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12:06 AM
@Stargateur well looking at the code it doesnt look like there is any vectorization which is really important for raytracing
5 hours later…
5:12 AM
@Stargateur OK, I won't even try, then. Thanks
5:41 AM
Morning! o/
2 hours later…
7:35 AM
match should be postfix
1 hour later…
8:36 AM
@DenysSéguret wut ?
What looks better ?

    match bla
			Self::One => {
			Self::Two(par) => {


		.match {
			Self::One => {
			Self::Two(par) => {

To avoid the first one, you usually break the functional sequence with an intermediate variable
And of course you can hardly chain several match
Yeah, I saw your tweet. :) At this point I would rather not give the lang team any ideas.
8:52 AM
I think this could be done without anything breaking as match is already reserved
9:36 AM
@E_net4thedownvoter That was one of the reasoning behind .await back in the days, that other keywords could be postfix as well, they specifically mentioned match. So it is not a new idea.
Personally, I'm in favour of moving match to postfix, if, and only if the "prefix" notation is not going to be available anymore, i.e. there's not going to be any ambiguity on which notation to use.
Moreover, also personally, I still find it confusing that postfix notation uses . as methods do, instead of some other delimiter. I don't have any suggestions what it should be replaced with, I can only complain that I don't like the way it looks.
1 hour later…
10:49 AM
(after match, we'll do if)
11:42 AM
I really like the postfix for match its much better
2 hours later…
2:04 PM
@DenysSéguret I must say... I have no strong feeling... I really don't see how this it better
2:59 PM
huh. an unexpected side-effect of ultrawide curved screen is I can put a lot of post-its on it
tho I promise, I ain't hardcoding stuff ba dum tsss
2 hours later…
4:40 PM
posted on April 15, 2021 by Felix Klock

On Friday, April 9th, the Rust Compiler team had a planning meeting for the April steering cycle. Every fourth Friday, the Rust compiler team decides how it is going to use its scheduled steering and design meeting time over the next three Fridays. On Friday, 23 April 2021, we will be having a meeting to discuss a set of proposed guiding principles for compiler contributors. On Friday, 30 Ap

