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@Abhi- Sorry I was up for the yesterday..
@Abhi @Abhi-Yeah I did debug it on emulator and it was ok there...but problem comes in device..that too only for Android 2.2 with small displays.!!!
Q: Error while retrieving information from the server RPC:s-7:AEC-0 in Google play?

alexI made my test account to be synced in my device and ready to test the app. While I am about to purchase the product in my app the google play prompts me to continue after entering credit card details. After entering details of the card in the device it is showing error as Error while ret...

1 hour later…
@NilayOnAndroid Hey
hi anyone ter?
i am using listview.when i click particular item. it should call from strings..how is it possible.
in android
@Abhi @Abhi-Ya abhi...say..??
issue solved?
hello guys one issue is that if i add button in layout then its okay but if i add spinner in that so its give me error like my activty is leaked window com.android.internal.policy.impl.PhoneWindow$DecorView@44f70400 that was originally added here
@Abhi-Nope man!!! I am trying to solve this from yesterday...and m still struck here!!!
@chintankhetiya In tab host?
@Abhi yes man
@NilayOnAndroid Do manual test, change layout and see coming or not
@chintankhetiya I didnt search it seems :P
@Abhi but i have use special layout for that. one root layout and in that three child layout .one for header tag,2 for this and 3 for tab(activity )
@Abhi but i am just adding in layout not write code for that . yet
See that link man
@Abhi-Main issue is that the Android 2.2 mobile is of my boss so it isnt available for debugging...
Then let him come @NilayOnAndroid
@Abhi thanks man. but relay i am not getting why its not allow to add spinner if they have no problem with button .
@Abhi-Hey man, I am fetching data for that TableLayout from online server. So can the problem happen due to low speed
Coz I am running it on 3G and he has 2G
hi i m new here . got my reputation passed 20. hoping to have good time and support here .. so i m working on an audiobook player and want to change the sound pitch . i have the following problem can anyone suggest me a better way to solve this?
Q: how can i play bytes(from visualizer) using soundpool in last part?

BhupinderWhat i am trying is : Playing sound using MediaPlayer Trying to capture that playing audio using visualizer modify pitch using soundpool play using soundpool. Here is my complete rough code.: mPlayer = MediaPlayer.create(this, R.raw.call_ringtone); mPlayer.setLo...

Q: how to create Dynamic ListPreference uisng edittext and listview in android?

B K SINGHI am creating Dynamic ListPreference for display size list(Integer) in listview as well as user insert size(Integer) in editbox. and use that size in Livewallpaper. //same like this.

one thing i want to ask about facebook for sharing if you guide me ..
Q: How to search places in facebook

Mitesh AgrawalI want to search places on Facebook using Graph Api. double lat = 23.454554,lon=76.554545; Bundle params = new Bundle(); params.putString("type", "place"); params.putString("center", lat + "," + lon); params.putString("distance", "5000"); params.pu...

@chintankhetiya any idea about zipalign?
how can i make my apk zipalign using eclipse
@victor-The zipalign tool is provided with the Android SDK, inside the tools/ directory..go to that path from cmd and then type "zipalign -v 4 your_project_name-unaligned.apk your_project_name.apk"...your app will be zipaligned
hi evey 1
@chintankhetiya hi
@RishiGautam hi
@Hi Bhupinder any idea abt Excel invoices
@chintan khetiya
any idea abt Excel invoices
@parsanamoni describe
any buddy dr/
@parsanamoni what do you want to do with excel ?
@chintan i want to devlop invoice in 2010 Excel but,I am new to that tech.so if u have any idea please share
@Bhupender do u have any idea.
@parsanamoni i know about android only
@chintan,Its ok fine
is there any chat room
for Excel
is there any blackberry 10 chat room?
@RishiGautam ya i am here
@parsanamoni you can find a good book on Excel 2010. pdf from unoffical webs.
@chintan ok thanks
@chintankhetiya i can't preserve the toggle button state on refresh list
@RishiGautam get check isChecked or not
isChecked @chintankhetiya
@RishiGautam isChecked() will return true false
wait i past my code @chintankhetiya check :P
check it plz @chintankhetiya
bhai jaan
@RishiGautam its a lazy loading ?
yes so ?
@chintankhetiya r u there
@all any body can help me?
@chintankhetiya its not working
@RishiGautam busy in own task
@chintankhetiya k

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