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@FélixAdriyelGagnon-Grenier It could be brought back with combined efforts. Or it could just be asked again by someone else.
2 hours later…
the title of some question is enough to make me want to close it
5 hours later…
@MatthieuM. <3
1 hour later…
As usual, there's no context... so... nobody can make conclusion ^^
I'm really worried at this point where things are heading on the Rust (management) front..
I am out of suitable interjections for this.
I came across that in a different chat. Unfortunate and worried as well :-(
It's best that we wait and see. At least it doesn't affect the Stack Overflow part of Rust activity.
We have no other choice than wait and see anyway...
not my fault
I don't understand half word used in the speech
I mean, it did not go into details, deliberately.
clearly on attack on some member of core team rust
but that not a good thing to do
in my opinion what they done by "attack but not naming" is worst, this without proof or real situation is just a free attack
well, As I always say, I don't like mod on internet
> Not a lot of openness for an open project
TBF open source is not open everything.
Oh, such a wasted opportunity. This project could be named "I love Yew".
@Stargateur I expressed a similar opinion on Klabnik's twitter post as well. These needlessly ambiguous outcries and accusations don't serve any purpose. If you want to call out someone or a team publicly, do so by being explicit, but doing only half of the job you make more harm than good. This only leads to speculation, paints a horrible public image, etc.
And that combined with this leadership fight is what makes me worried.
On the one hand I see the monopolisation of Rust and the entire project, which would be utterly shameful
on the other hand I see people who used to be someone in the project crying over their early influence which they clearly lost.
Drama on all sides and without knowing the specific details it is hard to get things right.
And seemingly no one really cares on sharing those with us..
1 hour later…
@E_net4thevoter oi, such a shame wow
@FélixAdriyelGagnon-Grenier you must talk about the drama it's the law
heh, I have way not enough of an idea about what's up
which, arguably, shouldn't get in the way of a good dramatic outrage, I'll admit
good enough
Great, just what we needed, another biased AI but applied to pretending to understand code... reddit.com/r/programming/comments/qzrs97/…
can't wait to have IA coding
Well, the GitHub thing, and other similar attempts, are sometimes sold as "AI coding"
But, looking at the current state, It looks like we'll have to keep coding for a while
when we have IA coding we will have reach conscience IA we are far far far far far far far far far from it
I'm more worried about we run out of electricity
O boy, I should not have scavenged Twitter. Some Rust haters took this as an opportunity to further bash the language and the people involved.
@E_net4thevoter I follow better people. I've only seen very reasonable tweets on the subject.
TBH the tweets I've seen were totally void of anything interesting
(reasonable people are cautious and boring)
@DenysSéguret Yeah, I wouldn't have seen the ones I mentioned in my feed alone, had to search.
Being part of the reasonable people, I'll now go and sleep. Good night fellow reasonable people.
@E_net4thevoter twitter is cancer
@DenysSéguret haha
@Stargateur Is your opinion the same regarding the orange site and similar?
@E_net4thevoter technically reddit theme is mostly orange
but I beat you talk about the other one
@E_net4thevoter ohno, go watch some fluffy cats as a palette rinse
also, Rust haters, wat? why? it's the least offensive language out there.
well I'm sure some people don't like rust and get hurt we say "Rust is better"
@FélixAdriyelGagnon-Grenier You wouldn't believe what I saw there.
I shall take your word on it and grace your sacrifice by not going and search for it
It definitely ain't worth it. Scout promise!
*not a scout*
> I personally have been doing some kind of moderation of online communities for almost 20 years old.reddit.com/r/rust/comments/hnfnti/…
Exactly what I don't like, at this point it's become a profession but since you do it for free it's for power. This is exactly what I dislike in mod on internet, they are always the same and have power since forever
and here they are reddit.com/r/rust/comments/qzme1z/comment/hlodwwq/… giving lesson on how thing should be
and anyway real mod:
> In the interest of disclosure, two of the moderators who are resigning from the official mod team are moderators here on this subreddit (matthieum and llogiq).
didn't really resing on anything
they resign because they have no power on core team
cause mod seek power
Without going too deeply into it, as I know arguing with Star is not an easy task, I'll state that I disagree with your position(s) ^_^
well you can't disagree there seek power, that the very purpose of the drama
I don't say there are bad people
just that power is evil
but having mod that are mod on every space where people of rust talk is annoying
expect stackoverflow actually I don't see much where mod are not the same
mod people should change regulary
"power" should change of hand regulary
any form of power
They seek that the "power" be applied evenly across the teams
that that I can agree
you can (and I suppose you do) argue that they shouldn't have power or that amount of power
well at the very least it's should be public talk
I'm fairly sure that the mods would (would have... I suppose) appreciate more people helping
we can't help if they keep all secret
secret + power
and when did they ask for help before ?
let me guess
It's a good question, and I don't have an answer to it
I can agree that I don't recall seeing a request
however, I also don't recall the infra team asking for people before I joined and yet...
People tend to join teams that are meaningful to them
well yes, that also the why mod are always the same people
I'm pretty sure a mod team make one post only one, anywhere where they show, this core member doesn't respect code of conduct here why, would have been enough to force core team to do something
instead, they choice "we don't have power so that a problem"
to continue to deal with kind of problem in future privately
the next problem will be, "who moderate the moderater"
> Moderators who fail to keep up this standard, or who abuse the moderation process, may be removed by the core team.
but if you give mod power to moderate core that circle
you always the same problem "who watch the police ?"
and there is only one possible solution, transparency
Yeah, I don’t care to discuss with you any further. It takes too much effort.
“You win” if it makes you feel better.
not really
I fail to see where I'm wrong
I'm not even a part of the problem
yet I have see this coming from long time
yet you think you know better
and look me like trash and say bad thing on me
I do not like you anymore so
now I'm unhappy
I was thinking you was different of other Rust team
I don’t see where I said anything mean or bad about you
And doing such was not my intention
So I apologize that I did
My point is only that I do not believe it possible to change your mind (on this point and more generally) and that attempting to do so requires more energy than I can devote
I do agree with the moderators in this case
@DenysSéguret Reasonable people don't tweet ;)
And I think the Rust community is better for the work the moderators have done.
@E_net4thevoter We need a feed of those in this channel :D
well, yes you can but you need to add more information, I guess you know the inside of what did some member of core team, and that is why you think mod are right. Again, I talking about the general situation here, I don't really care if a core team member did something bad. I just don't think the solution mod propose will solve anything in the futur, I think core member need a public moderation. Mod with more power will only move the problem
@PeterVaro 🤮
@Shepmaster ;)
@Stargateur I don't think there is a solution for the quis custodiet ipsos custodes? problem. At least not one that I'm aware of.
All of the proposed solutions work nicely on paper but never in real life.
you know it's a hard problem when there is a latin quote for it
Yup, it only means it is quite an old problem.
I don't even know who she is XD
It’s weird because half the people can’t access that link
The other half have to use a different one from archive.org
anyway internet never forget
I don't understand why this person is on board of node and Rust
oh ok it's a old post
has any Internet community tried solving litigious cases like this using a jury? (I guess the hardest part of that approach is finding people to form an impartial jury...)
Internet communities are strangely non-democratic
my complain exactly
seem Steve Klabnik is part of the drama too
quite a random guess / half backed by the fact he seem to have work with Ashley Williams
I find it very strange that these people jump from node to Rust core team

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