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00:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

@dosdebug "Money" is a character?
@dosdebug oh, and you're looking for a generalizing interface or abstract class with a class for each of the game classes containing the attribs
Welp, I'm out. Gn o/
1 hour later…
1 hour later…
2 hours later…
"An earned compliment costs nothing, but its returns are immeasurable. Very humanly, when we are complimented, when our efforts are appreciated, most of us will usually strive to perform even better down the line. What a return on the investment of delivering a few earned words of praise!" -G. Kingsley Ward (source)
How can I jump from catch block to try block again :|
\o morn
@cswl huh? why? you might want to rethink the code structure
It's basically try until no Exception is thrown.. i.e I want the try block to be executed without exceptions
@cswl Put a loop around it and in the try block set the condition of the while loop to true in the last line. This way you can be sure that when the while loop exits, the try block has been run without exceptions
Got the logic.. thanks ! but I think I;ll go with while(true) and break since I wont need a temporary variable :|
That's your choice. The outcome should be the same ^^
G'day Jenna o/
@geisterfurz007 It's like 20 minutes after midnight
One of my professors wants us to make posters in PowerPoint
I think to myself, "Why PowerPoint? Why not Publisher or Word or literally any other format that's designed to print?"
I mean, I'd rather use MS Paint to make a poster instead of using PowerPoint (ok, maybe not)
@JennaSloan maybe I misunderstood "posters".. Isnt it mainly photoshop?
@SurajRao photoshop is probably too expensive and difficult to use
or gimp
powerpoint is for slides for a presentation
@SurajRao I think you might be confusing posters with infographics
so not posters as in movie poster/ event poster?
some college fest poster
23 hours ago, by Zoe
                            \ :==^==: /
                             \|  o  |/
                              /  |  \
                            ^/   ^   \^
                            U    U    U
Last day at work (~^-^)~
And hopefully when I come home, WLAN will await me. So that I can take my laptop, a large, very large cup of hot chocolate, a blanket and just chill the whole evening in bed :)
hey Geissssssssss
jagapathi. No.
One is enough
@geisterfurz007 nice
Yesterday when I wanted to sleep, my brain came up with a solution to a react native problem I had. After I said thanks I told it to shut down because I wanted to sleep now and it responded with "shut up".
Am I mentally challenged? ._.
walks away
*skiis away?
@geisterfurz007 If you ask yourself that, you might be.
@JennaSloan hmm... I see.
@geisterfurz007 Yeah me too...
@geisterfurz007 Is this.. a trick question?
@Neil No, I think I am too stupid for such things
@geisterfurz007 hehe, not yet :D
I should probably take a weekend trip to one of the ski areas around... I can get there for free with my magical college-card anyway.
Take a few fri... Oh. Yeah nvm
enjoy the time off
Small question mark: "ï¹–"
@JennaSloan Don't do that to my poor browser. Completely confused.
@geisterfurz007 get a better one
@Zoe yeah! Gogo get data kraken Chrome, woohooo
I mean better computer so firefox can run :> speaking of running runs away
̲F̲a̲n̲c̲y̲ ̲t̲e̲x̲t̲
Removing the leading space might work. Else formatting isn't accepted I think *** afterspace***
̲F̲a̲n̲c̲y̲ ̲t̲e̲x̲t̲
hey @ColdFire
I'm out. Cya later o/
@Zoe Cya; enjoy the day :)
Thanks ^^
@geisterfurz007 yup
hello every one good after noon
hello, @Ar
good before noon
Hey Arif o/
Morn-O Jabba-O
It's Jakarta, please
since when?
@geisterfurz007 Wait wat?
tell me this is a parody site like the onion
@Neil TL;DR: Java EE => Jakarta EE
@Neil It's a parody site like the onion
@geisterfurz007 oh ok.. I'll just accept the most convenient last statement and leave it at that
whats up guys
@Neil Unfortunately oracle found it so funny they actually did it: blogs.oracle.com/java-platform-group/…
(No sdtimes is not a parody site)
@geisterfurz007 Who the fuck cares about Java EE?
And/or what the crackpots at the Eclipse Foundation do
No swearing in our christian channel please.
every now and again I keep hearing these disturbing articles regarding oracle and java, such as huge budget slashes for java development and such
and now this..
