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12:16 AM
posted on March 21, 2019 by lkppo

Build the binary for OpenBSD x64 against commit 8994d23

@HostileFork That's interesting. I also listen to a lot of Synthwave.
Seems to be a lot of it these days.
Things are looking to be falling into place pretty well in terms of @. I think it's going to be another winner.
    pos: 5
    parse "123456789" [seek pos copy nums to end]
    nums = "6789"
Hm. Should that include the 5 or not? Not, I guess. Subtract one on the C side...
So with @word, we have another option for PARSE to say "I mean this literally". e.g. when you have a variable called END and you want it to be able to refer to that instead of the rule. I'd previously lamented that GET-WORD! seemed like it should have done that, and also that sometimes you wanted to set a variable without having a literal SET-WORD! so it didn't get picked up as a local by functions (hence MARK, takes either).
But that literally-ness doesn't get you collection by set-words if you want it. mark @end can't be both a SET-WORD! and a SYMBOL-WORD!
You could do mark @('end:) I guess, so there's at least an option. But one could argue that if you have to define it as a set-word to be collected, then you're the one naming it at the "declaration" site. Why not pick a different name?
@GiovanniBarca "Trying to learn other funny code languages!" well you've come to the right place. And @giuliolunati can even tell you about it in Italian. :-)
1:24 AM
@HostileFork seek takes you a position, not past the position I hope
@GrahamChiu Yes, just was off because C is zero based
@HostileFork ok, it wasn't a mission to Mars
our not even second closest planet
rebol2>> parse "abcdef" [to 3 copy x to end]
== true

rebol2>> x
== "cdef"
^-- Rebol2/R3-Alpha could TO seek an INTEGER! with TO, meaning a TO statement could go backwards. :-/ I think (know) SEEK is better.
Red didn't carry that one forward, so I bet most people probably didn't even know it was there.
1:47 AM
@HostileFork Carl favoured shorter words
he usually used two letter variables :)
2:39 AM
@giuliolunati It looks like your solution may be working! I triggered a build and it didn't work at first, but then I updated the load-r3.js on hostilefork.com/replpad and it did work even though the build is in progress! So it seems like the next step would be the edits to that so that load-r3.js and (hopefully?) worker.js could live on Travis, and not need to be on hostilefork.com ...
But great so far!
3:04 AM
@GrahamChiu are you around?
did you recently change the S3 settings for the forum?
@Adrian I square
you iz funny
No. Well, I only enabled CORS. Why?
s3 backups failing now??
this thread might be relevant to the avatar/image not showing problem
No, I definitely did not change anything
that I recall
3:07 AM
and the Cors was post problem
looks like S3 uploads are failing
root@discourse-app:/var/www/discourse# rake --trace avatars:refresh
** Invoke avatars:refresh (first_time)
** Invoke environment (first_time)
** Execute environment
** Execute avatars:refresh
Refreshing avatars

rake aborted!
Aws::S3::Errors::AccessDenied: Access Denied
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.5.0/gems/aws-sdk-core-3.46.1/lib/seahorse/client/plugins/raise_response_errors.rb:15:in `call'
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.5.0/gems/aws-sdk-s3-1.30.1/lib/aws-sdk-s3/plugins/sse_cpk.rb:22:in `call'
are the s3 backups working?
yes, they are Mar 21, 2019 4:38:14 PM GMT+1300 was the last one
3:24 AM
does the rebolforum bucket exist?
for uploads?
Looking at the above, I think it's actually the create bucket that's failing
3:38 AM
there's a rebolinfo bucket
you got a lot of buckets up there
which i create to hold the backups
yeah, but uploads have rebolforum as the bucket name
and the avatars refresh needs that, looks like
@Adrian which exact line of the above
should I make that bucket?
in the forum admin page, filter by "S3" and you'll see a bucket name for uploads
looks like it's something you set
3:43 AM
@Adrian not enough information for me :(
did you look at the forum settings?
I need a step by step instruction to see
in the top left of the settings there's a filter box so you can narrow down the shown settings to only those containing the text you enter - e.g. "S3"
you'll then see 14 settings related to S3
one of the settings is "S3 upload bucket"
ok, the backup s3 bucket is not the same as the upload s3 bucket
let me see if it exists
doesn't exist
I checked
3:46 AM
or maybe change it the other which does
why not keep them separate?
have to
can't use the same bucket name!
yeah, I'm saying keep them separate, so just create "rebolforum"
or whatever, but make it whatever the forum is set to use
too much work
I can do it
3:48 AM
I've got stuff on right now. ok
looks like with the access key and secret you entered, new buckets can't be created
I guess that's obvious, since the ruby script above was trying to do the same, and it failed with "Access Denied"
@GrahamChiu when you get back, try to make a bucket if you have another access key/secret which allows this
if you can do that, I'll do the rest
@Adrian ok, created and copied the settings from rebolinfo so hopefully the IAMs will work
if not, then I'll have to find time to create a policy
4:16 AM
I wonder if non-lit ISSUE! could be applied to some other purpose in PARSE. What about case-sensitive matching?
>> did parse "ABCdef" [#ABC "DEF"]
== true

