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What if TED talks were just the bear from Ted, talking?
The content probably wouldn't improve much.
I didn't like that movie
@BenjaminGruenbaum weren't you the one talking about io.js forking?
@FlorianMargaine wasn't that just a friday song joke?
oh, maybe
I don't remember clicking though, so didn't know
just laughed and moved on
I know the link went to friday, but I don't know if he was serious too.
which link, rebecca.blackfriday?
the greatest domain in the world that I wish I owned..
now i have to wait until .fridays go on sale
monday.tuesday.wednesday.thursday.friday => tinyurl.com/working_days
@darkyen00 madness!
browserify -r ./x.js:my-module > bundle.js

Any idea how to do that in the script mode ?
(to make bundle.js expose my-module)
I can't find any parameter that configures browserify to expose the "compiled" file as something.
Anyone here using git from the command line with vim as their editor?
@FlorianMargaine yeah why?
I used vim-fugitive though
@BenjaminGruenbaum was it a joke or did you have a real link?
@FlorianMargaine Have any idea why it highlights the second line bright red?
@SecondRikudo screenshot?
@FlorianMargaine yes goo.gl/1TzFEl
ok, rebecca black
@FlorianMargaine What do you use now?
not clicking because it's not friday.
@SomeGuy emacs
Oh, right!
bright read lol
@SecondRikudo where is that?
when writing a commit?
@FlorianMargaine Don't say that! Now he might trick you with a Tuesday link
it's because it doesn't respect the git commit usual guidelines
@FlorianMargaine Yeah
which are: 1st line is 72 chars, 2nd line is empty, 3rd line and more are explanation
But it turns white after 51 characters
not 72
it may be 51 then
let me find them
I am the greetist! Now I am leaving Earth for no raisin!
Q: Git Commit Messages : 50/72 Formatting

David JamesTim Pope argues for a particular git commit message style in his blog post: http://www.tpope.net/node/106 Here is a quick summary of what he recommends: First line is 50 characters or less Then a blank line Remaining text should be wrapped at 72 characters His blog post gives the rationale f...

@SecondRikudo ^
@AwalGarg Success from SBI
@FlorianMargaine Cheers
@SecondRikudo ftr, emacs' magit does the same
although it does it at 72 chars
which is the limit because otherwise it's hard to reply to the email
woot, browsersync added https proxying
only 27 days to do it, thats cool
want to donate some money or something
/me looks for tipjar
I don't remember
do https requests pass the http headers in clear text?
not sure, about to test it.
That seems ridiculous
I'm just going to use it for local dev
I remember having played with tcpdump and I tried to debug https requests... and I facepalmed
I could be wrong
whats nice is I should be able to wrap our .net site now with this and not have to refresh the page manually.. friggin hate that
@KendallFrey that's my original thinking, but it seems the PR doesn't have any code related to certificates
so I don't see how it passes the requests
it's just a proxy... it just needs to pass the tcp packets. No need to parse http headers like a reverse proxy needs to
Ohhh facebook.. Why do I even get on you. You just bitch about how McDonald's should pay you more and post selfies with captions that insult yourself to see if anyone is as lame as you and will come along and say you're wrong.
Do immediately-invoked object literals work anymore? They don't seem to work for me:
@AaditMShah Example please
@AaditMShah they do
    errorCount: 0,
    step1: function () {
    step2: function () {
    logError(message) {
    main: function () {
Example of it not working I mean. Because it should
Wrong example.
@AaditMShah syntax error
@Jhawins Exactly. I think that they used to work once, but not anymore.
@AaditMShah No not exactly. You posted broken code.
That's the reason Dr. Axel Rauschmayer blogged about it.
1 min ago, by Jhawins
Example of it not working I mean. Because it should
@FlorianMargaine That's what Dr. Axel Rauschmayer calls an immediately-invoked constructor.
Give me something to paste and run. Not imaginary code because it does work
@Jhawins The code I pasted is taken directly from Dr. Axel Rauschmayer's blog.
yeah the code is bad
it never worked
@AaditMShah lol so do you have anything serious to ask?
Of course bad code is bad
@Jhawins Just wanted to know if it was possible to do that. Nevermind.
@Jhawins don't be an ass
Idk I feel like I'm being rude.. But you aren't asking a real question.
@FlorianMargaine Will try to salvage :P
2ality.com is usually very trustworthy.
@Jhawins Yes, I feel like that at times too.
how can I do this in node?