Didn't you read it in Javascript @Neil ? Thought you saw it.
delet this
Or I shall move it and it will forever be exposed :)
1 message moved to Trash
@geisterfurz007 The title of the room was Jakarascript..
@Zoe lurker :p
skiis away :p
I suppose I could have just assumed they renamed javascript just as well, right?
@geisterfurz007 wha?
I would understand you moving my cantankerous comments about JEE/Eclipse to trash
@Neil The topic was around for a few hours there :D
I don't understand why you would move my comment about some TV show character to trash oO
@geisterfurz007 call it JVM langs and you've covered scala and groovy too, and got a part of the name excluding android
@geisterfurz007 Well you never know with them
I sort of take their discussions lightly
Fair enough
@geisterfurz007 can you explain? ^^
Or did you trash it because I wrote the name wrong? ^^
Errrm... I miiiiiiiiight just possibly! Not definitely but possibly have had a different translation of rubbing off in mind. Sorry @wonderb0lt
Ah. No, Chrisjen is a TV show character that also likes to swear a lot and so do I, that's what I meant (:
Sneaks in
Closes door
opens window
"When God closes a door, he opens a window"
So you think you're god huh?
Also closes the window because it's -15ºC outside
@Pseudohuman What's the weather in Hanover, Germany?
temperature | 18 °F (wind chill: 1 °F)
relative humidity | 62% (dew point: 7 °F)
wind speed | 21 mph
(42 minutes ago)
New bot?
retardunits ._.
@eFox No, it's here for quite some time actually
F stands for F*ck off
@geisterfurz007 I haven't seen it interacted with before
@eFox Really? :o
Must have missed when you did that
What happened to Oak?
Nothing afaik. Still alive, still around, still sick.
There they are!
The only thing more annoying than Oakbot's "hey update me" is Java update XD
Oh it was really bad for a while
Java got into this weird infinite update loop where it would always think there was an update
It hasn't done that lately, at least not for me
I've turned it off
I once installed the most recent Java8 version on my laptop at work an uninstalled an old one. Result: The software indexing software kicked in, the most recent version of the laptop and threw the old one back on.
"I cannot find this exact version of Java. ERASE EVERYTHING! and then I'd like to put it right here. DON'T YOU DARE TOUCHING IT EVER AGAIN!"
@geisterfurz007 since when this became a christain channel
java has never clashed well with windows
i am offended
@ColdFire what did I miss?
The "browsers and platforms" page of browserstack.com doesn't mention any supported browser...
@SurajRao geis declaring this channel as christain channel
@Neil impressive
If you wanted to know if they tested on firefox.. I'd assume this would be hte page for it o_O
@ColdFire eh? I dont hear any jesus or their message... 404 up in heaven?
ah, you have to click on the operating system first
Yeah just saw it as well
No clue why they didn't do it for Android etc as well
true, I guess they're assuming default browser is used?
@SurajRao lol
I'd think chrome on android is another test case
1 hour ago, by geisterfurz007
No swearing in our christian channel please.
What part of it was swearing?
lmao you missed the latter part
@SurajRao The heaven backend server is down or at least not responding to our requests.. keep getting timeouts
Hard to say whether or not backend server is up or not, but we keep pinging just in case
@Neil oh no all those people who die during the meantime will be in hell then?
@ColdFire Hell server isn't responding either.
no, they will be exceptions
Or you could visit the mirror server budda.org
Though you risk getting the server into a loop
@Zoe you have 3 guesses
Q: Does Kotlin suck?
@Wietlol Ohh I know this!
Answer: blue cheese
hmm, wrong
2 guesses left for @Neil
Answer: magnetic toaster
hmm, wrong
1 guess left for @Neil
Answer: A set containing itself
hmm, wrong
Oh come on! Was it a Klein bottle?
too bad, you are out of guesses
but don't you worry, next week you can join in the epic quiz of "Does Kotlin suck?" again
I bet it was a Klein bottle
@Wietlol A Klein bottle!
hmm, wrong
2 guesses left for @geisterfurz007
How do I convert a String to an Object
@Neil looks like it wasn't :/
@cswl you dont
I need to :|
you already have
@cswl Object a = "abc"; Anything you have in Java aside from primitives is an Object
Parse the string and make it an object
Not in that sense
a String IS an Object
if it is not that, then dont ask to convert to an Object
cause Object = java.lang.Object
@cswl Then tell use the sense. Without it we won't be able to do anything
@geisterfurz007 nooo!
