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1:46 AM
journalctl sux, systemd sux, I can't just get the boot log from the rasberry pi
journaclt record nothing and it's too fast
but wait there is more
nice emergency feature
succeded it said
6 hours later…
7:32 AM
@Stargateur da best!
8:19 AM
Morning Jason!
8:53 AM
5 hours later…
2:08 PM
What are Rust's project goals? I only found prev.rust-lang.org/en-US/faq.html which is outdated.
2:54 PM
@purefanatic maybe the introduction could help you? doc.rust-lang.org/book/ch00-00-introduction.html
1 hour later…
4:10 PM
> WebView.SetColor() and WebView.SetFullScreen() have been removed. Use Window() to get native window handle and probably write some Cgo code to adjust native window to your taste.
or, in other words, you're on your own :P
@FélixGagnon-Grenier I was hoping to find something more definitive if that makes sense. I would like to know how important things like zero-cost abstractions are for the project maintainers. For example the page that I linked claims "none of Rust’s abstractions impose a global performance penalty" and I would like to be assured that this is still the case ;-)
Anyways, I'm off for another hour!
4:50 PM
I don't think that performance has dropped in priority
the question is reasonable (and the answer is "you can't")
but OP's real problem is solved in the comments where it turns out they didn't need to do that
I'm tempted to call it "not reproducible"
5:14 PM
1 hour later…
6:16 PM
Hello guys
a very noobish question, how can I know from documentation which crate version I should add to cargo.toml
is there a quick way to do it
or I just use the url?
look link no ?
yes but I may not be on the final version since its documentation
on the right
and on version tab
its what I usually do
but its a bit time consuming each time
like slightly
I was wondering if there was something like for flutter you can write "latest"
to automatically get latest version
6:19 PM
I also think cargo add the_crate add the latest version
oh nice
I didnt know I could do like that
so: cargo add qrcode
doesnt work actually
I think that's cargo-edit @AntoninGAVREL
oh I see
very nice tool
I use it all the time as it's familiar to npm.
6:35 PM
6  | fn decodeQR() -> Result<(), std::io::Error> {
   |                  -------------------------- expected `std::io::Error` because of this
14 |     let (meta, content) = grids[0].decode()?;
   |                                            ^ the trait `std::convert::From<rqrr::DeQRError>` is not implemented for `std::io::Error`
not sure how I can make it work
I try to follow the crate example and encapsuling the code in a function
this is the crate btw: crates.io/crates/rqrr
error[E0277]: the size for values of type `(dyn std::convert::From<rqrr::DeQRError> + 'static)` cannot be known at compilation time
   --> test.rs:6:18
6   | fn decodeQR() -> Result<(), dyn std::convert::From<rqrr::DeQRError>> {
    |                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ doesn't have a size known at compile-time
    = help: the trait `std::marker::Sized` is not implemented for `(dyn std::convert::From<rqrr::DeQRError> + 'static)`
anyone could help?
6:51 PM
don't use dyn, no need to thank me
what the fuck are you trying ? xd
just trying to run the crate
read documentation the function error is an docs.rs/rqrr/0.3.2/rqrr/enum.DeQRError.html
I found a nice crate to enqode a QR code, and naturally I want to use another crate to decode it back
fn decodeQR() -> Result<(), rqrr::DeQRError> {
    let img = image::open("/tmp/qrcode.png")?.to_luma8();
    // Prepare for detection
    let mut img = rqrr::PreparedImage::prepare(img);
    // Search for grids, without decoding
    let grids = img.detect_grids();
    assert_eq!(grids.len(), 1);
    // Decode the grid
    let (meta, content) = grids[0].decode()?;
    assert_eq!(meta.ecc_level, 0);
    assert_eq!(content, "https://www.google.com");

 --> test.rs:7:45
6 | fn decodeQR() -> Result<(), rqrr::DeQRError> {
  |                  --------------------------- expected `rqrr::DeQRError` because of this
7 |     let img = image::open("/tmp/qrcode.png")?.to_luma8();
  |                                             ^ the trait `std::convert::From<image::ImageError>` is not implemented for `rqrr::DeQRError`
  = note: the question mark operation (`?`) implicitly performs a conversion on th
time to use snafu crates.io/crates/snafu
its ridiculous their example should be more clear
cant believe this library has so much download when it cant do a simple task
(talking about rqrr)
I will avoid snafu for the time being as build is fialing
@Shepmaster it is something you might want to take a glance
6:57 PM
and ?
that kind of badge is always wrong
ok I was not aware about this
7:17 PM
posted on April 17, 2021 by Niko Matsakis

This week the lang team held its April planning meeting (minutes). We normally hold these meetings on the first Wednesday of every month, but this month we were delayed by one week due to scheduling conflicts. The planning meeting is used for: Checking in on the status of our active projects Planning the design meetings for the remainder of the month After each meeting, we post an update (l

8:15 PM
@kmdreko saw your comment thx, deleted answer
1 hour later…
9:44 PM
I really dont see how to solve it, like what is the expected return for the function
10:39 PM
when you want to return multiple error value either you define an enum that regroup error type = snafu, either you use Box<dyn Error>
define an enum is way better and way simple

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