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A: Callback undefined in process.nextTick

Nikolay Lukyanchukvar _callback = callback(true); this string can return undefined value. Are you shure that callback(true) return other function or value. Delete it or comment. Example of undefined function result var func_without_result = function(){}; console.log(func_without_result()); result > undef...

console.log(_callback); // prints [Function] as expected; isnt this a proof that _callback is not undefined.. just checking.
console.log(_callback) - at the begining of your code. but into create function you reassign _callback with undefined value
If I directly invoke _callback(); it works. Where as from within the nextTick function its undefined.
can you comment this line? var _callback = callback(true);
in create function you use 'var _callback' and create new local variable _callback
Commenting the var _callback... and directly calling callback within the nextTick(function(){callback...}) helped. Thanks a ton.
can you please elaborate on why the result is undefined in the snippet
as per my understanding of the hoisitng principle in js.. the assignment should be done..
where am i wrong..
1) you use 'var' keyword and nodejs create new variable for _calback
use in create function
when you use any variable, nodejs interpriter try to find it
if this variable declare this 'var' keyword in the function, interpriter use it
it is variable scope
var my_var = 1;
var f = function(){ var my_var = 2; }
in function f we redeclare variable my_var, and no way to get variable of my_var outside this function
2) You don't need this string (var _callback = callback(true); )
my advise, dont use one variable for all, create new variables with different names and use them.
I am tring investigate your code logic, and I can't understand do you need 1 callback or two different callbacks
I am sorry, I need to go
i just need one callback. not two... thanks for your replies..

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