It's like parsing .. say CSV into an object :|
CSV IS an Object
Desired input, desired output, current approach.
its Java, EVERYTHING is an Object
also, what geisterfurz007 said
It's like telling someone else "Can you help me fix this over there" without pointing to anything nor giving explanation what is broken.
I mean.. like.. I have a string "Eric, Mars" I need to parse that into an Person with fields of "name, address"
Having trouble expressing my problem here :|
everything is technically an object
@cswl You know there already exists ways in Java of serializing and deserializing POJOs as part of the standard
@cswl you want to "deserialize"
If you have a class Person with fields name and address, you can assign them, serialize them, deserialize them and have the exact same object in memory
first of all, i hope your string is not "Eric, Mars"
I would recommend you to use textual data format
for example json
Poor Eric is not doing so hot right now I'd imagine
serialize your stuff to json and deserialize them to a class instance
@Neil depends on where he came from
why even bother with json?
json is the easiest way to learn it i think
I know about deserialization... but it's byte stream.. I'm getting a string input ..
Not even relevant the format of the serialized file if the objective is simply to load it
So I'd have to make my own parser I guess
@cswl so?
You can deserialize from a string or file, same same
what is your string input?
@Neil there is no difference in this context
Comma seperated values.. "Eric, Mars" :|
a string is a set of bytes (with an encoding) and a file is a set of bytes
@cswl and there is ALWAYS one object (person for example) in that string?
Holy shit @Neil @Wietlol Can't you answer the question without bombarding people with JSON, Serializing, Deserializing, Bytebuffers and what not? O-o
@geisterfurz007 dont worry, I wont tell him about protobuf now
Yes.. the values that come are well defined..
and you are sure there are no commas in the values?
@Wietlol no
I know someone who is called "Bobby, Tables"
String[] pParams = "Eric, Mars".split("\\s*,\\s*"); //Splits by comma discarding any whitespace
Person p = new Person(pParams[0], pParams[1]);
hmm, wrong
2 guesses left for @Zoe
2 hours ago, by geisterfurz007
No swearing in our christian channel please.
Horeh shit,, that was simple :|
@Wietlol ah yes, little Bobby Tables
@cswl but how about "Bobby, Tables" ?
Person bobby = new Person("Bobby, Tables", "McGenius");
well presumably he won't receive conflicting input
If someone sends him Bobby, Tables, McGenius, they're assholes
but... but...
cries in the corner
not to say it couldn't happen
it could, so it will
Murphy's law is an adage or epigram that is typically stated as: "Anything that can go wrong will go wrong". == History == The perceived perversity of the universe has long been a subject of comment, and precursors to the modern version of Murphy's law are not hard to find. The concept may be as old as humanity. Recent significant research in this area has been conducted by members of the American Dialect Society. Society member Stephen Goranson has found a version of the law, not yet generalized or bearing that name, in a report by Alfred Holt at an 1877 meeting of an engineering society. It...
@Wietlol There you go, I see we understand each other :)
you'd have to encode the content
and decode when parsing
csv format is typically like "Eric", "Mars"
but this doesn't account for " characters in the content either of course
so you have to encode the double quotes now
great job, you almost solved it
no format is immune from this
indeed, so?
