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3 hours later…
Anyone have C experience with HTTP requests? (linux)
@Inisheer Would be easier to simply ask a question, if anybody could help, they would
6 hours later…
helloc all;
2 hours later…
hello @ko
1 hour later…
@deckard LOL :)
helloc @Kotshi; //sup?
These kinds of 'performance' advantages remind me of people who advocate for things that require typing less characters- for efficiency
2 hours later…
I'm coming to the realization that the 'regular' guys at ##c are biased and a little hypocrite
They'll strongly object to using optional, but common extensions to the C standard, while endorse other non-strictly conforming features.
They're fine with C11 specific features which are not commonly available, but optional C99 extensions which are indeed common- are a 'portability' concern
Hello there
Hello world @AndreaMartinelli
Cool stuff stackoverflow chat!
Anyone who can tell me a good C book ? (advanced level, for multithreading + advanced c programming)
@AndreaMartinelli How experienced are you with C?
@DrorK. Medium level. But I want to improve it. I love it, it's really powerfull
@AndreaMartinelli Which C books have you worked through? How many years/months have you been practicing?
I'm studying physic in Rome. It's about two years I'm using C but only for scientific purposes. I've been programmed for 5 years (PHP, ecc)
Which book have you been following for learning C?
@DrorK. Oh yes, sorry. yaC-Primer. It's an italian one
@AndreaMartinelli Do you have an example of what you would consider to be 'advanced' C programming?
@DrorK. I don't know exactly. I want to improve my C experience in order to learn serial communication from different devices (Android<->PC), or improving performance also of my scientific's codes with OpenMP/pthread. Something which can be a good starting point to interface with Linux also. I read about Advanced Programming in UNIX Env.
@AndreaMartinelli From my experience, most people don't have a very strong foundation with the C language, if you care about 'advanced' C, I would suggest making sure that your foundation is solid. But if you don't really care about C as a language, by as a tool to achieve platform-specific things, I would suggest simply looking for these specific books.
Advanced 'C' books wouldn't help you with any of these things
@DrorK. Which book can give you a solid foundation?
@AndreaMartinelli Beginner books are a good start, such as 'A Modern Approach' by K.N. King
If you wish, I can ask you a few trivia questions to 'test' where you stand, but I wouldn't unless you want to
We can try, but probably I'll fail :D Sorry for bad english, improving it :)
There's nothing wrong with your English
I don't know... what's the type of the string literal: char *str = "Hello World";
Well, not exactly
@DrorK. char pointer, if pointer is the english word
How about things like sequence points?
@DrorK. Hmm... don't know exactly what it means
@AndreaMartinelli int x = 0; if (x == x++) puts("0"); else puts("1");
@AndreaMartinelli embrace Your love ^_^
@Kamiccolo Thank you sir
@AndreaMartinelli I think it would benefit you to work through a beginner's book as I've suggested, but the be fair, most probably you could get away without by jumping directly to a book which is specific to your field/platform of interest
Just wondering, which scientific field are You in... :} anything to do with bio-stuff or astronomy by any chance?
@DrorK. +1. Kudos for finding common ground first.
@DrorK. Not easy to do a test in an other language, don't know exactly what type of question are you asking.
@AndreaMartinelli I'm not sure what you mean- could you rephrase?
@DrorK. Anyway, if should return 0\n, because x++should work after command
@Kamiccolo For now only Physic. Maybe particellar, or eletronic
@AndreaMartinelli The code sample above is meant to be C, and it's a simple case of undefined behavior
@Kamiccolo The code above is the simplest form of undefined behavior, I'm correct?
@DrorK. Why is undefined?
@DrorK. I believe so :}
@AndreaMartinelli The value of 'x' is being accessed twice within the same sequence point which modifies it
@AndreaMartinelli neat ^_^ Either, particellar and electronic simulations always made me curious... also, quite a challenging stuff.
@AndreaMartinelli Are you aware of the concept of undefined behavior in C?
(are you familiar with other common examples of undefined behavior?)
> "My mom is real hacker. By the sound of the keyboard she can determine, if I'm working or playing. Also she can say what genre game is that..."
@DrorK. Not really
@Kamiccolo Yes. I love both and I love programming. Hope maybe to programm CERN on other big machines
@DrorK. What should the compiler say in that example? Error?
