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5:41 PM
> "Beyond other reasons of "just being cool", I think that this ability to tailor the BREAK and CONTINUE in customized loop constructs is looking like a very strong argument for making them definitional; e.g. specific functions generated for each loop that know which loop it is supposed to be broken or continued."
^-- for anyone who isn't following that customized MAP-EACH thread, I've added some more thoughts, and it feels pretty important... I am getting to be of the mind that we pretty much have to do definitional BREAK and CONTINUE, using the same technique as definitional return.
It's hard to imagine how to hook in your own special code you want to run when a continue or break happens otherwise (although the loops-return-null-if-and-only-if-they-break is good for most casual purposes, but that doesn't give you a chance to do something while the loop body is still on the stack, it will be unwound by the time you can react to the null)
Unfortunately, this means that WHILE and LOOP and UNTIL--which previously didn't have to worry about copying and binding their bodies the way FOR-EACH and friends do--would have the same cost impliciations. Not a new problem, it's just exacerbating a known one, and continues to put pressure on the development of virtual binding.
4 hours later…
9:21 PM
posted on August 13, 2019 by @hostilefork Brian Dickens

@hostilefork wrote: I'm rather fond of what the new fancy COMPOSE is able to do with the SET-GROUP!, GET-GROUP!, and "LIT-GROUP!": >> compose [ (second [a b c]): @(second [[a b] [c d] [e f]) ] == [b: @[c d]] This is all kinds of convenient, but I wondered if it should be necessary to convert things to WORD! if they were strings: >>


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