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@Trung0246 but where does it exactly crash?
on Linux I'd spawn GDB, now You have the whole fullblown VC debugger, I presume :}
@Trung0246 still there? It indeed crash on non-existing file :}
@Kamiccolo I'm pretty sure that my file does exist since I set absolute path for it.
@Trung0246 and You checked the result of fopen(), right? do You have basic debugging facilities set-up? Like gdb or something VC has?
Yeah visual studio
this is what file path looks like
escaped properly then passed to fopen
no idea why it cause undefined behavior
When I used normal fopen with fgetc I still can get character
even with null check
wtf is not printed
what's file_record? whats u_file?
u_fgetc (UFILE *f) according to documentation :}
struct pli_file_record_v0 {
FILE *file;
UFILE *u_file;
fpos_t pos;
like wtf
the file is right there
the path his correct
file and ufile is not null
Am I missing something?
that's the bare minimum example I could come up
It getting weirder since I switched to u_fopen and it works
same path, nothing changed
btw @Kamiccolo is the code I posted in the question works on your machine, or it just my windows machine being stupid?
this looks like I triggered either library bug or compiler bug
but compiler bug rule out since gcc also generate crash program
wtf is the function 0x00007FF85702C648 in ucrtbase.dll pointing to anyways?
@Trung0246 heh, no idea. It could be inspectable by some tools... But can't tell anything about Windows.
@Trung0246 yes, it works.\
so something is really wrong with my machine
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unicode/ustdio.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	FILE* file = fopen("file.txt", "rb"); // Apparently both "r" and "rb" will have same issue
	UFILE* ufile = u_finit(file, NULL, NULL);
	UChar uchar = u_fgetc(ufile);

	return 0;
to be precise. Compiles some samples as well.
Anything from this:
@Trung0246 for the sake of environment, could You trying something bundled with CodeBlocks instead?
so I should use CodeBlocks to compile the example?
yeah, might work. If it does, that mean it might do something to the code behind the hood or such that make it compile right
I recall some IDE on windows do this at least
Downloading x64 portable version right now
Looks like CodeBlocks only detect GCC and not cl.exe
upon first open
@NordineLotfi at least to weed out issues with particular library :} On that matter, trying to figure out mingw build :D
this libicu shit requires VC_runtime updates -.-
> "002f:err:module:import_dll Library VCRUNTIME140_1.dll (which is needed by L"Compile\\so_tests\\icu\\icuuc70.dll") not found
hmm looks like fresh environment (just open a VM (Windows Sandbox) for this) still cause the same issue (with absolute file path of course): i.imgur.com/8KBUsCA.png
so it's really windows thing
and what about relative path?
relative path will print "mhm"
in the sandbox
despite of file.txt have same folder location with the exe
anyways trying to figure out how to include header files in CodeBlocks right now
mhm. As I recall, there are at least a few different ways to encode absolute paths and represent those in strings, as I recall...
what pisses me off bigtime, that it requires MSVC19 -.- I don't want to install. Neither figure out the way to build the whole lib with mingw.
codeblock with gcc do same thing
relative file path (when the path string is just "file.txt") print "mhm" as expected
anyways it's 3:00am here and I need to sleep
tomorrow I'll continue with this thing
@Trung0246 aha, as I said, something to do with absolute paths :| That's what people were complaining... anyways, good night!
from my phone: if it the case with absolute path then u_fopen should not work by now, but I used u_fopen with the same absolute path and everything works
mhm. One thing to try, is "unix style" filepaths. Like... C:/something/foo/bar/baz.txt or even C://something/foo/bar/baz.txt Not sure where at this point actual conversions are happening.
I guess something in windows convert paths transparently (or maybe it does it auto-magically when you include <windows.h>)?
that remind me of the path conversion done in mingw/msys (where there a service running with the opened terminal that then convert each path passed to the shell/terminal)
this also add a small to noticeable overhead, but usually you don't notice it I think
the following might help: first link, second link
@NordineLotfi yup, mingw had this feature... not to think to mouch about different ways to represent paths (which I liked, as being non-Windows developer :D)
yeah, indeed. Btw, seems like it's much harder to find related post for C rather than C# or C++ (on SO I mean)
@NordineLotfi because Microsoft ditched C long time ago... it's either C++ like C, which bunch of weird non-standard crap, or C++ with bunch of weird non-standard crap, or C# :|
@Kamiccolo that's sad :/
well, while this make doing C stuff on windows, it doesn't make it impossible, so I guess it's better than nothing
3 hours later…
Q: OpenGL SL barrel distortion: what's wrong with this SDL2 code

