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Q: elevateZoom is not working while using with master page- how to write id of image2

coderi want to integrate zoom option for my application but there is no event firing in mouse hover, i don't know what is gallery here and how to use. <script src="js/jquery-1.8.2.min.js"></script> <script src="js/jquery.elevatezoom.js"></script> <script> $("#Image2").eleva...

Q: Inserting css source code inside the php file itself

Athar KI am trying to insert a CSS code inside the php file itself. But I am encountering with an error continuously when even I update my post. Error is: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at bla bla on line 32) in /home/bla bla/wp-admin/post.php on line 235...

Q: How to make a Android ebook app for Multi Screen Support?

Sufi SkyI have designed an ebook like app in eclipse using Phonegap Cordova. Under assets/www folder I am having my source file as new.html which is in the format <html> <head></head> <title> Hi </title> <body> Hi All this is my First Ebook App<br> ... ... ... </body> </html> So when I run my app in...

Q: How to call wordpress pages into static html pages using wordpress API

ArivazhaganI am using Wordpress site as a backend and front html pages, i want to display wordpress newsfeed and contactus pages into my html page using wordpress API. can anyone help me for this please.

(those three are all )
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