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@TehShrike: Hello
anybody here?
3 hours later…
SET @sqlText = ''
SELECT @sqlText = @sqlText + ' SELECT * FROM ' + QUOTENAME(name) + CHAR(13) FROM sys.tables
How to print table name too?
I want to print all tables and databases in a db
4 hours later…
@MahaveerMuttha As the topic says, Ask your question, and then hang around a while to see if an expert looks back at their screen and answers it!
10 hours later…
hey all
i'm having a problem with STR_TO_DATE function (i think). it works fine locally, but the same query fails on that part when I'm on the remote DB
1 hour later…
@JohnBlythe What query? How does it fail?
this is the entire query
INSERT INTO Spend (id, fid, LastPurchase, Last12MonthsQTY, TotalSpend, FacItem, FacDesc, Vendor, VenItem, UOM, HighestPrice, MostFrequentPrice)
SELECT 0, f.id as `fid`, STR_TO_DATE(d.LastPurchase, '%Y-%m-%d'), d.Last12MonthsPurchaseQTY, d.TotalSpend, d.FACIT, d.FACITDES, d.VENNAME, d.VENIT, d.UOM, d.HighestPricePaid, d.MostFrequentPrice
FROM Facilities f
JOIN Dump d
	ON d.facname = f.name
	AND f.city = d.city
works locally, not remotely. not certain why. the LastPurchase col just goes NULL
And what do you get when you run
SELECT STR_TO_DATE(d.LastPurchase, '%Y-%m-%d')
FROM Facilities f
JOIN Dump d
	ON d.facname = f.name
	AND f.city = d.city
for every row
Well, there you go, I guess
I can only assume that the dates in Dump.LastPurchase are not in the format Y-m-d
What format are they in?
there in this: 10/31/2012 0:00:00
it's been a few months since i did the original scripting, but it seems to have worked on my local version
maybe it didn't and i found another solution adn forgot to note it :p
@JohnBlythe Welp, that's definitely not yyyy-mm-dd!
but i thought that was the whole point of the function, converting it
and then tell it how to convert
@JohnBlythe The string defines how the input will be read. It just returns a DATE type, you don't have to tell it how to output it.
oo. so if i do %d-%m-%Y i'd be good?
nope, just tried :p
@JohnBlythe Well, the example you pasted had slashes instead of dashes
oh, right
SELECT STR_TO_DATE('10/31/2012 0:00:00', '%m/%d/%Y'); works for me
i wonder how i did it las ttime
ya that works
thanks for the help @TehShrike!
@JohnBlythe No problem :-)

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