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@Capdroid : hello
@Romil Good Morning
can you please check this link
is there a bug in audio attachment to MMS in 4.0 and above virsions of android?
@Romil no idea :(
Hello all Good Morning
@Capdroid : can you please check the above link..?
@Romil checked
@Capdroid : OKK :/
Hi all
@all Hi, Good Morning
good morning
I am trying to access web services from Androidusing ksoap2.
Soap request send from my android emulator is like,
<v:Envelope xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:d="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:c="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" xmlns:v="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
but i wanted it as
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:str="http://xxxx.com/">
soapenv is replave by v
like this,
Q: Soap request format for android

VBondI am trying to access web services from Android(ICS) using ksoap2. Soap request send from my android emulator is like this (which is giving error as 'soapenv:Server.generalException' InvalidCredentialsFault): <v:Envelope xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:d="http://www....

Any idea?
morning all
Q: How to extract view or Item ID from a dynamic Multi Choice Items List in a Alert Dialog?

quantumstates This question is related to my earlier asked question. I am trying to change the background color of an item present in a list (on click). UPDATE: @Luksprog: check the getView's position parameter against the integers stored in the ArrayList and properly change the background or revert to...

Can anyone help me out with this? Thanks.. :)
Good Morning All
@jeet any idea...
this is my Question.....
@chintankhetiya hello
@Mahyar hi
@JaiSoni hi good morning
Q: wsdl Soap request format for android

SHIDHIN.T.SI am trying to access web services from Android using ksoap2. Soap request send from my android emulator is like, <v:Envelope xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:d="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:c="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" xmlns:v="http://sche...

Can anyone help me
@Goofy Hello VGM
good morning friends :)
@SHIDHIN.T.S is your web service in .NET ?
@JaiSoni yes
@SHIDHIN.T.S <v:Envelope : ... generate when you set dotNet = false and <soapenv:Envelope : ... generate when you set dotNet = true
but in my code envelope.dotNet = true;
Q: wsdl Soap request format for android

SHIDHIN.T.SI am trying to access web services from Android using ksoap2. Soap request send from my android emulator is like, <v:Envelope xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:d="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:c="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" xmlns:v="http://sche...