1, get a file from github
2, store this file in the dir this node file is running?
!!> (function () { console.log('it works..'); }());
@AaditMShah ^ this code works (when Caprica isn't broken)
Is Caprica online?
@Jhawins Well, I already knew that worked. I learned that almost 8 years ago.
@AaditMShah Alex is awesome.
@AaditMShah Good, I'm happy for you. Didn't you say it wouldn't work?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Hey Benjamin. Yes, I usually turn to 2ality.com when I am in doubt. It seems that he is wrong this once.
@Jhawins and @AaditMShah stop talking to each other, thank you
I'm sleepy. I obviously don't understand what you're asking so I'm sorry.
@BenjaminGruenbaum How's your num.js project coming along?
in Trash, 31 secs ago, by Jhawins
@FlorianMargaine Uhh. Please paypal me 1 billion dollars.
This isn't bin-worthy
@AaditMShah mostly research before march iirc
And I haven't done anything wrong. So stop being rude yourself.
I see you got a logo. That's cool.
BTW, I put the code of my supercompiler on GitHub: github.com/aaditmshah/camlet
@FlorianMargaine explain yourself please. If you're just having a shitty morning or something I get it but I don't really understand the conflict you created.
I am currently working on the parser but I am 2 weeks behind schedule. =(
@Jhawins it's 6pm. And your messages were just being rude
obviously sarcastic, if you prefer
Drama in the js room time ? :D
not since you came
@FlorianMargaine lol its only 11 here :P
*evening. I think I addressed my rudeness when you pointed it out. Someone says "I learned that 8 years ago" and a sarcastic response is justified (especially when user has just asked about it). I don't think there's any reason for you to step in as RO and control the situation or anything.
And with that (unless you have something you want to say) I'd like to move on.
@Loktar only 11pm? damn you're still up?
@Jhawins nothing to say
@AaditMShah where is the hello world?!
@Jhawins Cheese is ultracaloric
@FlorianMargaine haha very funny
I'm not that old seesh
Damn javascript room elitists
/me prepares his dinner for 12pm
@FlorianMargaine Currently it's not documented but it's the same way as you would do it in Haskell:
main = log "Hello World!"
It makes more sense to write a factorial program than a hello world program for functional languages anyway.
woot, the proxy works
@Loktar Wait, are you in India?
@AaditMShah No
I hope not.
no, meant an https poxy for browsersync :P
haha if I were @darkyen00 id have to visit you and @SomeGuy
and mralien
I hope not because if he comes to India without telling in this room i'd be really upset.
@Loktar yeah the same :D
You said that it's 11:00 PM where you were. It's 10:42 PM in India.
he never said PM / AM
he just said 11
oh no its 11am here, I think @FlorianMargaine was joking calling me an old man maybe idk
florian made a joke
@Loktar I m heading there to meet up with alien and someguy in december, join up :D
I wish, too much $$
Oh, so you're still in Nebraska.
yeah :/
come out of compilers myfriend
you are doing optimistic optimizations x)
Or is Maine MA?
@FlorianMargaine No the other florian
I kind of have a deadline. I need a deliverable before my semester ends.
Wait I'm confusing with me/ma/mi
You're in NE
I feel awesome at my stand up desk. I don;t feel so slouchy and ill lol
@AaditMShah your remind me of the similar thing with me... crap
i have to finish an e-commerce web-site
@FlorianMargaine and I'm the old one O.o
which i don't even want to see the face of.
@NickDugger right? I remember that feeling
@darkyen00 BTW, you look like a zombie. I always imagined you to have spectacles though.
@AaditMShah yes. I do
@FlorianMargaine are you still at a stand up desk?
@Loktar name me 3 french regions
@NickDugger nope
Regions or cities?
Paris, bread, and cheese
@FlorianMargaine why not? New job won;t allow it?
@NickDugger France, France, Canada
Breast, Paris, Normandy
@NickDugger I have to pay for it...
idk wtf a french region is
Paris, Cannes, let me Google the third.
