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Can we add UIbuttons,uilabels on to webview and make them scrollable along with the web view in iphone?
you just use, in your html content , give your button image in <img> tag, make a link for that image by giving <href> and you can detect the web view link detection by its delegate methods.
@Shilpa [cell setCommentLikeView:commentLikeView]; means you have a propertyimplementation for the UIView, based on my guess, you are creating a view object in your view controller, and setting this view to your cell class? if yes, where you are adding the view, to the cell, i mean in the tableview you have oneview and one button, when clikcing the button you are hidding the view in that cell?
if yes, you can get the view with viewWithTag method and make it hidden,

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