojimbo any news on couchbase server 2 and node.js?
1 hour later…
@Tom yojimbo says "dont know"
Maybe I'm just not getting this, but what would I have to do to make the wait()-function execute asynchronous?
how about this instead:
you dont
you use setTimeout
or process.nextTick
setTimeout(function(){wait(callback) }, 10000);
@Raynos quit typing faster than me :p
And if I would not just want to wait but actually do stuff that might take long?
var readFromFilesystem = function(file, resp){
        resp.writeHead(200, {"Content-Type":"text/html"});
@Raynos to be fair, he could use the "wait" function
working on a gist, it takes me longer to type than it does Raynos
@LukasKnuth if you do stuff that takes long, you do it in a new process or in another application
Basically number of responses per second = 1 / time it takes to do one response
gist: 1944408, 2012-02-29 21:13:53Z
var readFromFilesystem = function(file, resp){
        resp.writeHead(200, {"Content-Type":"text/html"});
var wait = function(callback){
    setTimeout(function(){ callback.call() }, 10000);
so if you spend 3 seconds doing stuff, then you can only serve one response per three seconds
try testing that and let us know how it does compared to what you wanted.
@jcolebrand the wait-function was actually not for waiting (I wouldn't have used busy-waiting then), but to simulate a long taking task. And the right solution for such seams to be putting them into process.nextTick(). Thanks!
@LukasKnuth no, consider what that means
process.nextTick just waits till the next tick, as the name indicates. That could be very fast or it could be reasonably slow.
So, if I would want to read from a database for example, in what would I wrap the request to not block other incoming connections?
@LukasKnuth you would make a call to a driver, with a callback. the callback would be done in C, and non-blocking to the rest of the system. the callback would get fired when it was done.
So, if you want to do long-term work, you'll have to use something extern and in the end multiple threads?
@jcolebrand ^
that's how it's done, yes
@jcolebrand So, it's fair to say that Node is only fast when the single actions are fast?
Sure, but that's true of any web programming language. Or any language in general
the individual instructions are blazingly fast
the IO is always slow
I mean, you might as well ask if sugar is only sticky when it's turned into molasses
@jcolebrand But Apache will not block if another request takes a little longer..
that's why you use a callback
so you don't block
and also
you obviously don't understand how apache works
it only has so many threads. if all of those threads are tied up in long running processes, it'll stop answering
the power of apache ( that node is intentionally not following yet ... it still needs to get the core parts working) is that it's stable and has had time to mature to the point of building in threading natively, behind the scenes.
it's also on at least rebuild 3
node is on build 1
@jcolebrand seems that I'll have to read more on this. Still not clear on how this callback-stuff works.
function doStuff(callback){doLongTerm(); callback();}
keep in mind I've been reading web design stuff since 1997 and following the engines since 1999 and playing with new techs and doing my own configs and working with big iron and everything else
The callback will only fire, when doLongTerm() is finished.
if you've only been working with web tech for a couple years, and never tried to power-tweak an apache install by hand, well, you wouldn't know most of this
@LukasKnuth when doLongTerm returns
thats what I ment.
So how would you make this non-blocking?
In another thread.
Generally so, yes
Beat me if I'm wrong: Since Node.js is single-threaded, it will handle one request after another. So, if one request takes longer, all others will have to wait. The idea to get around the waiting stuff is to use non-blocking functions (and callbacks). But doing something "asynchronous" will still require you do open another thread to do the work in there, so you don't block.
I don't quite know what you're asking "how would you make this non-blocking?"
@LukasKnuth yes. so far that's right
Okay, so "process every request in a new thread" (apache) and "process everything in one thread, but create "worker-threads" (node) evaluates to the same?
not really
they really do process things quite differently
apache generally calls out to the OS to read files (like for jpg/gif/html, etc) or to CGI (PHP, ruby, etc) and so some of those things are faster than others.
there's a lot of inner architecture that's really different
I'm a little confused about what I want to ask... gimme a second.
Okay, theres something I don't understand, but I'm not sure what it is :P
I'm just gonna read some more articles and see if i get it :D
haha, ok
also I encourage you to setup some virtual machines and do some manual configurations
read the man files and the apache docs, go learn about CGI interfaces
Anything you can recommend?
then go read what it takes to make some nodejs database libraries
@LukasKnuth in regards to what? learning those things? Start with wikipedia and read the linked articles.
learn how to setup apache and php from source only. don't use package managers. compile them with the proper support
@Raynos hey, you recommended mongodb for node.js right? I saw this video, which is absolutely awesome, especially the "automatic leader election"-part. The thing is that this logic is mostly implemented in the driver. So I was wondering, are there node.js drivers for mongodb with automatic leader election?
(video is to be found at mongodb.org/display/DOCS/Replication)
I thought automatic leader election was built into the mongo runtime.
IE: the driver doesn't give a shit
@jcolebrand according to that video it is largely based on the driver logic
but you are probably right that the runtime has a big part in it as well

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