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Q: Prime Factor Game Cheating Aid

Easterly IrkThis code outputs the smallest number with more divisors than the input. from operator import mul from math import sqrt, ceil def next_prime_factor(n): if n % 2 == 0: return 2 for x in range(3, int(ceil(sqrt(n)) + 1), 2): if n % x == 0: return x return ...

1 hour later…
Q: Python Scripting

user3470294I have a Oracle database, that contains metadata of Database Tables. Example. Table- Entity Entity Property Emp Table Position Table Table Attributes Attributes Table_Name Emp_Name Emp Emp_No Emp Emp_Add Emp Postion_id Position Position_Name Position I want a p...

1 hour later…
Q: Compare next sequence result in Generator

user3703384def lines(): with open('p_input.txt') as f: for line in f: yield line.strip().split('|') def parse_2(*file): result_2 = [] rows_generator = lines() next_row = next(rows_generator, None) for line in lines(): if line[0] == next_row[0]: ...

2 hours later…
Q: Get argument as unicode string from argparse (py2 and py3)

kraymerCode from my last project, that have to work on python 2.7 and python 3. I want to get a path as a unicode string from argparse : parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Organize your movie collection using symbolic links') parser.add_argument('media_src', metavar='FILE|DIR', ...

2 hours later…
Q: *BEGINNER* Python IRC Bot Demo, Banned word list?

XaroticI'm currently working on an IRC bot for Twitch.tv and I was wondering how I can implement a banned words list? Here is what I have so far and I'm stumped because of my limited knowledge of python. Everything is working great so far except checking to see if banned words are in the message. This i...

"<p>Why did you make this exactly? Why would anyone want there api to crash? I have a crazy ex husband stalker and its shit like this that allows him to invade my life and stalk me this shit is a nightmare </p>"
1 message moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
is ofc me to time se aya kar @iShwar
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2 hours later…
miss @Leena how are you
back to the work
welcome back from heaven
thanks @NitinGohel
yeah back to work
when i seen you pic i missing my last trip of lah
the place is really a heaven
kaha kaha gaye the?
and the people over there were very helping
Srinagar only
yah we also have an exp that
at lah hetal ki health bigad gayi thi to lah hospital me admit kiya tha unhe
Leh wasn't open at this time
tu tum kaha kaha gaye the
sonmarg , gulmarg pehalgam , tulip garden
Lal chowk
to shree nagar ke ashpas rahe thats good
dal lak gaye the?
yeap dal lake agye the
patnitop nahi gaye
kargil b nahi agye the
ok great
we visited dargah where bhajrangi bhaijaan 's shooting was done
ha woh to dur he vaha hse 250km hota he shreenager se
@Leena bharde joli vali
1 message moved from C#
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37 messages moved from iOS Developer Family
Q: Simple weighted directed graph in Python

coderoddeI have this simplistic Python class for representing directed weighted graphs (digraphs for short): Digraph.py #! /usr/bin/env python __author__ = 'Rodion "rodde" Efremov' class Digraph: """This class implements a directed, weighted graph with nodes represented by integers. """ def ...

1 hour later…
Q: Using Pexpect for communication between multiple programs via I/O

bbyalcinkayaI have a python script that runs 3 compiled programs and make them communicate via standard i/o. This is my first time using pexpect and I am not so good at python. My program works very slowly. Is there anything that I can do to fasten that program without changing others? If not, I'll try to do...

Q: Dijkstra's algorithm: traditional and bidirectional in Python

coderoddeI have translated Dijkstra's algorithms (uni- and bidirectional variants) from Java to Python, eventually coming up with this: Dijkstra.py import heapq from Digraph import Digraph from random import choice from random import uniform from time import time __author__ = 'Rodion "rodde" Efremov' ...

Please upvote this post, if you find that helpful.
Q: changing the value of a cell in gridview at runtime

mostafa8026I have a datagridview that manipulate data from a DataBase. I have a column that has numeric value and each number is representation of a string value, for example, 0 => "group 1", 1 => "group 2" and so on... User must see this data as an readable format, meaning 0 => "group 1". something l...

2 messages moved from C#
2 hours later…
  private void winner(Dictionary<int, Point> resetPattern)
            List<Button> buttons = new List<Button> { button1, button2, button3, button4, button5, button6, button7, button8 };
            DialogResult reply;
            reply = MessageBox.Show("Do you want to Continue.?", "Question",
            MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question);
            List<bool> lst = new List<bool>();
            int index = resetPattern.Count;
            while (index > 0)
     public void movePuzzle(Button btn)
            Point currentMoveButton;
            if (btn.Location.X == Loc.X || btn.Location.Y == Loc.Y)
                if ((btn.Location.X + (btn.Size.Width - 1) == Loc.X || btn.Location.Y + (btn.Size.Height - 1) == Loc.Y) ||
                    (btn.Location.X - (btn.Size.Width - 1) == Loc.X || btn.Location.Y - (btn.Size.Height - 1) == Loc.Y))
                    currentMoveButton = new Point(btn.Location.X, btn.Location.Y);
 public void resetPuzzle()

            Dictionary<int, Point> dct = new Dictionary<int, Point>();
            List<Button> buttons = new List<Button> { button1, button2, button3, button4, button5, button6, button7, button8 };
            Point blankLocation;
            int randomNumber = 0;
            int randomRow = 0;
            while (dct.Count < buttons.Count)

                randomNumber = rnd.Next(0, 8);
                if (dct.ContainsKey(randomNumber))
3 messages moved from C#
Q: mysqldb inserting list of values into a table

Long DogI am trying to pass some values from a list into an insert statement and thought it would be straightforrd enough but I find myself wasting far too much time on this: please could eomeone explain what's going wrong here? WORKS WITH HARDCODED LIST of values cursor=db.cursor() cursor.execute(" I...

Q: From Q to compiler in less than 30 seconds

EdwardAs an adjunct to From new Q to compiler in 30 seconds, I've created a Python script to automatically download the markdown from any question on Code Review and save it to a local file using Unix-style line endings. For instance, to fetch the markdown for this question, one could write: python f...

Q: Twitch client that notifies me when a followed streamer comes online

DanI've been writing code for a little while but I'm a little slapdash. I'd like to get better so I've been having a glance at best practices, other peoples code and reading a whole lot. I'd appreciate it if you could read through my code and make some suggestions and explain why. You'll find some o...

Q: Primitive Twitch.tv IRC Chat Bot

XaroticSo currently I have this basic little chat bot that can read commands and can timeout users if their message contains a banned word or phrase. I was wondering how I can improve on this bot to be able to !add "word" to the set of banned words and overall general flaw improvements. import string ...

Q: java.lang.NullPointerException using pgs4a on android 4.4

user222864I'm dealing with an app issue. I'm developing an android app in pygame/python using pgs4a (pygame subset 4 android). The app is working as expected on an android tablet device Acer Model B1-730 running Android v. 4.4.2. I have recently purchased a MyGica ATV380 Android 4.4 Media Player. When ...

3 hours later…
Q: What language to write program in?

HazimI'm relatively new to programming. I've a sophomore level college student who has studied/taken courses on Python, C, and Java. The only experiences I have with these languages/programming in general so far has only been from within a "classroom" perspective, if that makes sense. In other words, ...

2 hours later…
Q: Refactoring tips? <WIP>

InoriI'm working on a program that generates a maximal geometric progression of at least 3 integers when given a number that the greatest value shouldn't exceed. My current code works, and it's quick(ish) with small numbers, but anything past 100 takes far longer than I'd like, as I need to calculate...

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