You can improve edits like this, but uncheck the box about the suggested edit being helpful. It's still too minor. Suggested edits are supposed to substantively improve the post (you only put minor edits after 2k+) - it's in the rules.
Also, while it was in edits, unnecessary emphasis like the above scenario defaces the post. Despite that it was originally enclosed in parenthesis, the boldness is defacing the post.
Hey @DavidBCA, welcome to the robo room. You've done nothing wrong.
I am using two images. I read and stroded into matrix in opencv using C++. Now, I want to inverse of one image matrix.
I used invM1 = M1.inv(CV_LU);(where invM1 and M1 both are matrix). I got
Opencv error:Assertation failed.
Can you help me solve how this error occurred, what the error me...