@AndreaMartinelli I think it would benefit you if you'll brush up on the things I've mentioned
@AndreaMartinelli Undefined behavior means that the compiler isn't required to do anything specific. It could 'just work', or it could 'just fail'
The undefined-behavior nature of the C language is the reason why it's impossible to learn C without a proper resource, such as the standards/books
@DrorK. I'll read something on the net
Anyway, was a char pointer of an array the correct answer?
@AndreaMartinelli No, string literals have array types, its type is char[N] where N is the number of characters + the null terminator
Exactly, so char pointer was the correct answer... or not?
No, string literals are not pointers
The variable 'str' is a pointer, but it's not a string literal
Is that the case of undefined behavior?
It's not undefined behavior
The string literal "abc" has the type char[4]
char *p = "wikipedia"; undefined behavior
char p[] = "wikipedia"; correct
@AndreaMartinelli Why do you think it's undefined behavior?
@DrorK. Reading it on wikipedia
Could you share a link?
In computer programming, undefined behavior (UB) is the result of executing computer code written in a programming language for which the language specification does not prescribe how that code should be handled. Undefined behavior is unpredictable and a frequent cause of software bugs. The behavior of some programming languages—most famously C and C++—is undefined in some cases. In the standards for these languages, the semantics of certain operations are undefined. An implementation is allowed to assume that such operations never occur in standard-conforming program code; the implementation will...
@AndreaMartinelli They're referring to the question whether it's modifiable, look at the following assignment
@DrorK. Oh wait, I think I got it
Here's a trick question:
char c = 'c'; ... what is the type of the character constant 'c'? :)
Probably I'll fail. char[1] ?
int :)
ASCII code
is Char an int typedef?
No, char is a distinct type
But character constants, happen to be ints in C
It's a trick question, the vast majority of the programmers don't even need this piece of trivia
Hope to learn more. I'm not terrible, but I don't know exactly every thing
Here's a more crucial one: what is the type of the NULL macro?
It should be the null pointer, so something like int (0?)
It could have either the type int, or a pointer type
I think int is the correct answer
It's not required to be int, it could be a pointer type
Oh... that's true
int pointer? Or what?
Pointer to void
(void *)
What type is void? It is a distinct type?
void is an incomplete type, a pointer to void is a complete type
It acts as a pointer-to-generic type
So we can find int, char, float, double, relative pointers + void pointer?
What do you mean by 'find'?
I mean C standards offers this type of variables I mentioned below?
Here's another one:
int, int*, char, char *, float, float *, double, double *, void * ?
That's cool. Thank you
int func1(void) { puts("111"); return 111; }
int func2(void) { puts("222"); return 222; }

printf("%d", func1() + func2());
What would that print?
It's unspecified whether func1() or func2() would be called first
Oh that's true... should the compiler read first func1 and execute first that one?
It could go either way, it's unspecified
Undefined behavior?
Unspecified behavior, not undefined behavior
Undefined behavior means anything could happen
Thank you for teaching me :) What do you do, if I can ask you, in your life? Do you study?
Unspecified means that there are a few available options, one of which is valid
Well, I don't do much, I'm mostly a consultant
Undefined is like:
char p[3] = "ab";
printf("%c", p[4]);
How about: printf("%c", p[3]); ?
The last char is not the end string character?
The last char is p[2]!
oh. True, I read wrong
How about:
char p[2] = "ab"; ?
On p[2] he prints '\0' ?
Does the system transform \0?
It assigns the two characters without the null character
As-if: p[0] = 'a'; p[1] = 'b';
What's the output of p[2] ?
As you can see, the foundation of the C language is tricky
That's undefined behavior
Oh God... I'm speechless
Why? :)
Never thought so many undefined behavior
This is just the tip of the iceberg
Dror, I'm trying to make a simple C program which read from USB port my Android Phone, and which can send/receive serial data throught an apposite app
I searched a lot on the net but I didn't found nothing interesting. Do you know if is possible/guide where this topic is explained?
Unfortunately I don't, but how hard is it to search for it?
Not hard do the research, but I found nothing. That's why I asked you :)
Aren't there dedicated forums of developers for such platforms?
Of course. Maybe you could help me. Thanks anyway
Have to go. Have nice day and thank you
Have a nice day!
@AndreaMartinelli If it's on Linux... it's simple as reading from one file (/dev/ttyUSBX) and writing to another (/dev/ttyUSBY)...
my tup syntax definition for sublime is almost finished => will be available soon in the package manager!
@PeterVaro good job! :}
goto mad_beer;

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