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@DrorK. yes, in the example, it generates a random task
@Kamiccolo IMHO, this just increases LoC number, but I'll give it a shot, thanks =)
@DrorK. MS compiler fires a warning on a non-casted malloc every time, it's just a habit this gave me. Also, makes code C++ - compatible (not that it means much)
@DrorK. these are auto-included in a project along with windows.h, I believe, so that's not a problem
@Kamiccolo thanks, I wasn't aware of that =) I'll fix it ASAP
@DrorK. yes, it is different, please take a look at the readme to see how I handled field inheritance
@Kamiccolo sorry for the broken readme, I've been writing it quite late at night, I'll try to correct it today =) And I'm not really sure about a license. Is it worth the bother? It's quite a small project, really
@DrorK. giving it a fresh thought, I kind of understand your logic: the user doesn't need to give new values to these fields, so I could just keep the pointers instead of double pointers. But in reality, most of these array-type fields are reallocated internally, so pointer-to-pointer does serve in the context of my inheritance system. And the ones that do not get reallocated are pointer-to-pointer mainly for consistency's sake, so that I and the users won't get mixed up.
my reasoning: if you decide to do something one way, even if it's really weird, go all the way and don't make exceptions, otherwise, do everything another way.
@Mints97 there are plenty of automatic generators for that... or just one extra file... just to be calm while it's being made public xP
@Kamiccolo oh, there are automatic generators for this? Can you recommend a good one?
@Mints97 uff... can't remember one at the moment. But there were at least a couple of those...
brb, shower and work
oh, github has this auto-license generation tool too:
Eh, I just prefix the licence block in front of each file, with BSD-ish licences. Mine is under 1K, with /**/ headers
@mirabilos having in mind that it's only two files... :)
@Mints97 also... line spacing and length of /* ===== */ blocks looks kind a inconsistant....
@Kamiccolo yes, you're right =( I forgot to do something about this =(
@Mints97 sorry for being picky, but I thought You've asked for that xP
@Kamiccolo no, that's all right, go on! =) I need to know what to correct
heh, funny thing... which was also discussed on lkml --- on no memory left error allocating some more stuff for message box while not deallocating (?) anything...
@Kamiccolo I'm not doing that. My functions just return NULL on out-of-memory errors
I might try to make them free the memory they allocated prior to that, but that could take way, way much code for a condition when the app will crash with 90% certainity anyway
ah, sorry, that was Demo :}
@Kamiccolo yeah, one extra LICENCE file is usually overkill, especially since e.g. the GPL per-file header is still almost 1K too. I regularilty put that on shellscripts and the like, too…
well, I just don't think my project is going to be of any real use to much people for a while, at least until I add some more features... Maybe the license can wait until then? It scares me a bit =P
@Mints97 just, without licence, nobody can legally use it, contribute to it, etc. and people will just look at it, say non-free, and never come back, even if it’s fixed later
@Mints97 Morning
I'm not really sure why do you get a warning, the only assumption I can get- is that you're actually compiling it as C++?
If your srand() is being called multiple times consecutively, don't your rand() generated values the same? (assuming the interval is less than short/quick enough)
@DrorK. no, the interval is user-defined, the function is actually a button callback. I think this even makes the values more random, as the seed is different on each call
and yeah,
helloc @DrorK.;
@mirabilos oh, I see... thanks. I'll try to figure this out
Actually the 'better' approach is to seed only once
Well, I don't think this makes that much of a difference, really
But I don't think you really have a concern there
4 hours later…
btw, nice tool to test Your apps: lcamtuf.coredump.cx/afl :}
@Kamiccolo mh, seen it, but I wonder how I could use it…
@Kamiccolo fuzzers are one of the tools that I've always considered are best to write yourself...
for testing a shell, maybe a chroot with limited tools (e.g. no rm)
it's for finding crashes, right?
/me is confused about the “american” thing
@Mints97 only thing that this one uses some kind of interesting genetical algorythms to reach all the possible code-flow paths :}
@Kamiccolo hmm, that's interesting. Does it analyze the code-flow paths statically or dynamically?
@Mints97 I guess it does both. First of all You have (can) use it's gcc/g++ wrapper. Later, I suppose it also does some tracing.
@mirabilos basically, yeah. Dynamically generates possible inputs for some library/applications and analyses what and how many code-flow paths it reaches.
@Kamiccolo I seriously don't like the concept of an "all-capable" fuzzer. It can't possibly encompass all possible input methods from out of the box
fuzzing is, IMHO, too application-specific a task to create a common tool for
@Mints97 "all possible input methods". Usually it's a file. Everything in *nix is a file. Idea is to use some kind of genetic algorythms to that file to reach as much code-flow paths as possible.
@Mints97 afl works, AIUI, by making sure each branch is taken
though I wonder how well it’d fare with the sheer amount of branches in mksh…
it’s not like it’s a simple file format parser or something
@Kamiccolo as I gathered, the fuzzer isn't *nix - only. I definitely saw some non-*nix programs in the list of software it was used on, like Internet Explorer
@Mints97 oh interesting
@mirabilos hmm, but all the other programs are *nix... that's weird
oh, here's the list of OS-es it supports:
"The tool is confirmed to work on x86 Linux, OpenBSD, FreeBSD, and NetBSD, both 32- and 64-bit. It should also work on MacOS X and Solaris, although with some constraints."
then how in the world did they use it to find bugs in IE?
@Mints97 disclosed bugs are related to PNG and GIF parsing libraries. So, I guess they found those bugs while testing other libraries. And those were applicable to MSIE too.
@Kamiccolo ah, I got it. So, if the bug was found, say, in libpng, it'd affect IE too since it uses it.
@Mints97 more or less something like that. Or their renderer/wrapper/whatever is broken the same way the opensource ones are.
4 hours later…
Now this is funny
I've watched "The Ghost Writer"
There is a scene, where the character is talking with a third-party over the phone
And everything is secretive...
So the third-party asks him for his whereabouts... and adds: "don't be specific"
As-in, just give a general description of where you are, don't give your exact location away over the phone
Which makes perfect sense
The character decides to tell him his Hotel's name and location
(Let's assume it didn't give away his exact-location...)
The follow-up question, is for his room number...
I guess a location, hotel name, and room number, isn't considered to be an exact-location? :)
3 hours later…
helloc all;
helloc @karim & @Mike.G;

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