this is my question
@CapDroid :there
Hello Good morning
@JaiSoni any progress...
I need to display a pdf document in my android application..I am able to display a small size pdf document in webview but I couldn't display 25mb size pdf doc. How can I solve this issue? Anybody please give suggestion regarding this
@NiravRanpara yes
@SHIDHIN.T.S no buddy I am working on two projects one with PHP soap and other is in .Net soap and I am controlling formatting by dotNet
@RishiGautam hey how are you ?
@JaiSoni ok thanks
@CapDroid :if my account is temporary block then can I back all my reputation after suspend period ?
@NiravRanpara why block ?
@NiravRanpara I told you many time about use this site properly
@CapDroid: Can I back point ?
@chintankhetiya i m f9
@NiravRanpara I am again suggesting you don't run after reputation, its not important, main things is how got solution from this site & how to give solution to other, nothing else..
@CapDroid AGREED
@CapDroid : ok . thanks
@CapDroid : but can I back point ?
a one issue can u help me
@RishiGautam about ?
@chintankhetiya I need to display a pdf document in my android application..I am able to display a small size pdf document in webview but I couldn't display 25mb size pdf doc. How can I solve this issue? Anybody please give suggestion regarding this
click on toggle button which is chlid of list view i want get the index and text of list view
@NiravRanpara yes you will get back, but this time you will suspend only for 1 months, next time it will be year or lifetime..
@HJV :)
@RishiGautam you get from your adpter class
i already use
public View getView method i m use the toggle
@NiravRanpara how can you chat even you suspend ??
@RishiGautam yes that is your adpter class method now you can get that same in your activity class
@RishiGautam I think, You can set the tag for the toggle button with the value containing your position in your getview which in turn equals to the index of the listiview. So, with that index, you can get the text of the listview too if you set that texts through string array.
@CapDroid Heya! That's what I am wondering too.
@chintankhetiya Hi!
Seems you have become very busy these days.
@Appu yes lots of work
@CapDroid getting nullpointer exception not able to clear that error
@CapDroid hi
Good morning to all dear
So do I. @chintankhetiya
Hi all, Good morning
@Appu hola !, what wondering ???
@user1448108 hello
@vyb ohhh man.. :(
@CapDroid on how could he chat despite of being suspended?
@CapDroid trying to solve that from 2 days
@Appu hmm, :)
but still not able to find solution
@vyb your imageview is null..
anyone have a past experience to use MasterCard Paypass api in android app.
@vyb did you trace out where do you get that exception?
@CapDroid how are u
@vyb you don't know how to show data in listview.. first learn that.. after use imageloader..
@Joan I am fine and you ?
@CapDroid in imageloader
@Appu plz help @vyb
lik this
mee to fine there is one thing i have to ask @CapDroid pastie.org/5587228 plz check it code i have create on image Button whos id is imageview2 within linearlayout3 i want apply click funcation that imagebutton so that linearlayout3 view becomedisappare can u please tell me how i ll do it
hi @Pallavi good morning
linearlayout3.setVisible(View.GONE); in click listener of imageview2
how are u welcome 2
@CapDroid You have solved many and you know much more than me. If you are busy, I will try to.
yes i m trying to do it but not able to dear
i have apply same code
@Appu he has basic issue.. you will definatley help him..
pastie.org/5587239 i have apply this code plz check @CapDroid
@Joan good morning
@Joan fine
@RishiGautam You wanna get confirmation for my answer? or you are saying that you have set it already?
@Pallavi Good Morning mam
But its not workin @CapDroid
@CapDroid hello and good morning sir
in my code
@CapDroid Okay frnd.
dont talk like Sir/mam plz try to help me
@Pallavi and @CapDroid dont mind iw as joking
@Joan code is fine..
show me full code
ok wait
@Pallavi Hi! How are you? It's been quite long I guess.
@Appu i m littel confuse
@Pallavi same question from me..
pastie.org/5587246 plz check @CapDroid
@RishiGautam With?
@Appu @CapDroid hello yes.. long time... was a bit busy with projects... :) today's the last working day of 2012 for us :D
@Appu i am getting nullpointer exception in imageloader
@Joan where is click listener code ?
@Pallavi great.. then Happy New Year in advance
after refreshbutton i have Put that code
line number?
@Pallavi enjoy see u next year wat about Party ?
@CapDroid thanks and same to you
@Pallavi :) wc
@Joan yes sure!
@Pallavi Okay. :D But for us tomorrow is also working day :( Anyways Happy new year in advance.
when @Pallavi not sure fix Party date
@vyb What do you mean? I can't say until you show me snippet where you actually get that error.
@CapDroid have seen dear
@Joan I can't find imageview2 & linearlayout3 in your code
@Joan show me proper code & layout..
otherwise try by yourself
ok wait i msshowing wait
@Appu oh!! Happy New Year
this is my Xml file pastie.org/5587261 @capdrioud
@Pallavi @Appu for us no holiday on jan 1 :(
@Joan on which button what you want ?
@victor how come???!!!!
@victor same here :(
@victor But for us, it is ;)
:( some work with our old html5 project @Pallavi :'(
@vyb What's there on line 46 in your imageloader class?
this code in line 46 imageView.setImageResource(loader); @Appu
pastie.org/5587265 when i clcok on imagview2Button then linearlayout3 should remove not visible
pastie.org/5587265 this is my class file @CapDroid
@victor @CapDroid same here we also don't have holiday :(
@CapDroid u Understand
@Joan :(
@JaiSoni @CapDroid lets start new year with good and successful work :)
@Joan let me check
@victor :)
@JaiSoni where is code of imageview2 & linearlayout3 in class file ???
line number 103 @CapDroid
@CapDroid @Joan there is no linearlayout3 and imageview2 in pastie.org/5587265#2-3,66,77
@Joan ohhhh dear.. you declare ImageView in xml & using ImageButton in code (img=(ImageButton)findViewById(R.id.imageView2);)
@victor okies...
@CapDroid hi
@Joan imageview & imagebutton are diff
@vyb Print this(loader) in log and even where are you initializing the imageview reference?
and let me know.
@CapDroid I need to display a pdf document in my android application..I am able to display a small size pdf document in webview but I couldn't display 25mb size pdf doc. How can I solve this issue? please give suggestion regarding this
25 mins ago, by CapDroid
@user1448108 hello
ok wait let me check @CapDroid
@user1448108 any error ?
yes its was my mistake any ways minor mistake i did
@Joan plz yaar careful next time
@CapDroid yes it is displaying "sorry we are unable to retrieve the document for viewing becoz it is too large"
@chintankhetiya Okay. Had a glance.
@user1448108 may be some memory issue
I never play with pdf so no more idea
@CapDroid ok
can more then one developer work on same work space ? so at the and of the day i have single app to upload
@chintankhetiya for working in tam you can use SVN or GIT
@JaiSoni : Have you ever done audio attachment to MMS?
@JaiSoni yes its same . you have more idea for that
@Romil sorry dude I have never work on MMS
Q: how to create pdf file from html page using itextrenderer in android

B K SINGHhow to create PDF FILE from HTML page using itextrenderer in android? I am using itextrenderer but in this can't import java.awt.geom in eclipse.

