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time to play some HS I guess
no longer interested in playing
lame 2 games
2 hours later…
dat 6 loss streak in HS
today is just not my day
@Rapptz dem tacos
damn priest top decked death
I'm so annoyed
fucking top decking game
isnt that the case of all TCGs?
fuck no
I've never played a TCG outside of Hearthstone that has the topdeck potential to turn the game around like it can here
it's absolutely insane and it makes me more angry than it should
let me tell you how fucked this game was
the priest had a 24/24 lightspawn
he had 0 cards in his hand
I had 1 HP
I used taunt to delay the guy for 1 turn
I copy his 24/24 lightspawn (the priest has 24 HP)
so I basically had the match in the bag IME
and the guy topdecked death
so my 24/24 copy died
I personally think buffs shouldn't stack. Like if you do Blessing of Might (+3/0) and hen Blessing of Kings (+/4/+4) it would be as if youd only done Kings
Or else you get ridiculous shit like 24/24 lightspawns that can one shot you
that'd be pretty retarded
he got the lightspawn by doubling health
did cleric and then 4x hp for 24
wanna know the worst part about this POS?
Image not found
I had two Follow the rules in my hand and he's IMMUNE to it :(
absolute bs
Aldor battlecry does conflict with Lightspawn's effect.
Set to 1 vs Set to equal to hp
I wish I drew an equality or something
or a leeroy :/
he would have won me that game too
see how dependent it is on top decking
I really should man up and DE my golden nat pagle to make a leeroy
this card looks really cool in gold :/
I want it
I like this one
tbh hammer of wrath is garbage
I should remove it from my deck
3 damage and 1 card draw for 4 mana is too expensive
everyone else has better removal
anyway that previous game pretty much made me not want to play HS for like a week
Me today: "Oh today's quest is 2 wins with a Paladin, should be easy"
0-8 today
absolutely terrible
Yeah hammer is not good.
today's not been a very good day
funny thing is I went to play hs to make me feel better about my day
note to self: don't do that
yeah you never seem to have a good time when you play hs =/
Whats a cis man?
i.e. normal
or well, "normal" if you're one who prioritises emotion over science
2 hours later…
Q: socket wrapper class

NinjaDeveloperI create this thin wrapper class for socket project that I'm working on it can some one review my class and give me some points if I'm on right tack ? #include <iostream> #include <WinSock2.h> const int MAX_RECV_LEN = 8096; const int MAX_MSG_LEN= 1024; const int PORT_NUM = 1200; class Sokec...

6 hours later…
Q: Gyrometer/accelerometer sensor fusion with sigmoid transfer function

dgratI noticed, that accelerometer and gyrometer sensor data tend to have problems. The gyrometer is not very precise and the accelerometer is getting problems with vibrations. I built a quadrocopter (to be honest more then one). My first one had a poor frame and the motors (very big ones) were vibrat...

4 hours later…
Feeds posts stuff in here?
just codereview stuff
thinking of removing it though :P
2 hours later…
Q: std::function implementation review

JosephI decided to make an implementation of the C++11 class function. I was checking that I have done everything correctly and have not missed anything: template < typename > class function; template < typename _Ret, typename... _Args > class function<_Ret(_Args...)> { public: typedef _Ret resul...

2 hours later…
In every one of your questions you use reserved identifiers and some people have commented on it yet you still do it. Is the habit too strong to break? — Rapptz 16 secs ago
I was thinking of ranges today
1 hour later…
Q: Simple Windows socket class for use in a simple chat and file transfer application

NinjaDeveloperI need some advice and some advice to see if my simple Windows socket class is good enough to be used in a simple chat application. #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <Windows.h> class Socket { private: WSADATA wsaData; SOCKET hSocket; sockaddr_in s...

Rapptz has stopped a feed from being posted into this room
3 hours later…
Some guy just played Lorewalker Cho
first time ive seen that

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