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If variables are only local to blocks and sub-blocks, can I have a variable that's local to a do/while block?
Thank you.
Hello again. Can I do a static_cast<string>(fCost)? (which is to say can I cast to a string?)
@DaveC The very idea scares me
I don't think casting to strings does what you probably thinks it does...
Try using a string stream.
istringstream ss(fCost);
string temp;
@DaveC Assuming fCost is a numeric type, you probably want a lexical_cast or (if you have C++11) just std::to_string.
i got a string input for a number used for stock price.... After verifying that there is no space in the input, I do a fCost = static_cast<int>(sCost)... I'm trying to figure out how to validate it.
Do you need to convert a string to an int or an int to a string?
This is not required of the homework, but I personally like to validate input.... (that's just me)
I was going to convert the int back to a string to see if it matched the original string.
Why are you taking the input as a string?
because the input is in the form x x/x. (for stock price)... I'm working on the code to validate it, if there is no space in the string (thus an integer).
Ah, okay. Makes sense.
Wait, stock prices are represented as fractions?
sure, 12 1/2.... 16 1/8.... to eights of a dollar.
Odd. I've never seen stock prices like that.
only on 3rd homework problem out of 10... was hoping for faster answer... perhaps I'll just skip the validation and just move on with the problem. Thanks anyways.
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