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"Java is so slow that I want to transform it into c ++" repeated 4 times (wonder if asker used this trick to circumvent some quality filter or they simply didn't care)
@gnat Why should we vote to delete that? It will roomba.
@techraf per FAQ: "del-pls is for posts that: are really bad, but which don't quite make it to abusive/spam"
@gnat But why, if it will roomba?
@gnat It seems abusive Q to me
@Vega if you mean repeating same sentence 4 times - yes it seems abusive to me. I am just not 100% sure that it's sufficient for flag
@techraf ^^^ see above
@gnat You have not answered my question why you insist on wasting three others' (because you don't vote) deletion votes on something that will be removed by a script.
@gnat Yes, plus no sense, beyond the "too broad", etc.. I agree that the flag would be rejected though
@techraf I did and I guess you have seen it. Wonder why you pretend otherwise, do you disagree with my reasoning of it being borderline abusive (4 repeated sentences making 80+% of whole post) or didn't read room FAQ explanation about when to use del-pls, or maybe something else
@gnat I disagree with wasting delete votes and people focus on something that is handled by a script. I am not even acknowledging your reasoning, because you have not answered my question, you just stated the reasons for the question to be closed, which it was.
And you have issued a del-pls without a reason.
@techraf I think he did answer your question.
And I agree that the question counts as really bad
@JohnDvorak What was my question?
The one where you ask why he wants us to delete the question?
Please quote it. You felt an urge to intervene, so please do it thoroughly.
You used the words "waste .. votes", which I also disagree with (I have enough spare), which is why I didn't use your words.
29 mins ago, by techraf
@gnat Why should we vote to delete that? It will roomba.
23 mins ago, by techraf
@gnat You have not answered my question why you insist on wasting three others' (because you don't vote) deletion votes on something that will be removed by a script.
And where is the answer to this question?
29 mins ago, by gnat
@techraf per FAQ: "del-pls is for posts that: are really bad, but which don't quite make it to abusive/spam"
Do you want him to state explicitly that he "wants us to delete the question because that's what del-pls are for"?
That's a statement what del-pls are for in this room. It does not provide an answer, why the del-pls was issued.
Why do other users provide a sufficient explanation del-pls, like "no roomba"? And this one goes without one?
So, are you just complaining that the reason wasn't stated in the request?
No, I am not complaining. I am asking what was the reason for del-pls when the question would be roomba'd anyway.
You quoted my question.
You know what's more of a waste? The time spent arguing about wasting downvotes.
And you claimed it was answered, but now you try to figure out what it was about?
If you don't want to delete-vote that, @techraf, then don't. But don't dictate what we can and can not ask for delete-votes for.
That's up to the room owners. Not you.
@Cerbrus I asked someone a question. Do you understand the implication of this fact?
Do you want to dictate me what and whom I can ask about?
I maintain the question was answered. By Gnat and by me.
I'm not going to respond to that, as that'll get me slapped with the "Be nice" stick.
@JohnDvorak There was no question I asked Gnat and you, so that you both could answer it.
@techraf would it be correct to say that you think no-roomba should be mandatory requirement for del-pls? If yes, consider opening discussion about adding this to room FAQ, because currently it isn't there. Or maybe check past FAQ discussions if possibly this has been discussed and rejected already
@techraf I answered the question you have to Gnat. In the process of explaining Gnat's answer, I made it my own.
@gnat No, I do not think no-roomba is a mandatory requirement. I asked you what was the reason for your del-pls. There are many reasons for del-pls used here: there is a flame war under the question, there are random reopen votes, there is no roomba.
@techraf the question has the same line repeated thrice (and that's 75% of the entire question)
is that good enough for you to tolerate a delv-request?
@JohnDvorak Once again, please notice, I did not ask you a question about that topic and, pardon me, I am not interested in your answer.
@gnat Yes, I have. There is for example a guidance "del-pls: Unless there's a good reason, it doesn't have to be now". I asked you for that very reason.
in SOCVR Room Meetings, Nov 6 '17 at 18:10, by Jon Clements
if there's something really bad and it has to go, then get it gone - otherwise, don't sweat the small stuff, it'll end up gone eventually - and if no one's seeing it - who cares?
^ That was linked to and quoted in the socvr rules.
gnat was of the opinion it was really bad, and had to go. So he requested the deletion. So I don't see the problem.