1 hour later…
5:42 PM
I just had some sort of conversation with a manager
I'm being onboarded, starting to work for a new company
And he said I have this vibe that I'm letting off, like I want to show that I don't care
Every piece of software that I've touched, has been broken. It's easy to explain, too, because software isn't something you just write. It's not like a picture. I does not, and can not, exist and function on its own. First of all, you need to have hardware. Then, unless you are writing one, you need to have an operating system. That is already a huge piece of software on its own. And then everything surrounding that.
The problem goes all the way down to the root.
How am I supposed to care?
Software is getting worse by the day. The interactions that I have with my machine are just fucking annoying.
I don't care. I don't care about the product of my profession.
And apparently, it shows.
Also, in one other conversation with this manager, he told me (of course) that salaries are not to be discussed. And me, being such an open person always willing to have a good conversation, asked why.
He said that programmers ought not to think about money. It draws them away from thinking about the issues that actually matter, that they ought to be solving.
So, it's not good to think and to talk about money. And the company pays us all so well anyway, that we won't have to think about money.
This idea is also fundamentally nonsensical: if money were not a question, and if money was something that I didn't need to think about at all, I would not be working for this company. Maybe I'd be working in open source. More likely, I would gather all my hardware together in a pile, pour some gasoline on it, and burn it to a crisp. Never log in again.
There is no moral of the story, I just needed to write this somewhere.
At one point in my life, I was very close to killing myself. And I find myself more wishing I had done it, than being happy that I hadn't. I've been working full time in programming for 6 months now. I have already had enough. I can't wait to get retired.
I'm sick of all these people, I'm sick of companies, I'm sick of hierarchies and architectures, I'm sick of rehashing the same ideas, I'm sick of trying to enjoy it, when I don't enjoy it, I don't enjoy it at all, I hate all of it. The only time I really enjoyed programming was when I could do what I want, nothing needed to bring value, and the point was to have fun.
I wish I was in a situation like Denys. This evening is so terrible.
6:00 PM
@EnnMichael what the actuel fuck
free someone from the burden of the end of the month, pay him very well is way more logical xd
Hence he said
> And the company pays us all so well anyway, that we won't have to think about money.
yeah but why not talk about salary anyway ?
let's me decide if YOU pay me "well enough" xd
Because he actually has ulterior motives
That is why
you should still be able to discuss about pay raise, he looks like a douche
if you dont like programming just change for another thing that you love
you have only one life, no point to waste it working like a slave
for something you are not enthusiastic about
6:16 PM
@AntoninGAVREL Have you read the rant above?
I think it's pretty obvious that I hate everything
I'm unhinged
I ought to just jump off a bridge
I'm a college dropout, because I hated it
I picked up something else, and now I hate that too
I used to love programming
haha, you get trap into "make your passion a job make you hate your old passion" :p
@AntoninGAVREL He was talking about employees talking about salaries
@Stargateur Yeah...
Just a few years
All I need is a few years
And then I'm going to quit for good
then ask yourself what do you like about programming, even being college dropout doesnt mean your life is over
I heard the rant but you are in the wrong mindset, instead of asking yourself 'what I dont like about my life" you should ask yourself 'what I would love to be doing in my life"
also I think 85% of people dont like their job (74% accurate statistics beware)
so its not that much of a big deal if you dont like it if you can make up for it the weekdays evenings and the week-end
also something might be wrong within your company environment so you might want to take a look at other opportunities
6:40 PM
@EnnMichael Unfortunately you have to work in this point in time of human history, unless you born into a rich and wealthy family that has a shamefully large fortune, which I assume is not the case. So that's out of the way you only have two possible choices, really: either you love your profession (your work is your hobby kind of thing) or you find alternatives (hobbies if you will) that you like doing more and you do those after work.
If you believe you would have a better peace of mind with the former, then you should probably quit and start over and find yourself something else to do. Yes, software is fundamentally broken and it will be for the foreseeable future and if things will change they will for the worse as they did for the last 6 decades. So I would urge you to do the switch as soon as you can so you don't waste time and energy.
If however, you would be happy with the latter option, then find a job you are comfortable with (it won't be something that you would enjoy but at least it won't frustrate you all the time), get a high enough salary and if you can afford, switch to a 4-day week and spend as much a time as you can on things that you actually enjoy doing.
The assumption here is that what you enjoy doing could not be financially realised. If it can, then switch to that and do that full time. Quite frankly, I don't think there are other alternatives out there. Oh, well, there's another hobby some people find meaning in: start a family.
6:57 PM
@PeterVaro haha
personally I'm lucky in this matter I literally don't care, I just do what I want and so far I never failed hard enough even by doing almost nothing. I'm lucky enough to do a week of work in one day if I'm motivate so...
imagine when I work two day in a week
the last think I'm worried about is getting fired...
that would be a good time to start my own enterprise
doing thing that I actually thing are good for the world
7:29 PM
@PeterVaro You're great
@Stargateur Like what? What does the world need?
If by the world, you mean our planet, nothing that humans have ever done was good for the world
The world doesn't need any of it
If by the world you mean society, then vOv
@Shep would appreciate a dupe check on this one when you can.
@PeterVaro start a family is very boring the first two years, unless you like pets
@AntoninGAVREL Oh, I'm a passionate advocate of living a childfree life, but I know for a fact that the vast majority of the people don't agree with me. My reason is not that it is not exciting, takes too much effort or time, or it's way too expensive or anything like that. I happened to have a nearly 1 year old niece and she's brilliant, I enjoy every minute I spend with her, and she's very differently brilliant than my dog used to be.
7:48 PM
Sorry to hear that @EnnMichael. If possible, as suggested, I'd look into taking one day off, which you might then spend on something you do enjoy.
@E_net4thedownvoter Hum, I think the author might have missed stackoverflow.com/a/64701936/1113913 in that link you shared.
@PeterVaro What is your reason?
@Jason I'm pretty sure the OP is not being reasonable, but I'm not surprised.
@E_net4thedownvoter I think you might be right.
Oh, I can close it as a duplicate.
@EnnMichael I have myriad of reasons but the two main ones are: 1. I strongly believe parenting is something that one cannot do "right" no matter how hard one tries to (it's not about the intentions, it's just we're all so very different and even a wrong word said at the wrong time could leave their marks / damages on one's mind, let alone actions and 'strategies'),
2. I don't want be held responsible by someone that I brought them into this miserable shit show without asking their permission to do so. Since there's no way to ask someone if they would like be part of this life, I just can't do this with a clear consciousness.
Q: Configure default version of Rust in a project

Tomasz WaszczykIs it possible to configure in some configuration file default version of Rust for some project? The issue is that I have found Substrate framework and work on some project and required version of Rust is like below: rustup install nightly-2020-06-27 rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown --too...

@E_net4thedownvoter also a duplicate of that one.
7:58 PM
@PeterVaro I agree with this one
It's unfortunate
It is indeed.
8:14 PM
@Jason Great!
Oh my, that notification. My volume was not at 11, but 111! My ears.
9:06 PM
heh, yeah indeed it can be quite dramatic @Jason
..ohno, he does not appear to be present, what a wasted troll opportunity.
9:24 PM

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