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Q: how to get the passed value data from the database and show in a html table using php

arokI have database and have table named contains different columns like region,country,9xx,10xx. I am fetching 9xx,10xx columns in the drop down.When user select anyone of them,selected value will go to to the page where mysql query is performed and then result is shown in the html tabl...

networkname,mcc,mnc,mnp,$supplier should be networkname,mcc,mnc,mnp,supplier As in that part of the code you are selecting which columns you want returned.
$supplierid is 10xx or 9xx regarding user selected i wan t to return $supplierid
try '$supplierid'
i tried $supplierid its print the coloumn name its not print the the values from the coloun
The column name is either 9xx or 10xx right? Which is stored in $supplierid? That is what your code is saying right now
yes the coloumn name is either 9xx or 10xx,if $supplierid is 10xx i want to display the values in the coloumn
"SELECT region,country," . $supplierid . " FROM supplierprice order by country ASC "
Although you should really look into prepaed statements to prevent SQL injection
and switch from mysql
to mysqli
run a check on $supplierid before running the query to help security. Just so someone can't do a ?supplier_id=9xx DROP TABLE and destroy your database
query is running but problem is <td id="CPH_GridView1_mnc " style="width:51px" class="edit mnc '.$rows["id"].'">'.$rows["$supplierid"].'</td> it not displaying the coloumn values in the table
if i put $rows[10xx] its showing all values
change $rows["$supplierid"] to just $rows[$supplierid]
remove the double quotations
$rows[$supplierid] still same it not showing values
Does your form use post, You can use $_REQUEST, insead of $_GET to cover both cases
@nerkn i used $_REQUEST still the same
i am not using the form i am using the ajax to pass the selected values to this page
Can you echo $supplierid and tell me exactly what is echo'ed
$supplierid - 10xx
SELECT region,country, $supplierid as suppliedid FROM supplierprice order by country ASC "
@nerkn thanks man it works
@Chitowns24 thank you so much for your help
can you post this as answer so i can accept your answer

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