@Wietlol kotlin is a good language
Well I suppose you could have a format as such, but it would be trivial
@Zoe it messed up with making semicolons optional
this one gives a compiler error
this one just returns 5
as in, "The format is, whatever arrives will be the name" so "Eric", "Mars" arrives and the name is "Eric", "Mars"
this is the only way to properly solve it
@Neil the format doesnt matter
you MUST encode it
so, bobby will be "Bobby\, Tables, McGenius"
the format matters
No, it's just your horrible kotlin "skills"
or "Bobby&002C Tables, McGenius"
or w/e
@Zoe the compiler should recognize the extended expression
It works fine in kotlin tio...
the first one?
it gave me a compiler error
or I dont understand "tio"
Try it online. Kotlin has an online compiler that I use now since I'm kinda outside waiting for the ski lift to reah the top. Speaking of which, it's at the top
don't drop your phone
It's because return is supposed to have an expression :|
@cswl i know, but if I place the 5 after the return, it will still not work properly
Not a statement :|
An expression is not an statement.. semi-colons terminate statements :|
im not sure if you make sense though
there is a statement that is <expression> ';' (at least in Java)
but, that doesnt matter
what matters here is that I have a return, which I give a proper value expression, but it wont recognize it because it is on a different code line
kinda reminds me of python
What happens if you try this
return 5 +
4 +
Since the expression is not terminated
that will work
but it conflicts with a very solid and good coding format convention
where the appending operation is placed on the left side
which makes it easier to see which operation is done on the continued expression
5 is a perfectly valid expression.. but 5 + is unterminated... so its ambiguous..
but + 4 should not be a valid expression
I guess. that would cause compiler to error out :|
or, it should be smart enough not to terminate on the newline because the current expression is not valid aka "return" on an Int returning function
I had read about automatic semicolon inserting a long while ago... I forgot :|
javascript in theory shouldn't even regard the newlines
it is as if you had written return 5 + 4 + 1
oh yeah, kotlin.. I wouldn't know about that though
What about languages.. where semi-colons arent just optional.. like there is no semi-colon..
@cswl Like Python for example?
Heard it .. never tried it.. it also forces identation..
Python is nice though
I hate the lack of a var keyword for initial initialization though
PyTHoN iS niCe tHougH
It is. Especially for NN and NLP
Because that is the only thing you use it for
Not exclusively.
Because there exists frameworks for that :/
Yep. Java nn and NLP is practically non-existent
@Neil try with - instead of +
it will crash :D
and the first one will also crash in javascript
(as in returning the wrong value)
I havent programmed in javascript in almost a year.... learned es6 tho.. :|
@Zoe that's just something you've grown accustom to. You can unlearn it
I suppose no point even having var before the declaration in a language unless you want to have separate meanings for variable=value and var variable=value
Speaking about languages that are not java. Ruby was a real mindfuck when i learned it
Maybe it lends itself easier to parsing though
@eFox meh
*-* Coworker went downstares to look for the mail. Jokingly Told himto bring something for me as well. He came back with chocolate!
When you have a language that automatically decides when to actually instantiate a varaible and when to reuse it *cough*java*cough* there's no point to have something like var
you mean javascript?
you can use variables even before they are declared
or prolog, you can use variables that are not declared at all
No I did not mean JavaScript. JavaScrip is implementation dependent
I forgot which engine did what but in one you need to instantiate the variable outside of loops because it will make a new variable for every loop otherwise, while in an other engine it will optimize it for you. Java will always do whatever it think is the best
what java does is based on how you run javac
and what annotations you used
You're still always in control and it's not an implementation detail
Which is why I said "java will always do what it thinks is best" because what that is depends on the setup
@geisterfurz007 that's nice! :D
@Zoe Yeah he is a great guy. One of the reasons I haven't fully lost my sanity here in the last month. He also doesn't like my educator which makes for fun talks.
I brought myself chocolates :D
I brought myself swiss cocoa mix
I brought myself coffee
I wrote too much Java today.. my brain hurts :|
yeah, it'll do that
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.StackOverflowError
made 1 line change.. and now this :|
@cswl It means your recursive method is calling itself and your exit condition is never met
I know what the error is.. I dont know where the error is :|
Well it can only be two things, so you only have to check two things
1) Are parameters changing in some way from one recursive call to the next which are directly involved in exit condition?
if the answer is no, there's your problem. If not, 2) is your exit condition ever met assuming variables involved are changing?
Functional programming can fuck itself :|
I like functional programming. It's fun
Might be because I'm trying to do it on pure Java... and not using Scala or Clojure :/
java isn't functional :P
at least not for the most part
final everything.. FTW
@cswl you're making a function call itself on a loop
I.e. void x(){x();}
I figured it out.. it was constructors this() calling each other.. :/
that'll do it
00:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

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