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Q: How do I convert a string into code in Python?

Jake StokesConverting a string to code Noteworthy points: I'm new to coding and am testing various things to learn; i.e. yes, I'm sure there are better ways do achieve what I am trying to do; I would like to know any alternative / more efficient methods, however; I would also still like to know how t...

Q: get multiindex value based on row number in Pandas

ERedIs there any way to retieve the multiindex value based on the number of row? Like can I use .iloc[0] to retrieve somehow the value of the multiindex in an array form? For example I have a multiindex [month, day, hour]. Can i use iloc[numRow] and get for exmple (1,1,1) being the multiindex values ...

2 hours later…
Q: Jupyter Notebook: automatically saves all images

cqcn1991I need most images in my jupyter notebook, https://cdn.rawgit.com/cqcn1991/Wind-Speed-Analysis/master/output_HTML/marham.html The problem is that there are too many, and saving them one by one, by command or manually is very time-consuming. Is there a way to automatically save all images in a n...

2 hours later…
Q: Sample code for listing a FixedPriceItem with ebay

ilmetuI'm working with Python 2.7 on a Linux environment, my app working with the ebay trading API with the sdk: [ebaysdk-python][1]. My goal is to list a fixedpriceitem, I didn't found a correct way to do it... It seems the example on the ebay website for the developer isn't working also. Someone ou...

Q: Subset a 2D array by a 2D array in python

Eric HeI want to use a 2D array to subset another 2D array(they have the same length), for example: import numpy as np tmp = np.array([[0.33, 0.67], [0.67, 0.33]]) index = np.array([[1], [0]]) What I what is something like this: In[91]: np.array([tmp[i][index[i]] for i in range(len(index))]) Out[91...

Q: Extract array indices that contain a specific value

dingritePython Numpy. The messy way to do this is with a loop, but I'm looking for an elegant performant solution to this. The array in question has this shape: (31777, 44, 44) Its sum() is 31777.0 - every (44,44) grid contains just one 1.0 entry at some coordinates. My objective is to obtain an arra...

1 hour later…
Q: Pandas/Python: Making multiple tables based off another table?

Callie JesterI'm currently working with pandas with a table I loaded into a DataFrame and am trying to make a number of individual tables that include specific data from the table I already have. I have a number of columns that are in the format 'NameX(TypeY)'. The format is like so: total = pd.DataFrame(...

Q: how to extract hour and minute and groupby

babyhuskyI have 3 columns Date A B 1/7/2016 8:00 0 0 1/7/2016 8:30 1 1 1/7/2016 9:00 2 1 2/7/2016 8:00 0 0 2/7/2016 8:30 0 1 I would like to create a column C that extract only Hour and Minute, column D that groups column C and sums column A, column E that groups ...

Q: what's wrong with the python code

Arun Kumar KhattriI am trying to write a code to normalise pandas object with LabelEncoder. the following piece of code is not working - def label_encoder(label): le = preprocessing.LabelEncoder() le.fit(label) label = le.transform(label) return label label_encoder(titanic['Sex']) wheras,...

Q: pandas append same series to each column

piRSquaredConsider the dataframe df df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.rand(5, 3), ['p0', 'p1', 'p2', 'p3', 'p4'], ['A', 'B', 'C']) df And the mean of every row: dm = df.mean(1) dm.index = ['m0', 'm1', 'm2', 'm3', 'm4'] dm m0 0.352396 m1 0.606469 m2 0.643022 m3 ...

Q: Inserting Gap in File Series

cafeKazeSo I'm trying to write a program that will create a gap at the specified file number, e.g. if the current files are spam001.txt spam002.txt spam003.txt and I specify 2 in the argument, then it will become: spam001.txt spam003.txt spam004.txt The code below seemed to work, until I tried adding...

Q: How to know when to use numpy.linalg instead of scipy.linalg?

QChemReceived wisdom is to prefer scipy.linalg over nump.linalg functions. For doing linear algebra, ideally (and conveniently) I would like to combine the functionalities of numpy.array and scipy.linalg without ever looking towards numpy.linalg. This is not always possible and may become too frustrat...

