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@OlafDietsche good morning
Good Morning!
@greenhorn anything that you are trying to access within a JSP should be available in Page Context
That can be done by setting the values to the request object in the server side
you mean <c:set>
or just getting the value from someother like session and manually setting it to the page context
@greenhorn yes
were you able to print that variable name inside the JSP ?
@CrazyNinja can't get you
just <p> ${name}</p>
@CrazyNinja yes i print like this only
so, if i say that the name variable has assigned some value when it comes to JSP page, is it correct?
Good morning everybody
@OlafDietsche Hi, Good Morning!
@CrazyNinja i tried this and it's not printed on JSP
So, first you need to solve why that value is not passing to JSP
Nothing wrong with that String == checking
@greenhorn how did you set the value from the Servlet ?
@CrazyNinja i think we can access variables only when we set the variable
@greenhorn yes. Of course. I thought you knew it. We need to set the variable from the server side
@greenhorn this is much better > stackoverflow.com/q/8869083/4506140
how to set this using EL @CrazyNinja
String search_id = request.getParameter("search_id");
<c:if test="${name eq 'adam'}">
count equals to 9<br />
req.setAttribute("name", "adam");// write in your Servlet
@greenhorn is this line you wrote in a Servlet or in a JSP page?
in JSP
@greenhorn so, what you are trying to do is just like taking a bucket of water from the river and you are putting it back to the river with your bucket
because, "search_id" is already available in your JSP
you can access it like ${search_id}
try this and see whether the value is printing in your JSP
@CrazyNinja let me check and say
@CrazyNinja it's not printing
request.setAttribute("search_id", someVariable);
do you have this in your Servlet?
String search_id = request.getParameter("search_id");
System.out.println("####### search "+search_id);
it is in JSP and this was printed
####### search <value>
but when i tried the same with <p>${search_id}</p>
@greenhorn what happened?
@CrazyNinja can you tell me how to set this
String search_id = request.getParameter("search_id");
9 mins ago, by Crazy Ninja
request.setAttribute("search_id", someVariable);
do you have this in your Servlet?
@CrazyNinja actually i am getting this value from my previous JSp
@greenhorn so you have redirected to another page from that page?
no JSP1 ---> Servlet ---> JSP2
in JSP2 i've written this
@greenhorn can you see that the value is in Servlet ?
i am printing it only in JSP2 and i can see the value
can you show me your JSP1 , Servlet and JSP2 ?
@greenhorn request.setAttribute("search_id", cust_id);
you need this in your controller class
@CrazyNinja THEN
Anyone around?
@Soviero yes
@greenhorn problem solved?
@CrazyNinja i left that @CrazyNinja it ruined my time and mind better i try that tomorrow sorry :(
@greenhorn whatever.... seems like a real beginner :D
@CrazyNinja yes i am new to JSTL and i had other modules to complete that's why i am leaving that for now
anyone can help me with this ?
Q: popover in fullcalender not getting dismissed

Aditya Shanker TagirisaI have to open a popover when event is clicked and if you click anywhere outside it should get dismissed so i'm using popover with focus trigger it is not getting dismissed when I click outside the event following is the js code i'm using $(document).ready(function () { // page is now ready, ...

@OlafDietsche yes both on the same computer
And you can ping both addresses from machine B?
yes I can
Ok, so B can reach A on both interfaces.
Then you must check, if SQL-Server listens on both interfaces.
You can do that with netstat. On Linux this would be `netstat -l -t` or `netstat -l -t -n`
According to http://www.techrepublic.com/blog/it-security/list-open-ports-and-listening-services/, `netstat -a | find listening` should work on Windows.
There, you should see a line with SQL-Server or its port on both interfaces or with a line
See also http://helpdeskgeek.com/windows-7/use-netstat-to-see-listening-ports-and-pid-in-windows/ for more netstat options.
Window's netstat also knows `-n`, which shows numeric ports and IP addresses
and `-o`, which shows the process id.
on windows server
sql server instance is running
if I do telnet 1433
then i get response
but if i do
telnet publicip 1433
then I dont get response
i have turned off the windows firewall
Then most likely, SQL-Server isn't listening on the public ip.
Have you checked with netstat?
If there is no need to reach SQL-Server from the internet,
then it is reasonable (read: security) to listen only on the LAN.
no I have not checked with netstat
I will check and let you know
2 hours later…
@OlafDietsche yes netstat is running
And what's the output concerning SQL-Server?
When you run `netstat -a -n | find listen`, there must be one or more lines containing the port :1433.
Maybe stackoverflow.com/q/1518823/1741542 also helps to identify the port, if it is different from the default one.

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