@FlorianMargaine Nice CORS/JSONP article
You named a part of body, a city, and a region
North South East!
@FlorianMargaine ah, yeah... I got a small budget, but a budget nonetheless
@AaditMShah CANADA !
I thought Breast was a city
Normandy I wasn't sure on was going to say Caen
ah lol
Caen is a city
yeah idk any french "regions" I guess
what constitutes a region?
I had a German pen pal who lives in a city called Cologne.
What constitutes a state?
pen pal ?
@Loktar like US states but smaller
@BasementKeyboardHero ty
ah makes sense I guess, had no idea it was broken up into regions
@darkyen00 Yes, I met him on an MMO.
@Loktar how many states USA has ?
I forget which.
@Loktar how many states USA has ?
Yeah. 13 regions, ~100 departments
hmm my chat is going nutty
@Loktar 50 :O
those subdivisions are pointless though
either So is going down or my connection is going crazy
how many of them have population less than an Indian city ?
Depends upon which Indian city.
@Loktar having same problem
refresh to fix.
yeah every time I do it starts up again
If you're talking about Mumbai then only NYC might beat it.
@AaditMShah new york has that many people ?
@AaditMShah California
New York is like a posh Mumbai.
Texas is close
New York has 18 million apparently
This is a list of U.S. states by population (with inhabited non-state jurisdictions included for comparison) as of April 1, 2010, the date of the 2010 United States Census. The nine most populous U.S. states contain slightly more than half of the total population. The 25 least populous states contain less than one-sixth of the total population. California, the most populous state, contains more people than the 21 least populous states combined. == Methodology == The United States Census counts most persons residing in the United States including citizens, non-citizen permanent residents, and non...
Mumbai has 18.4 million, so close enough.
doesn't US have 52 states?
I thought it was 50 + hawaii + alaska
@FlorianMargaine nope, -
no Alaska and Hawaii are 49 and 50
damn, I always get it wrong.
And don't count the air-bases
50 - HI - AK + Puerto Rico
@KendallFrey Puerto Rico is just a territory
They are lucky not being a state.. they get so much stuff tax free
they are definitely smart not becoming one
it's everything but official, from what I hear
yeah pretty much
although its much poorer than any state
California should be broken up into smaller states. Someone has suggested that already, right?
I wish Quebec would just hurry up and leave
so if we add it we would have to funnel in a lot of federal funds
@Shmiddty yeah Californians always say that as well even lol
One day We will have California Island
and then the rest.
> Learn to swim.
Anyway, got to go. Talk to you guys later.
see ya @AaditMShah
@KendallFrey + Guantanamo
@Shmiddty hahaha so many times.
@Shmiddty Proposed name for california substates:
!!> "California".split('').map(function(l, m, o) { return l.toUpperCase() + (o[(m+1)%o.length] + o[(m+2)%o.length] + o[(m+3)%o.length]).toLowerCase(); } )
@Neil ["Cali","Alif","Lifo","Ifor","Forn","Orni","Rnia","Niac","Iaca","Acal"]
hey, except rnia, they're all viable
rnia is viable. o.O
Uh-rnia.. *shrugs* It'll grow on ya
@Loktar I don't think you're ever going to visit India, though, are you?
Patsy probably will next year
angular guys?
@SomeGuy probably not, but who knows
I've never crossed any ocean
I went to Germany; pretty cool place
Got to see some castles
Come to India
that would be cool (seeing castles), my sister in law lives in England so I imagine at some point we will go there
I see some hype of _ and lo-dash. but do we actually need them ? Most of the things we do can be done without them. for example the _.without seems like , var tempArray = origArray. tempArray.splice(origArray.indexOf(element_to_remove), 1) nd then return the origArray
although the templating is useful. But we could write thst too with a bit of regex
@argentum47 I havent seen lodash hype in a while tbh
in HTML / CSS / WebDesign, 6 mins ago, by Mr. Alien
Q: Why are my kids naked?

