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Built-in commands (* indicates admin-only):
 admin - Manage the bot's admin list. Use 'admin help' for details.
 *alias - Add a bash-style alias
 *approve - Approve the bot for talking in this room. Room owners only.
 *ban - Ban a user from interacting with the bot for a specified period of time
 command - Manage command mappings. Use 'command help' for details.
 help - Alias of 'command list'
 invite - Invite the bot to join a room. This can also be done through the chat web interface.
 *leave - Ask the bot to leave the room. Room owners only.
!!poop-on jayistoocommon
💩 on @JayIsTooCommon
!!alias thejoke say Air traffic control, this is "the joke" seeking clearance. "the joke", this is air traffic control. Maintain an altitude of 10,000 feet agl and proceed normally over the head. Air traffic control, this is "the joke", roger.
Command '!!thejoke' aliased to '!!say Air traffic control, this is "the joke" seeking clearance. "the joke", this is air traffic control. Maintain an altitude of 10,000 feet agl and proceed normally over the head. Air traffic control, this is "the joke", roger.'
Air traffic control, this is "the joke" seeking clearance. "the joke", this is air traffic control. Maintain an altitude of 10,000 feet agl and proceed normally over the head. Air traffic control, this is "the joke", roger.
!!remove 4
9 messages moved from PHP
║ [10 seconds] without an accident ║
║   since [2017-08-18 11:12:01]    ║
!!say hello\nworld
!!remove 2
5 messages moved from PHP

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