Q: Render Latex text with python

omerbpI'm trying to render Latex text with python. This is what I tried to do: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt txte = r""" The \emph{characteristic polynomial} $\chi(\lambda)$ of the $3 \times 3$~matrix \[ \left( \begin{array}{ccc} a & b & c \\ d & e & f \\ g & h & i \end{array} \right)\] is given by...

Q: Inserting Gap into Filename Series

cafeKazeSo I've written a little program that will create a gap at the specified file number, e.g. if the current files are spam001.txt spam002.txt spam003.txt and I specify 2 in the argument, then it will become: spam001.txt spam003.txt spam004.txt I would like to add additional code to also handle ...

1 hour later…
Q: How to decouple hatch and edge color in matplotlib?

Alessandro MekxI would like to draw a bar in matplotlib with white as fill color, red as hatch color and black as edgecolor. However, it looks like the edgecolor changes also the color of hatch. So, I am not able to decouple the color of edges and hatch. Do you have any suggestion? Thanks.

Q: 3D displacement graph starting at zero

user3604362I am having a really weird issue: I want to 3d plot some 3d data. Using the matplotlib tools, that can be done quite easily. Below the function I am using inside my large program (it does lots of other things as well). import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.cm as c...

Q: Python/Pandas dataframe - return column name

lte__Is there a way to return the name/header of a column into a string in a pandas dataframe? I want to work with a row of data which has the same prefix. The dataframe header looks like this: col_00 | col_01 | ... | col_51 | bc_00 | cd_00 | cd_01 | ... | cd_90 I'd like to apply a function to each...

Q: Renames file-name references inside files in a directory

evans_murithiThe filenames.txt contains all the names of the files that you want to change in a given directory. It is generated by: import os walk = os.walk("./app/") for dirpath, dirs, files in walk: for filename in files: fpath = os.path.join(dirpath, filename) with open("filenames.t...

Q: Python sorting numbers in a multicolumn file

lahasibI have a file with 4 column data, and I want to prepare a final output file which is sorted by the first column. The data file (rough.dat) looks like: 1 2 4 9 11 2 3 5 6 5 7 4 100 6 1 2 The code I am using to sort by the first column is: with open('rough.da...

Q: Karger's algorithm implemented in python

Giulio Cesarefrom numpy import inf from random import choice from copy import deepcopy # We use the karger method for finding the minimum cut in a graph. # Each row of "original_Graph" needs to match a vertice and each element of # the row corrispond to the vertices to which it's connected. # In addition in ...

Q: Lists to DataFrame for Pandas

MeshellTi'm quite new to Python - I like solving myself my problems but I would like to have some guidance for my project. I have many CSV files (one for each week) that contain data looking like that - it's one week TOP 40 radio playlist - i have 52 weeks X 3 years Rank;Artist;Track;Label;Audience 1;...

Q: Python Array Creation Using 2 other arrays

James MallettI have two arrays whose values i would like to use together in the creation of a third array. Below i have given the size and shapes of the arrays incase they can be of any help. CV Shape = (126,) RV Shape = (94,) CV Size =126 RV Size =94 The array into which i want their values to be place...

Q: Generating a n-dimensional array of coordinates in numpy

GnarflordLet's say I have a function f which can take coordinates as parameter and returns an integer (f(x) in this case). The coordinates can be multidimensional and are in the form of a list. My goal is to fill a numpy array with all values between two coordinates. I've tried to make a list of all possi...

Q: basic image processing with numpy and matplotlib

AlfonseI'm just testing very basic stuff about image manipulation with numpy ndarray data structure and matplotlib for show the image. I created a 2-dimensional array with np.zeros((n,m)) function where store my pixel, to keep things easy I'm just working in grayscale so I only need one value to represe...

Q: Good PRG in Python

ZivaIn many cryptographic schemas we use PRG (pseudo random generator). Is there any good PRG worth using in Python implementations. I know the random package as well as numpy, but I'm wondering if there is any highly recommended.

Q: Memory is not released when taking a small slice of a DataFrame

Antonis ChristofidesSummary adataframe is a DataFrame with 800k rows. Naturally, it consumes a bit of memory. When I do this: adataframe = adataframe.tail(144) memory is not released. You could argue that it is released, but that it appears to be used, but that it's marked free and will be reused by Python. How...

