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4:52 AM
@GrahamChiu I don't recall—it's a ways back now, but I recall there were lower-level bugs that had to be squashed, so it may not be too evident just by looking at the evolution of HTTPd.
@rgchris I got it to this point but if I request a non-existent page the rebol client can't access any more pages and has to quit
I don't know how much there is to be gained from going back past HTTPd though—wrapping that minimalist server in a scheme made it much more accessible and reusable.
Well, I'm thinking it should work, but it doesn't
if we have a chat server ... presumably we need long lasting connections
I swear this was easier in R2!
I'm not sure that it was, but HTTPd is also available for R2 if you wish to compare :)
5:19 AM
I think we can model the chat server on the way this works
So, if someone uses a GET on https://chat.rebol.com/rooms/291 then they're asked to login, or they pass a cookie to state where they last read up to
initially every message is saved as a json file on the server similar to IOS messenger and Altme
until we find a db solution
@rgchris I didn't want to use httpd.r because these modules change with language changes so I want to specify a version of ren-c I can use and stick with it
I don't think Rebolbot was a victim of language changes but SO authentication changes
It's still my intent to build around a fixed point in Ren-C's arc in order to have a dependable set of components for building things that last for a bit*. HTTPd is certainly part of that, 'cause frankly it'd suck to start from a lesser point than that.
@rgchris I thought you were looking at Dec 18
*As much as I'd like to go all-in on the current bootstrap version (pre-language semantic changes), the lack of high code-points makes that non-trivial.
Given that the project that I'm currently using R2 for does require high codepoint support, I'm using the unintentionally versatile R2 for that for now.
(is something I don't want to have to say forever)
5:52 AM
@rgchris what do you need the high code-points for?
@GrahamChiu JSON is a very blunt-edged format—it's as close as where a mediocre view of language will get you to Rebol (not to denigrate that element of its conception in and of itself). Rebol itself should be as good a container format for a chat system—with dates, times, @-names (sigh), strings, issues, et al. to represent messages. Be nice if there was a dbms out there that supported that range of types natively.
@rgchris but if you want a JS client?
@GrahamChiu High-codepoint cats and other objects/animals (aka. emoji). One could handle them all in binary! in a similar fashion to Rebol 2, but then you'd effectively be using one string type that you couldn't see as a string representation.
@GrahamChiu Pass it to the client as JSON. If you're building the core of the system in Rebol, you're tying your hands behind your back limiting yourself to five six types.
6:08 AM
what happened to devbase chat?
weren't you privy to that sort of stuff at the time?
6:30 AM
No, I was not.
I didn't really have any part in the Rebol 3 development as was.
oh well, from scratch it is then
6:53 AM
Rebol 3 (Ren-C branch) [version: build: 26-Jan-2020/22:26:55+0:00]

Welcome to Rebol.  For more information please type in the commands below:

  HELP    - For starting information
  ABOUT   - Information about your Rebol
  CHANGES - What's different about this version

>> import <httpd>
== make module! [
    net-utils: [
        net-log _
    as-text: 'make action! [[binary] [...]]

