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guys.. not a C question.. but i think we can relate still
A: Can a local variable's memory be accessed outside its scope?

Eric Lippert How can it be? Isn't the memory of a local variable inaccessible outside its function? You rent a hotel room. You put a book in the top drawer of the bedside table and go to sleep. You check out the next morning, but "forget" to give back your key. You steal the key! A week later, you retu...

@haris Actually the question is 'wrong'
(the sample given is correct, but the question doesn't describe the sample very well)
@DrorK. Ya. coz the variable is being accessed after the functions exit, not just outside its scope
The question is not about scope, but rather duration
(unless they happen to use a different terminology in C++)
@DrorK. i didnt get u.. can u explain a bit more
@haris Unfortunately I'm on my way out
But in two words:
"local variable" describes local scope
"outside its scope" describes once again, scope
The question is about an object with an automatic duration
The scope of an object doesn't describe its duration, its duration does
Scope describes only visibility
not able to access array of structure

typedef struct {
int value1;
int value2;
int used;

int i;

printf("\nEnter the Number of Pages : ");
printf("\nEnter the Price of Book : ");

enum { DATA_SIZE = sizeof data / sizeof *data };

static int output[DATA_SIZE];

int traverse(int from, int to, int depth) {
output[depth++] = from;

int i;
if (from == to) {
for (i = 0; i < depth; i++) {
if (i) {
printf("%d", output[i]);
@AnoopDobhal What is *data?
7 hours later…
helloc @all;

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