@Cerbrus I'm really sorry, but I was brought up in a "speak when you're spoken to" culture. When I asked Gnat a question and I expect an answer from Gnat.
There were about 3-4 comments between me and Gnat on the subject. A few comments from two users each don't seem like a huge abuse of a public space in the room.
How things evolved is neither my nor Gnat's fault.
@Cerbrus confirmed. The FAQ part you quoted is one I had in mind and the way I acted was based on my understanding of this part. For the sake of completeness I also exposed my reasons why I feel it's sufficiently bad in del-pls message: "Java is so slow that I want to transform it into c ++" repeated 4 times
in SO Close Vote Reviewers, 1 hour ago, by gnat
"Java is so slow that I want to transform it into c ++" repeated 4 times (wonder if asker used this trick to circumvent some quality filter or they simply didn't care)
It was not an abuse of public space. It was just getting lengthy and imo deserved it's own room. No need for this clogging up SOCVR
Yes. I know what happened. And I don't see "things [ ] getting lengthy" as either mine or Gnat's fault.
@techraf "speak when you're spoken to" does not exist in public chatrooms.
And gnat gave you an answer.
But apparently, that wasn't good enough.
And that resulted in a discussion about something trivial that lasted way too goddamn long.
That's on you.
do you want me to move relevant messages in here, for context?
Hm, wouldn't that mess up the timeline?
I don't think so
I can try one?
@Cerbrus Oh, it does. The fact that some people don't observe it, does not mean others do not refrain from partaking in discussions they do not belong to.
Why not
@techraf No, nobody is obliged to speak when not spoken to. Nor is anyone forbidden from speaking when not spoken to.
"speak when you're spoken to" does not exist.
If you want it to, create a "private" room and discuss it there.
If you don't do that, expect other users to weigh in.
2 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
@Cerbrus I would appreciate if you post screen shot of deleted question here, I think that would make it easier for under-10K users assess details and the context of this discussion
@Cerbrus thoughts?
Oh, that's excellent, @rene.
Move'm all, I'd say.
What's with the random stars?
42 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
1 message moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
I think I captured everything
@Cerbrus maybe they moved as well?
No, they came from someone in here
@Cerbrus I did not say it was a commandment, I just said I was brought up in that culture.
Can't help that. Sorry. Maybe an RO can clear those if they disturb.
@techraf That you were brought up like that isn't relevant.
Chat is public. Anyone can comment.
@Cerbrus Feel free to clean up those stars yourself if you see fit
@Cerbrus It helps explain his actions
An apology, perhaps, or an excuse if you will
OTOH, Tech shouldn't feel annoyed by an explanation of chat culture either.
@JohnDvorak Yea, that's my main issue here. My comment saying that "chat is public, anyone can respond", isn't a opinion...
It's just how chat works.
Correct me if I'm wrong but the debate here is if a question that will roomba eventually merits delv-pls requests, right? So an actionable discussion for the upcoming roommeeting could be: Only allow delv-pls requests for question that will not roomba? Or do I misrepresent the core of the discussion this way?
Not even that
Okay, awesome
techraf seems to think the reason was missing from the request
Hmm, okay.
@rene that seems a bit narrow, my understanding is it's more about whether there needs to be some kind of "official" list of valid reasons - as opposed to current way which leaves these totally at discretion of the poster (I am not 100% sure though)...
1 hour ago, by techraf
@gnat No, I do not think no-roomba is a mandatory requirement. I asked you what was the reason for your del-pls. There are many reasons for del-pls used here: there is a flame war under the question, there are random reopen votes, there is no roomba.
(@rene as a side note I appreciate changes made to FAQ since last time I complained about it - "don't do" list looks somehow easier to grasp now. I have a feeling that it could be further improved but can't point a finger at how exactly. And frankly it looks good enough already)
Thanks for filling me in
1 hour later…
@Cerbrus No, no. You are misinterpreting my words. I said sorry and explained why I am not going to discuss Gnat's request with you. And it is relevant that I was brought up this way, because it is the direct reason for my not answering to your comments about that del-pls.
@techraf: Chat protocol is what matters on chat. How you were brought up is irrelevant.
If I was thought to insult everyone, doing to in chat would surely get me banned.
Besides, "I'm sorry, but that's how I was brought up" is not an apology. It's an excuse.
@Cerbrus Yes, it is a lame and cowardly excuse, why I am not discussing things with you.

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