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Don't know if right place but simple programming problem??
c++ ofc
you get the point
Gonna leave it here in case lol:
I have a "Tree" class. Within the "Tree" class, there is a "Node" class.

The "Tree" class has a member "Nodes", of type vector<Node>.
The "Node" class has a member "ChildNodes" of type vector<Node*>.

There is a static variable "nodeCount" of type long holding the *overall* number of nodes, which is also used as the id (each node has an "id" member) of the latest added node.

The problem is that I need to be able to iterate an indefinite number of these node...
@SuperCookie47 Why not ask that on Stack Overflow?
the difference between a quickanswer here (3 secs to read it) of someone who might just know it off the top of their head, and asking on so is quite the time difference.
I'm also not closed to the idea of being told to f off lol
it's worth it
@SuperCookie47 Yeah, but you're missing the part where we don't give a fuck, generally.
I'm noticing, yeah
@SuperCookie47 Yeah, I guessed as much. If you'd read our rules you'd understand we don't really like helping complete strangers.
How insulting
I've asked like 1 ot two questions...
I see
You have to become one of the regulars..
Breadth-First Search
And Depth-First Search
You can look these things up.
A brother of the nights watch
14 messages moved from Lounge<C++>
Also, trees are not a hard thing. There's literally a million resources online about how to implement a naive tree.
It's.... really not far beyond some basic searching and a little mental application.
So using those two sentences it would'nt have taxed you too much to just answer lol...
I've looked it up qutie a bit
I don't know how to rephrase to Google anymore
I also don't like typing "children" into google anymore than a few times..
it wouldn't tax me to answer, but that doesn't change the fact that I'm not going to.
just go ask a question on Stack Overflow and stop littering the room up.
Programmers. Being dicks since coffe and computers.
You honestly would have gotten an answer within 30 minutes if you just asked on Stack Overflow.
17 messages moved from Lounge<C++>
@SuperCookie47 Thanks for explaining. That's very selfish. Also, it's completely untrue. If people like you would barge in demanding quick answers (because Stack Overflow is too slow) we wouldn't have a chat room to hang out in.
SO begets answers quicker because more eyeballs are on it

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