Q: How do I convert csv string to list in pandas?

eripI'm working with a csv file that has the following format: "Id","Sequence" 3,"1,3,13,87,1053,28576,2141733,508147108,402135275365,1073376057490373,9700385489355970183,298434346895322960005291,31479360095907908092817694945,11474377948948020660089085281068730" 7,"1,2,1,5,5,1,11,16,7,1,23,44,30,9,1...

2 hours later…
Q: Convert a list of dictionaries to numpy matrix?

Tamim Ad DariLet the given dictionaries are d = [{'a':1,'b':4},{'b':2}] So basically I want a matrix like this | 'a' | 'b' | _______________ | 1 | 4 | | na | 2 | How can I efficiently achieve this ?

Q: ping pong code for python

J.Fitzhey have this simple code to make a ping pong game. however I haven't quite finished it. I need to add a function where the ball can bounce off in multiple directions. I was thinking of doing it with 'math'. However I don't know if this will be the easiest way or if I could do it at all with math...

Q: Join two csv files with pandas/python without duplicates

l4nd0I would like to concatenate 2 csv files. Each CSV file has the following structure: File 1 id,name,category-id,lat,lng 4c29e1c197,Area51,4bf58dd8d,45.44826958,9.144208431 4ede330477,Punto Snai,4bf58dd8d,45.44833354,9.144086353 51efd91d49,Gelateria Cecilia,4bf58dd8d,45.44848931,9.144008735 Fil...

Q: Create FlowMap in Python OpenCV

James MallettUpdated question: Would anyone be able to point me in the direction of any material that could help me to plot an optical flow map in python? Ideally i want to find something that provides a similar output to the video shown here: http://study.marearts.com/2014/04/opencv-study-calcopticalflowfar...

Q: Sort Pandas Dataframe on two columns with one column values repeating in sequence

panrMy input dataframe have two columns: df c1 c2 0 a 8 1 a 3 2 b 2 3 c 1 4 b 10 5 c 8 6 a 10 7 c 7 I want to sort the above dataframe so that the values in column 'c1' appears in sequence (abcabcac) and their corresponding column 'c2' values in ascending (or descending) ...

Q: How to identify the top points of a 3D mesh

user6457831I have a 3D data points as in the figure.Each curve in a plane has a 'U'shaped dip . I need to get the points which are very close to these dip.If no dip then I need to find the top most point.Data points are more than 90,000.So I cant post the data.Please give suggestions.

Q: Pandas: to_sql vs read_sql

V ShreyasI've been using pandas to query teradata and dump resulting dataframe in a variable. Now, I have a sequence of queries inside a file. I read the file, and split the queries into a list. Assuming I don't know what are the exact queries, is there a way to use read_sql instead of a mixture of to_s...

Q: Plot vertical lines from datapoints to zero axis in python

beginhI want to plot vertical lines from each point of my dataset to the zero axis. At the moment plot looks like this: values = [0.0, 0.2, 0.0, 0.4, 1.4, 0.5] times = [1, 4, 10, 12, 14, 20] plt.plot(values,times,'o') plt.show() How to plot the vertical lines? I found in the documentation axvline, ...

Q: Python "AttributeError: 'NotImplementedType' object has no attribute" when dividing

gilmourI've tried to thoroughly research this question before asking it. I'm trying to plot the ratio of two lists that are contained in a dictionary. line_ids = ['blah1','blah2','blah3','blah4'] elines = {} for i in range(0,len(line_ids)): data = [] with open('../output/'+line_ids[i]+'.csv', ...

Q: Python pandas: How to consider the uniformity amongst multiple columns?

AlanHI have a set of a dataframe where I want to consider the a b c a 1 5 0 b 2 0 1 c 1 0 3 I would like to see which columns have a distribution that most closely resembles a uniform distribution without plotting. So as a result, I would like to get back an array with the rank of most uniform t...

Q: Advantage of Julia over other languages in data science?

Jim BeamI am finding myself putting an increased focus on data science for my career and I proficient with both R and Python. In some of my readings, I have come across people advocating the use of Julia and I have written a couple of items with it. But I have yet to see why you would choose Julia over...