FrancescoI wrote an emulator using SDL2 and what I want is to add a barrel distortion, like an old CRT, to final rectangular video frame texture. OpenGL SL vertex and fragment shaders come from here. This is the code, icon.bmp is here: #include <stdio.h> #include "SDL.h" #include "SDL_opengl.h" static SD...

6 hours later…
@NordineLotfi looks like every single stackoverflow answer recommended "\\" as slash
But with recent tests I confirmed that even using "/" the crash still occur when using u_fgetc
@Trung0246 those may be old, and they do not take any account on Windows versions or related underlying libs or frameworks... like MSVC runtime, libICU is depending on.
Need to check it's source, mayhaps :| (libicu, I mean)
this one? no idea where to look for
especially windows-specific stuff
since on linux the code works fine
this is kind a eye opening:
mayhaps. Boils down to wrong MSVC runtime being linked? libicu70 official build depends on MVSC 2017 I believe. So, either build libicu Yourself, try another (older?) build or check that version of MSVC?
Installation and build part:
@Kamiccolo interesting, since I tried to use ftell on FILE* returned by icu
and it crashed
@Kamiccolo I only have vs2019 and 2022 on my machine
maybe vs2017 is the one
lets see
mhm. And what about this? stackoverflow.com/a/17718589/1150918
It's talking about old libicu build, but not really sure how to debug and check the new one...
what about fgetpos?
since that one also crash
If it's about different FILE layout... than everything should or might misbehave :|
huh ftell according to en.cppreference.com/w/c/io/ftell only accept a single argument
if it's rather about different linkage, like mentioned on the last thread, it may work.
but in the answer it accept 3?
@Trung0246 fseek() does. Not ftell()
       int fseek(FILE *stream, long offset, int whence);

       long ftell(FILE *stream);
oh my badd
so looks like it boils down to either different memory layout or something else
figured out how the relative path thing works
apparently it refer to the vs project folder, meanwhile in gcc it refer to cd
looks like fseek doest not crash but f_getc crash as expected
so looks like the only solution is to emulate the behavior of u_fgetc
@Trung0246 that explain some comment I saw on the post I linked above. Didn't mention them since I thought you already saw the posts :) (and wasn't sure if this was the problem or not)
@Trung0246 yeah, I saw some recommending / too, but not sure if it did anything different on your end or same result as above
hmm I tried to follow the accepted answer, but
looks like I already set it to Multithreaded Debug DLL
hm this looks the the source for u_fgetc
~~thank you new github search~~
@Trung0246 there a new github search??
yeah I think it's invite only
this one I think
saw it on HN months ago
is this related?
Q: How does Windows handle multiple DLLs loaded in memory without position independent code?

IgnorantLinux and MacOS leverage the power of Position-Independent Code. There's no such thing on Windows and yet programs can link against shared DLLs normally. I can't seem to find good documentation on this topic, besides a couple of terse articles on the Microsoft website (here and here). Does Window...

idk how to force icu dlls to share same memory with msvc runtime
1 hour later…
there's this thing
idk if it related
looks like I truly stuck
not sure how to force dlls to share same memory
in order to make the code works
maybe another relevant question
Q: C Runtime objects, dll boundaries

David CournapeauWhat is the best way to design a C API for dlls which deals with the problem of passing "objects" which are C runtime dependent (FILE*, pointer returned by malloc, etc...). For example, if two dlls are linked with a different version of the runtime, my understanding is that you cannot pass a FILE...

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