>> did parse "abcdef" [#ABC "DEF"]
== false
The annoyance there is when you're doing block parsing. People have been historically willing to accept that integers and words and get-words and such have to be lit'd to block parse them. But when you have to say 'a to match the WORD! a, and 'a: to match the SET-WORD! a:, etc. etc.... one has to wonder. If you think it would be confusing for block parsing, it could be an error if you used plain ISSUE! and say you have to quote it.
Kind of makes one wonder if Rebol really needs a CHAR! type. It doesn't have a BYTE! type, it just uses integer, even though it has way more capacity. Why not use ISSUE! ?
>> second "ABC"
== #B
4:35 AM
@GrahamChiu when you access S3 are you using IAM profiles or access key/secret?
still couldn't create the bucket so I turned off S3 uploads for now and got back the avatars after doing rake avatars:refresh, rake avatars:clean
@Adrian Woo! And it's all me! :-)
Great!. So what doesn't work?
4:51 AM
avatars and images and attachments (I think) won't get uploaded to S3 - they stay on the host running the container
can always enable it once we get the proper access set up
Still some broken thumbnails in posts - trying rake posts:refresh_oneboxes
don't see any rake tasks for images
OK, that brought back the broken images in the posts.
Don't know if there's anything left.
1 hour later…
6:21 AM
@Adrian access key/secret I think
too many things to remember
@Adrian It's an IAM profile. Just checked. So, I've altered the profile to give it access to rebolforum bucket. Please try it again.
6 hours later…
12:55 PM
@HostileFork ok, now load-r3.js and worker.js are uploaded to travis/builds. Remote load-r3.js works, remote worker.js doesn't.
@giuliolunati Ok, that is expected. I guess what I wonder now is if any of those browser tricks for worker.js can work in any common browsers. Then have another fallback...
This would be one where if you are the person hosting the site you can work around it
It still load with emterpreter but could give you a message, tell you where to get worker.js and put the file.
Q: Can/should HTML5 Web Workers use CORS for cross-origin?

JScottI ran into an interesting problem while creating a hosted API that relies on web workers. I was hoping to get a little community feedback on it. My server is set up with the appropriate CORS headers to deliver the worker JS files and can be retrieved with an XMLHttpRequest object. However, when ...

var w_one = new Worker(URL.createObjectURL(blob));
^-- worker.js is a small file, so if that works, that could be fine
@giuliolunati If you can make the web worker load then you can consider your mission accomplished, that will be everything! If you aren't bored and think about more coolness to add that is great of course, but that would cover everything I was looking to have happen in the task!
(Even more, because I was thinking we wouldn't have the emterpreter fallback until way last minute if we had to...but it's useful now!)
2 hours later…
3:16 PM
posted on March 22, 2019 by hostilefork

When Shixin introduced rebmake, it was no longer possible to bootstrap with the R3-Alpha executables off of rebolsource or rebol.com. Ren-C had reached a point where it was overall more stable than R3-Alpha, so that wasn't a huge issue. But it raised the question of where Travis (or your average user who is building) would be getting a Ren-C executable from. For expedience, he just picked a

3:27 PM
@giuliolunati It should be the case that @GrahamChiu's enabling of CORS on the S3 will let us fetch() the worker.js, so maybe that blob trick can work (just as of yesterday!)
4 hours later…
7:21 PM
posted on March 22, 2019 by @hostilefork Brian Dickens

@hostilefork wrote: There's been a very longstanding question of just how much ANY-WORD!s and ANY-STRING!s should share in common--and how aware users should be of the differences. 1. What about spaces, or starting with digits, etc.? One question is whether ANY-WORD! should differ because there were illegal characters, like space: rebol2>> to wo

3 hours later…
10:13 PM
Anyone opine on the possibility of setting up a docker container to hold rebolbot and also do CGI on a shared folder with the host?
11:05 PM
@GrahamChiu It would be educational just to have the RebolBot up and running with a normal login cookie and up to date.
So first things first, would be the bot being alive and breathing at all...
Then we can think about where to run it. Being in the browser may not be a safe place to do evaluations, but... if you want to do evaluations, you have another place you can do it.
Then maybe there's just a way to tell RebolBot to share a snippet of an evaluation you select from the ReplPad UI...without evaluating itself. So all the evaluation concerns are on the user's own machine---if they infinite loop, etc.
I wonder to what extent the tutorial could be authored in the ReplPad, so that you could make a tutorial and then publish it...or send it as a pull request. I wanted the tutorial to be a dialect, but I hadn't thought of that angle... making a tutorial step and interactively trying it out in the browser, and push "publish"
@Adrian ^-- these kinds of things are up your alley of interest
11:46 PM
#Red language overview (Maxim Velesyuk) https://youtu.be/4ZbGJemrLFw via @YouTube #redlang #crossplatform #fullstack #rebol #programming #asm #c #cpp #lisp #Clojure #sbcl

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