Q: How to center an annotation horizontally over a point?

legelI'd to take something like this code for scatter plot annotations... import matplotlib; matplotlib.use('TkAgg') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt labels = ["Abra", "Kadabra", "Alazkazam", "Mew"] x_values = [0.3, 0.6, 0.2, 0.4] y_values = [0.2, 0.2, 0.4, 0.9] fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5)) plt....

Q: Python Numpy generate coordinates for X and Y values in a certain range

James MallettI am trying to generate an array of coordinates that will lie on an image. The image being used is a 640x480 pixel frame. I have been able to make an array of all the x and y points that i wish to use. I am trying to plot small circles at each of these points just for visualization and for later...

Q: Pandas for 24 hour time series

schoonI'm tring to adapt the time series visualisation code here so that instead of graphing frequency by date I want frequency plotted against time (ignoring date). So I want to count over let's say 3 months, how many tweets were sent at 12AM, how many tweets were sent at 12:01AM, how many tweets we...

Q: What is a good explanation of how to read the histogram feature of TensorBoard?

PinocchioQuestion is simple, how do you read those graphs? I read their explanation and it doesn't make sense to me. I was reading TensorFlow's newly updated readme file for TensorBoard and in it it tries to explain what a "histogram" is. First it clarifies that its not really a histogram: Right now,...

Q: Is there a science behind precompression?

J.JHere's my problem - I have a program that needs to write some output, and that output, after compression, needs to be as small as possible. The first question one might find themselves asking in this situation is "what datastructure should i use for my data?". XML? JSON? SQLITE? TXT? STRUCT? I ...

Q: How can I plot a line graph given a dict of coordinates?

Arthur VazI have the following dict: cities = { 'Acre': (8.77, 70.55), 'Roraima': (11.22, 62.80), 'Rondonia': (10.9, 61.22), 'Mato Grosso': (12.64, 55.42), 'Goias': (16.64, 49.31), 'Distrito Federal': (15.83, 47.86), ... } I am able to plot a line graph using: data = {"x":[], "y":[], "label":[]} for l...

Q: How to obtain the random seed from TensorFlow?

PinocchioI want to be able to reproduce training sessions of Neural Networks in TensorFlow. When I run TensorFlow I assume it has some rand state that makes it choose some specific initialization for the variables. This is what I think I am mostly interested in reproducing. I think I can successfully repr...

Q: Group dataframe and get sum AND count?

RichardI have a dataframe that looks like this: Company Name Organisation Name Amount 10118 Vifor Pharma UK Ltd Welsh Assoc for Gastro & Endo 2700.00 10119 Vifor Pharma UK Ltd Welsh IBD Specialist Group, 169.00 10120 Vifor Pharma UK Ltd West Midlands AHSN...

Q: Custom cluster colors of SciPy dendrogram in Python (link_color_func?)

O.rkaI want to color my clusters with a color map that I made in the form of a dictionary (i.e. {leaf: color}). I've tried following https://joernhees.de/blog/2015/08/26/scipy-hierarchical-clustering-and-dendrogram-tutorial/ but the colors get messed up for some reason. The default plot looks good...

Q: Pandas: group together unique groups of rows based on column values

ShanZhengYangI have the following pandas DataFrame: import pandas as pd import numpy as np data = 'filename.csv' df = pd.DataFrame(data) print(df) one two three id_count binary a 0.469112 -0.282863 -1.509059 2 True b 0.283421 1.224234 7.823421 2 False c -1.135632 1...

1 hour later…
Q: Storing Each Iteration of Array after Loop Completion

DannyI'm very new to Python. I've searched extensively for a solution to my problem, but I'm hitting a dead ends left and right. I've produced a series of arrays using following code: fh = open(short_seq, 'r') line_counter = 0 pos = [0] array = [0.0 for x in range(101)] for line in fh: line_coun...

Q: Error: Int object is not iterable

Alan TamI get the error, int object is not iterable. I don't see what the the problem is. Sorry about the indentation. Can anyone explain it to me? x = raw_input('Give me a number: ') def digit_sum(x): sum=0 for digit in x: sum += int(digit) return sum print(digit_sum(x))

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