quick question from a new guy: if I've got some impl method that takes mut self, how should i call another method that also takes mut self? e.g. fn a(&mut self) { b(self) } fn b(&mut self) { ... }
in other words, how do i allow the inner method call to borrow mut self?
So when you call fn next(&mut self), that says "This method might mutate self in such a way that any reference I have to the insides of self might become invalidated"
Yes, it's necessary that next modifies something in order to advance. The non-obvious thing is that the compiler doesn't make a fine-grained decision like "only current will be modified"
@SimonWhitehead I'm tokenizing a string… Oh! Sorry! I forgot to add a piece of state to my struct that would've made this easier to understand. Reader should have a current_string: &str and tokenize should set that state where peek should use that state.
So the Vec<&str> will basically segment the input &str in memory