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║ [1 day, 19 hours, 8 minutes and 56 seconds] without an accident ║
║                   since [2018-07-18 15:43:44]                   ║
Command '!!debugging' aliased to '!!say youtube.com/watch?v=LUTolQw8K9A';
!!remove 2
5 messages moved from PHP
MySql is to databases what PHP is to programming languages. And that makes it a match in heaven… or hell… depending on your viewpoint.
3 messages moved from PHP
3 hours later…
Built-in commands (* indicates admin-only):
 admin - Manage the bot's admin list. Use 'admin help' for details.
 *alias - Add a bash-style alias
 *approve - Approve the bot for talking in this room. Room owners only.
 *ban - Ban a user from interacting with the bot for a specified period of time
 command - Manage command mappings. Use 'command help' for details.
 help - Alias of 'command list'
 invite - Invite the bot to join a room. This can also be done through the chat web interface.
 *leave - Ask the bot to leave the room. Room owners only.
3 messages moved from PHP
2 hours later…
!!welcome mega6382
Welcome @mega6382, please read the Chat Guidelines
3 messages moved from PHP
!!blame DaveRandom
3 messages moved from PHP

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