>> do <webserver>
Script: Untitled Version: Date:
this is a bit unexpected
Chrome easily crashes the web server
but a rebol client isn't doing this
I was seeing a similar issue with Andreas's microwebserver
7:22 AM
Does it break with just <httpd> ?
srv: open [scheme: 'httpd 8888 [probe request/action]]
wait []
(sorry, wait [srv])
Doesn't seem to be crashing
where's this code coming from read default case switch _ wake-up if while _ wait do catch either else _ do console
@rgchris are you saying the problem is in the web server code and not httpd?
No, just following it back upstream a bit.
Can you reproduce it?
with the code I posted?
I was able to reproduce it with the code I posted (just <httpd>), so it's a bit more fundamental.
It's strange as I have an app that I've had open for weeks built on <httpd> and haven't encountered this problem, albeit with an older version of Ren-C.
@rgchris can you test with older renc?
Ok, crashes for me too using web browser
There were significant changes around the time of the fix for when the client aborts the connection
7:50 AM
@rgchris @GrahamChiu please test the latest version of httpd
@giuliolunati can't crash it yet
what's changed?
Check the commits
@giuliolunati at the C level or mezz?
In rebol-httpd
I presume, ask @HostileForksaysdonttrustSE
Time to change <httpd> in usermodules.reb
so it can't trap writes as they're asynchronous
that's good to know
@giuliolunati are you doing this?
8:44 AM
8:57 AM
So SO chat only gives up one room so at one stage I wanted the ability to tag messages. But if we have our own system I presume that we can split into different rooms??
Or should we just stick to one room?
9:36 AM
Why don't you just adapt Gitter? It's free, has mobile clients, would allow to switch rooms for both Red and Ren-C users. While it is not ideal (not easy to get list of all related rooms), I am not sure you want to spend time by creating new chat system, unless there is some bigger plan in mind ....
3 hours later…
12:56 PM
It also nicely integrates with Github tickets ...
1 hour later…
2:06 PM
Don't know if this has already been mentioned, but there's also Slack
Slack is paid, no? At least I participated in Slack group, which was commercial imo ...
2:52 PM
@rgchris but you are aware, that ren-c does have high codepoint support, aren't you?
3:50 PM
@ingo As of March '19. I'm looking to use the bootstrap version dated December '18.
4:09 PM
@pekr If there's a significantly better wrapper. Gitter's UX as-is is not good (caveat: I haven't tried Gritter). For all the deficiencies of SO Chat, I can generally find old posts/trawl archives without too much hassle.
@pekr Slack is free up to 10,000 messages ... I don't think we've even used half of that yet.
There's also the record of bookmarks and bookmarked discussions. The latter has not been used as much lately (for shame), they do provide an easy path to elevate ephemeral fragments of chat to a record of inflection points.
Bookmarks, yes, I want bookmarks. I don't think Slack has those.
1 hour later…
5:19 PM
@rgchris my main point is - don't do the mistake Carl did - own chat system, own ticketing system, always 3-6 months lost. You've got better things to concentrate upon imo .... once again - I can understand, if such a projects is e.g. a proof of the concept, which can be used in other parts of the ecosystem ....
1 hour later…
6:23 PM
@pekr we wouldn't have to think about this is Carl had open sourced devbase chat
It was not part of the OS release?
Only the client
Anyone I don't think it's going to be a distraction if people who are not involved in core development look at doing this
@pekr and the point is to be free of corporates, and not just switch to another one!
@pekr Slack is similar to Trello-- "free" but there are premium features ($) for businesses.
Trello ...
And Slack has an extensive API for extensions. It's quite easy to tap into.
A platform is only as secure as its users. You mistakenly leave a Trello board as default ('public'), and presto.
Anyway, how hard can it be to replicate SO chat?
There are a couple of problems with this chat. 1. No way to tag messages with a topic, just a *. 2. the JS doesn't have CORS enabled which prevents people from writing their own clients.
Oh, and there's the 20 point barrier to entry
4. It's not open source
5. The company can ban you at a whim, @HostileForksaysdonttrustSE has experienced this
6. It's blocked in China (big deal for me!), and that's because it hosts some JS on GitHib which is blocked.
7. The company itself has become very disagreeable
8. Their chat is not open sourced, and they stopped development on it years ago
We can potentially get a chance to develop a wasm client for our own chat system
Minus - potentially distract from other tasks
Plus - expose any weaknesses in the tcp server code,and in wasm
Plus - potentially prioritize https server mode
Plus - no more irrelevant posts from red colour questions or rebol cafe
plus - ability to remove messages
it's looking like the pluses outweigh the minuses
7:37 PM
@HostileForksaysdonttrustSE Nope, all good here. Recursive parse rules into group!s work fine. <thumbs-up> I failed to include a some/any keyword to advance the input in the recurring rule, so it wasn't advancing. Tsk tsk, rookie move, but good to sharpen my eyes to that.
8:28 PM
Sorry, things are not still well
C:\Users\anon_\Downloads\rebol3\chatserver>r3-debug -q

>> import <httpd> do <webserver>
Serving on port 8888
root-dir: /C/Users/anon_/Downloads/rebol3/chatserver/
access-dir: #[false]
GET /chat/192
=> 404
(i) Info: use WHY for error information
** Access Error: port is not open: [scheme: 'tcp]
** Where: read default case switch _ wake-up if while _ wait do catch either else _ do console
** Near: [read client ~~]
** Line: 29
the client is again chrome/wasm
from: http://hostilefork.com/media/shared/replpad-js/
‌>> 	to text! read localhost:8888/chat/192
** Error: TypeError: Failed to fetch
so a simple get which fails due to CORS kills the server
>> srv: open [scheme: 'httpd 8888 [probe request/action]] wait [srv]
"GET /chat/192"
(i) Info: use WHY for error information
** Access Error: port is not open: [scheme: 'tcp]
** Where: read default case switch _ wake-up if while _ wait console
** Near: [read client ~~]
** Line: 29
so the issue is in the httpd scheme
The Rebol2 microwebserver also fails
Script: "Micro Web Server" (10-Jun-2000)
GET /chat/192 HTTP/1.0
Accept: */*
Accept-Charset: utf-8
Host: localhost:8888
User-Agent: REBOL

GET /chat/192 HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8888
Connection: keep-alive
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chro
me/79.0.3945.117 Safari/537.36
DNT: 1
Accept: */*
Origin: hostilefork.com
Sec-Fetch-Site: cross-site
Sec-Fetch-Mode: cors
Referer: hostilefork.com/media/shared/replpad-js
I wonder how Cheyenne copes
well, if I wrap the forever loop in R2 with an attempt, it stops the crashes
so I can stablise the r2 microwebserver
Add a cors header and the wasm client can read the webserver from my local drive
so the problem is on getting the port when a connection occurs
9:18 PM
posted on January 31, 2020 by gchiu

>> do https://raw.githubusercontent.com/metaeducation/rebol-httpd/master/httpd.reb Module: Web Server Scheme for Ren-C Version: 0.3.5 Date: 13-Sep-2019 >> srv: open [scheme: 'httpd 8888 [probe request/action]] wait [srv] "GET /index.html" (i) Info: use WHY for error information ** Access Error: port is not open: [scheme: 'tcp] ** Where: read default case switch _ wake-up if while _

You can wrap the Rebol 3 version in a forever loop as well. The error is somewhere in the subport weeds.
9:42 PM
wake-up is in the C code?
I can't find it so far in prot-http
@rgchris wrap which part?

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