DaveTheGamer I was playing my old Hearthfire save in Skyrim when my kids were only wearing their underwear. I attempted to give them clothes, but they didn't do anything with them. Anyone else have the solution? EDIT Now the rest of the Skyrim kids aren't wearing clothes.

Yerba Mate kind of tastes awful (I'm drinking it plain)
@Shmiddty you don't drink the first 2 cups
ok. my bad
They are bitter as hell
@BasementKeyboardHero ? It's in teabag form
after that it gets good
@argentum47 sorry wasn't trying to be rude
you're right
Oh, do you mean I should just down it?
no offense taken :)
In teabag that's new to me
haha my sons friend thought Tea Bagging was when someone would killsteal you. (speaking of tea bags)
so the first 2 times you fill it it ll be horrid you just fill it and spit it out as soon as you take a sip
@Loktar LOL
he was at our house getting pissed saying my son kept tea bagging him
my son and I were cracking up
> OMG dude stop tea bagging me!!
my son ended up telling him what it meant (they are in 6th grade)
he looked embarrased afterward was pretty awesome
Teabagging in the context of a PvP game is when you use your character to repeatedly crouch onto the face of a slain foe. The metaphorical "teabag" is your scrotum, and you're just dunking it into their face, as you would an actual teabag with a mug of hot water.
exactly.. my son basically said "Tea bagging is when someone touches you with their balls :?"
idk how you would think it meant kill stealing..
it makes no sense at all to me, maybe his parents told him that idk
> Dad whats tea bagging?
We used to call KSing "snaking"
> uhhh its when someone kill steals...
@Shmiddty hah
oh man that was a great show
I haven't seriously played any FPSes since CounterStrike 1.6 and MoH:AA
damn man.. its been a while eh?
The ending was sad. I am waiting for the Sherlock Holmes and Da Vinci's Daemons.
MoH:AA was awesome
MoH:AA was too easy
Parachuting in gave me goosbumps man
MoH was the king of the cinematic feel for a while
The story mode was pretty epic though
yeah thats all I played
my dad even got into it pretty heavily
Is it like Saving Private Ryan ?
I played CoD MP like crazy
he loved that tank scenario
@argentum47 yeah
if you look at it now though it looks like garbage lol
haha yeah
but in 2002 or whenever it was it was fantastic
remember the sniper mission in COD where you were vasilli ?
oh I was thinking of the expansion, Spearhead with parachuting
But the physics were a bit too forgiving. I could run and gun with any submachine gun.
AA had Omaha Beach which was epic as hell
Oh yeah
that map was annoying
@BasementKeyboardHero which one?
tons of snipers
I remember the first CoD mainly.. was so cinematic
I played all the other WWII ones but they kind of blur together now lol
You know what game never blurs together or gets any less nerve-wracking?
original Rainbow Six
omg yes @BasementKeyboardHero
Have you seen the movie enemy at the gates?
yeah its so much like that
In that COD you're playing that guy
did you guys ever try any of those surf maps on CS?
It's not like it it's him :P
I think thats the multiplayer level called Pavlo(v?) as well
@BasementKeyboardHero IIRC this came out after the movie enemy at the gates
so they modeled it after the scene in the movie a bit
I know its based off of a real person and events as well
what do you guys think of babel? Anyone changed over from coffeescript?
@ajsharma Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
github.com/lodash/lodash/blob/master/lodash.js It looks some serious stuff. TypedArray and everything . phew
people are still using coffeescript?
:'( aww
@jgillman Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
/me raises hand
me too, haha
@BasementKeyboardHero hope not
I never liked it
@argentum47 lodash is mostly obsolete now
only use it if you need to support ie8
@ssube Lodash isn't a polyfill library.
Or at least... it's more than a polyfill library.
@Retsam not much more
@ssube It has some stuff that's great that probably won't ever be included in vanilla
(if you work with datasets a lot)
I disagree; it's one of my favorite libraries.
ow. I see. Yeah the number of commits in github is more for_.js
@Shmiddty such as? I've spent the last week or two going through codebases here and replacing underscore/lodash with native stuff
I think the only thing we've used that isn't in native was _.debounce
@ssube just shorthands for common manipulations. I use findWhere quite a lot
@Retsam why do you need it? I mean its not like you use every functions,(not taking into account the ones tht depend on another), its sounds pretty easy to write the one or two I need
Debounce, once, pick, flatten, find, etc.
var theThingIWant = _.findWhere(collection, {foo:"foo", bar:true});
So convenient
I have to see debounce. find for array is indexOf and object is like if "prop" in object.
@argentum47 I use quite a bit of the functions; why implement it when they already have, and, actually if I don't want the code for the functions I don't use, then you can make a custom build that only includes the ones you want.
Plus, the most recent version of lodash added lazy evaluation for chaining, which is non-trivial to duplicate.
@Retsam lazy lodash with generators would be interesting
calculate just enough to produce the next item
ok library : 1, me: 0

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