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@SawanModi hey
@DhavalKhant Hey
Hi guys....
Hello Guys
How r u?
@Kalpesh vote up kar
fine :)

anyone want to fork my project?
@xDragonZ ya why nt???
@DhavalKhant ha karu 6u.....
Please write on english i dont know hindi
@SawanModi ok yar......
Just joking yaar But It could be better on write in English .
can u help me to make this group as a private
@DhavalKhant U have no other work...?
@Kalpesh of course i have bt images are nt ready so waiting 4 that
@DhavalKhant oh ya....thn...ok...
@DhavalKhant : this group chating is not sending any notification to me......have to do any settings for it....?
anyone interested to fork this github.com/Evozi/App-Inspector project are welcome , thanks
Good Morning Guys....
@Kalpesh disable desktop notification at right side
Good morning
here is friday 1.27PM now , lol
@DhavalKhant first read clear and than answer.....
@xDragonZ this project abt??
@DhavalKhant Apps Inspector detects frameworks used by your installed applications. It's a great way to see what advertising agencies other developers use, and what tools they have integrated.
@xDragonZ sry bro i have no idea
abt this
for example if you use google admob , then the apps will able to detect that you have included admob in that app
@xDragonZ ohhh..that was very interesting
but the current code need improvement , so i'm looking for someone who can help , so i decided to make it open source , so anyone can have the code
@all hi
@xDragonZ can i know how much fund i will get on impression and click in AdMob???
@DhavalKhant no you can't , i think you can go to admob website to check the impression and clicks
@Richa @all Do u know how to know push notification?
use C2DM
any example or any project u know?
nope ... :/
Any one has example?
1 hour later…
hi all
6 hours later…
any one can help me to read pdf file in android semulator?
i think i need to use pdf rendering library for that but i am not able to get libraray does any one is having proper solution.?please help me out to solve it Thanks Aamirkhan I.
what's the point of this room?
aren't there enough android rooms already?
1 hour later…
Hi Anybody there For Help?
[Must be close]
@Samk just post your query any body knows they will share you :)
@RobinHood is there
Just die.
Hi i want to know how to stores Geo locations in Cache file
I want to Use this Locations in future when internet is not available than i want to show that data on Maps
@RobinHood what happened
@Samk map needs internet, is it not?
balpha has frozen this room.

« first day (1 day earlier)