@chintankhetiya for comparison of both I have search a lot and concluded that GIT is better then SVN.. you can find pliugin for eclipse (both SVN and GIT)
@JaiSoni okay i will try . because its too difficult to manage multiple code form developer
@Prashant : Have you ever done audio attachment to MMS?
@Praveen : Have you ever done audio attachment to MMS?
Please help me.
Q: Getting strange error while accessing Sqlite Database in android

user1726619I am using Sqlite Database in my app and got strange error without any description while accessing it.This is the exception: 12-28 11:57:41.472: E/Exception:(329): android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException: unknown error: , while compiling: SELECT * FROM rules WHERE folderaddress ='/sdcard/Velosy...

@Romil I've done it with Email. Not in MMS
@Romil What have you tried before? You accepted an answer. Then, what's the problem
@Praveen : not able to attach audio file to MMS in 4.0 and above versions of Anroid.
@Praveen Alaram manager didnt work regularly ?
@Kutbi Did you restart your device?
@Praveen no..i didnt
@praveen : Please check this code and tell me where i am wrong stackoverflow.com/questions/14049911/…
@Romil I'm not sure. Just try this
@Kutbi Show me your code
@Praveen ok.
@Romil Are you trying this on real device only? And, where your file located? Assets or SDCard
@Praveen : well i am getting mp3 file from the assets folder and store that file into SD Card
well when i use setType("audio/mp3") cannot get the messaging option in the popup box
and when i use setType("image/png") then able to get the messaging option but when i click on that i shows me alert that please choose different picture
@Praveen : and yes i am trying it on the real device
@Kutbi Okay Wait will look into that.
@Romil What was your file size of the ringtone?
@praveen : its max 170 kb
well i am able to attach audio file below 4.0 versions
@Romil Once you just try that this and let me know
@Praveen ok.i will wait
@Kutbi I've seen your code. So, once a time only your alarm triggered. Next time it won't right?
@furqi @AdilSoomro @CapDroid @Praveen i am put asynctask in one place,i have to develop when asynctask perform that time i have to display one view and when async complete that view is invisible.
@Praveen no..alarm triggered at any time on that day only but when date changed it wont work
@HarshidVasoya Simple. In doInBackground show your view and do your stuff. And, after in PostExecute make invisibile your view.
Q: Fill two image overlay like seekbar on touch event of image-view

kyogsThere are two image black and blue while touching on blue image it should fill like progress, I achieved using multiple cuts images without using canvas but not get smoothness on touch, like 100 Pushups application. Actually I'm trying to achieve similar like 100 Pushups application as I mention...

any idea?
@Praveen let me try and thx for quick replay
@HarshidVasoya Read the room topic first. And, after ask your question :)
@Praveen ok
@Kutbi Actually, what's your concept?
@praveen : got the same problem dude :( :/
hi to all
@AdilSoomro @Praveen Guys how are you?
hi out there, I need some feedback:
Q: Customizing MediaController

rekireI'm looking for a simple and stable way to change the images of the MediaController control. My research is so far that I looked at the source codes of the MediaController and its layout file and also a copy of com.android.internal.R for figgering out the correct ids. But I'm not sure if this is ...

@praveen : there?
@AdilSoomro : there?
@Venky Cool enough! you say.
hi @AdilSoomro u are working on Iphone also
there is some work
@NiravRanpara yep.
doing good mate
@Joan hmmm.
want to do @AdilSoomro ?
@Venky great.
@Joan actually I don't have personal mac. :p
Yarr not in free
hmm , today we have T20 right :P
@AIRIA may i help U
ok NO Prob @AdilSoomro
@RobinHood i did this..i made it for 10 sec
1st i created a one background image then 10 transparent images and set this on COuntdown timers on tick event..
@Praveen there ?

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