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3:37 PM
@ThePhD @Borgleader okay, you guys are better than me at these kinds of things
Do you think this game loop is fine?
    virtual int run() {
        sf::Clock clock;
        sf::Time deltaTime = sf::Time::Zero;

        while(running) {
            sf::Time elapsedTime = clock.restart();
            deltaTime += elapsedTime;

            while(deltaTime >= timePerFrame) {
                deltaTime -= timePerFrame;

You'll also want a clock for render
Why's that?
Oh. SFML handles that for me
Well then you're all set.~
3:42 PM
I left more comments on the PR btw.
Your current setters are really messed up :v
auto& x = userdata.function_table(); x.emplace_back({ /* */ }); // modified userdata, encapsulation ruined
Yeah... I'm going to make it a function on userdata<T>
So I can get rid of the external things entirely.
10:49 PM
has the same jam files boost does
but it doest have the bootstrap thing to make b2/bjam.exe =/
11:00 PM
he doesn't use boost build
he uses CMake
Huehuehuee Cmake
o.o then whyd he bother to put boot-build.jam, Jamfile and Jamroot in there?
For great lulz.
I honestly have no idea.
Guys can you help me with a design question? :o
Ask in the regular lounge. c:
11:05 PM
It's a game design related question I think
> cl : Command line error D8021: invalid numeric argument '/Wno-unused-function'
oh ffs
he doesn't support cl.exe either
clang for visual studio cant get here fast enough
I don't get everyone's love for VS.
Its not that I like VS that much, I dont
but I hate everything else more
also, VS has by far the best debugger out there and since I use that a LOT
11:09 PM
Change is something you have to get used to.
Robot on VS :v
Honestly, the debugger and R# are probable the only things keeping me on VS right now
VS is only good for C#
I haven't tried invoking random functions with gdb.
Plus, gdb in QtCreator has been giving me trouble when I jump out of functions to show me the return value.
After getting comfortable with gdb (it took me, maybe, 3 hours tops) I like it better than VS's debugger
11:11 PM
So I have to create temporaries or inspect registers and shit.
but I don't have strict requirements like PhD
like needing a GUI
I literally just looked it up, wrote some broken code, then read the manual for more info
Wasn't even that hard and it works for me
Can you do things like uh... say reinterpret_cast<Foo*>(&bar) in gdb?
dynamic printf is now my favourite debugging feature
yeah you can dynamically place any expressions you want actually
well not "any"
some things are a bit foobar
If I didn't need a GUI I'd just go to vim and use that all day.
like calling std::cout
11:12 PM
But quite honestly, I like having a GUI.
They're useful.
@ThePhD Protip. No one uses vim, they use gVim.
When people say "I use Vim" they mean gVim
People use vim for Git and what not
But not for their main editor
I'm already convinced you'll never change your ways and that's ok :v
Hey, hey.
I almost made it.
Not even close bud.
11:15 PM
I'm using QtCreator for sol and other development.
I'm weaning myself off VC++.
But I still have a lot of DX, XAudio, etc. code working with VC++.
That I'd like to keep working for the near future.
I can make the big break when there's not shit to show people.
back to dicking around with spirit since niebler codeblocked me

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