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A: Scroll to Top and Scroll to Bottom in Jquery

jaq316What about this? $('#spnTop').on("click",function(){ var percentageToScroll = 100; var percentage = percentageToScroll/100; var height = $(document).scrollTop(); var scrollAmount = height * (1 - percentage); alert(scrollAmount); $('html,body').animate({ scrollTop: scroll...

Thanks @jaq316 It works great. +1
@jaq316 Quick Question scroll from bottom to top i checked it working fine. For example let consider bottom value as 50%(scroll from bottom to top as 50%) then how it works? From the top to bottom only it take 50% ? If yes means how can i make the scroll from bottom to top as 50%. Hope you got my point ?
@Vicky Do you mean if the page is scrolled 50% down and you want to scroll to the top?
No what my ques is we are doing the scroll function as with scrollTop jquery. Let consider from bottom to top as 30% then how it works from the bottom?
I've updated my answer and the fiddle to answer your question
Thanks @jaq316 see this fiddle i am not sure this is the testing site height right now i want to scroll from top to bottom with 89 % is not working properly for the bottom to top is working perfect. Let me know what changes shall i need to do for.
See updated fiddle:
Ha i waited for your response finally i posted a new question as with corresponding issue. I get the response as what you are suggesting now :)
Everything sorted now?

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