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posted on September 23, 2020 by hostilefork

Words containing < and > have presented historical problems, such as not being able to assign them via >: or quote them with '. There was also an open question about exactly how many forms of words would be allowed, when it would come into conflict with TAG! This commit patches in a self-contained bit of arrow-word code that lets you build any WORD! you like out of >, <, |,

1 hour later…
2 hours later…
The NET closes! Guess all those NetBSD users will go and SCREAM for 64 bit versions and GUI's. <laughter sound fades when the door closes>
@HostileForksaysdonttrustSE is really on a roll! Hard to keep up with the flood of proposals.
@iArnold Do you think that there isn't GTK for NetBSD?
Yup and also 64 bits.
@Edoc I like it ;-)
@iArnold Me too, he's on fiyah!
1 hour later…
@iArnold That would make it a tag, and an infix operator, and a path -- I think HF's brain would melt ...
1 hour later…
@rebolek Before I started my GTK effort I vaguely remembered there being GTK2. When I dug in GTK3 was actual, now there is GTK4. I feel GTK is a moving target. Moving target is not a good quality when you are into cross platform development and want to keep supporting older systems as well.
@MarkI Yes, lucky for us </> is just a closing TAG and a PATH. Although anyone using such a path should get an electric shock from the keyboard when typing it (as a path that is, clever keyboard to know the difference).

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