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day = -1
if(month == 12){month = 1
year = year+1}
month = month+1}
let firstdate = "01-\(month)-\(year)"
let dcalender = NSCalendar.currentCalendar()
let formatter:NSDateFormatter = NSDateFormatter()
formatter.dateFormat = "dd-MM-yyyy"
let dateComponents = dcalender.components([.Weekday],fromDate: formatter.dateFromString(firstdate)!)
weekday = dateComponents.weekday
1 message moved from iOS Developer Family
1 hour later…
3 messages moved from [Java and Android era ](chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/19132/java-and-android-era)
1 hour later…
Hi guys...
I need your help to review my code
Sub Tossing_Coin()
Const Pattern = "HHH"
Const Simulation = 10
Dim Toss(1000000) As String, Sequence As String
For i = 1 To Simulation
j = 1
p = Rnd()
If p < 0.5 Then
Toss(j) = "T"
Toss(j) = "H"
End If
Toss(j) = Toss(j - 1) & Toss(j)
If j >= Len(Pattern) Then
Sequence = Mid(Toss(j), j - Len(Pattern) + 1, Len(Pattern))
End If
j = j + 1
Loop Until Sequence = Pattern
Cells(i, 1) = j - 1
Cells(i, 2) = Toss(j - 1)
Next i
End Sub
When I ran the program, the output:
1 H
1 T
1 H
1 H
1 H
1 T
1 T
1 T
1 H
Why for rows 2 to 10 are not the same as row 1?
So HOW is this a conversation beyond "I never wrote this code but I said I could fix it."
I wrote this code
And I want to fix it
Fair enough. I will load it. Is there some sample data that reproduce a mcve?
What is mcve?
Sorry for the stupid question. I'm totally a newbie in Excel VBA
@Jeeped Ahh, I see. Did you mean this: stackoverflow.com/help/mcve?
@Jeeped There are no external data involved
@Jeeped Sorry, no need your help. I can fix it by myself
The problem is in variable Sequence
If I write Sequence(i), the code is exactly like I want. Sorry for the incovenience @Jeeped. Thanks
2 hours later…
;(function() {

	|*| // collected by running the following on JS chat:
	|*|	copy(
	|*|		JSON.stringify(
	|*|			(function(users = []) {
	|*|				CHAT.RoomUsers.pingableUsersIncludeIncomplete().forEach(el => users.push(el)); // not an array, some custom interface
	|*|				return users;
	|*|			})().map(el => el.name),
	|*|			null, ' '
	|*|		)
	|*|	)
	|*|	// and filtering out non-regulars based on message count
	const users = [
	 "little pootis",
	 "Madara Uchiha",
	 "Florian Margaine",
1 message moved from Sandbox
!!info blame
!!learn blame "<> eval importScripts('http://chat.stackoverflow.com/message/30585608?plain=true')"
2 messages moved from Sandbox
4 hours later…
function changeAutoRefreshStatus(this)
if($(this).css('color') == 'rgb(255, 0, 0)') {
else {

<input type="button" onclick="changeAutoRefreshStatus(this)" value="change">
1 message moved from JavaScript
Hi I am new here, Can someone please tell me how to pass all possible parameters to the SSRS report and then give subscription
@user2040021 Welcome! This isn't really the right chat room for those kinds of questions
1 message moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
@user2040021 Welcome! This chatroom is only about moderation of SO. So I think you should ask this in another room
2 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
@NathanOliver You invited me?
18 messages moved from VBA Lounge
Q: HIVE on Windows 8

RebeccaI know this question has been asked so many times but nobody answered it. I saw so many posts on stackoverflow about this but no answer. Like this: Installation process for Hive on windows 7? hive on windows 7 desktop how do i intall hadoop and hive on my windows 64 bit machine ? i am a beginn...

Q: Missing Hive Execution Jar: apache-hive-1.2.1-bin/lib/hive-exec-*.jar Windows

RebeccaI am trying to work hive on windows but no luck till now. I am working on it from last several days. I have searches all the resources and also searched and applied methods mentioned in all related stackoverflow post but it's just not working. I don't know what I am missing. Please help me. Miss...

2 messages moved from campaigns
Q: Install Belline on Windows - Exception in thread

RebeccaI am trying to configure beeline on my Windows Machine but unable to do that. I have installed Hadoop, Hive, Spark on my machine and also set the JAVA_HOME, HADOOP_HOME, HIVE_HOME, SPARK_HOME variables. But when I tried to use beeline it throws me an error. Please help me. I am attaching a screen...

1 message moved from campaigns
3 hours later…
1 message moved from JavaScript
Hello @Sandra
Hi @Sandra
@Sandra Hiya
what is hiya
what is SO stand for
@Sandra Stack Overflow
Hello @Sandra. This is chat room for discussing moderation on Stack Overflow. Did you come here to ask for something in particular?
yeah i wanted to know can i develop IOS app as a android developer
@Sandra wrong room:)
@Sandra also, your profile has a typo
and another grammar error
@Sandra This isn't related to moderation. You would have better luck in the Java or iOS chat rooms. Kindly read their FAQ in advance also.
Sandra was appearing as "Markberg" with a different profile image. Then I moused over for details and everything fixed itself.
most of them are down!!
most of what?
chat rooms?
@Sandra Nothing we can do for you here.
@Sandra By "down" do you mean the rooms aren't working, or nobody's posted for a while, or what?
I think she means depressed.
Okay and we can say everything here
because i was banned too much time
@Sandra Why were you banned?
what would you do if i was real mark zucker berug
I'm starting to get precognitive abilities...
were you banned for attempted trolling, by any chance?
there was a little boy and i made a lot of fun with him and they banned me
I'm sorry @Sandra. Is there a specific issue related to moderation on Stack Overflow you want to discuss about?
@Sandra what is it?
How can i become a developer in SO
sorry wrong question
@Sandra Do you mean a developer active on SO, or actually hired by Stack Overflow, the company?
active developer
37 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers

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