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4:46 AM
posted on January 29, 2018 by hostilefork

Debates about whether to take // or -- for comment based on their "line-y" looks triggered the question of how these symbol-based items might be given to purposes besides rarely-used math operations. It seems much more Rebol-like to have a test dialect be able to do the likes of the following when saying the following tests relate to issue #1020 -- #1020 -- [x > 1] [x < 2] Freeing

5:40 AM
"Infix" Changes on Rebol3 Porting Guide ("Ren-C" branch)
## Rebol2/R3-Alpha >> some-variable: 10 >> ++ some-variable == 10 >> print some-variable 11 ## Ren-C >> some-variable: 10 >> some-variable: me + 1 == 11 >>...
4 hours later…
9:21 AM
posted on January 29, 2018 by codebybrett

This resolves a bug for source analysis tests, but more importantly removes duplication of functions and add some other improvements including some tests for functions the build depends upon.

1 hour later…
10:24 AM
@HostileFork maybe I could write also a wrapper RL_rebDoString()
@HostileFork If I right understand, the good way to go for Emscripten is making cwrap's for every RL_reb* function, it isn't?
@giuliolunati Feel free to do what makes things convenient... if I think of a better way to do it I'll change it. :-) But really there's a lot of details to deal with that are hard to generalize in a one-size-fits-all function. MOLD doesn't let you mold voids, and rebDo() might return NULL signaling an error... it's hard to really say how to make an answer to that which works for every client.
@giuliolunati I'm not sure... it depends how JavaScript will be getting things back. One big problem relying on strings has is that you lose identity of things... so presumably there'd have to be some JavaScript variation on a REBVAL* that is used. Really we'll just have to see what works, I don't know how a JavaScript does variadic arguments or how all this will tie together: codeproject.com/Articles/1035417/…
But yes, my first guess would be that there would be some JavaScript exposure of a REBVAL* (presumably a JavaScript object holding the emscripten idea of a memory address), and then all the rebXXX functions would have some kind of interface you could use with that.
If JavaScript variadics know how many arguments they are getting, then the JavaScript rebDo() wouldn't need an END passed in...it could just fabricate it at the end.
Once something basic is working, that I can reproduce on my machine, I'll pitch in and see what I can do to help figure it out.
10:51 AM
@HostileFork My first minimal goal is to reproduce a REPL for demo purposes
@giuliolunati Yes, absolutely...I think that will be a great first use, interactive tutorial where we can collaborate to script the tutorial. So I hope we can figure out how to work out some answer to the synchronous I/O, where people can use INPUT or do loop 100 [wait 3 print "waiting 3"] and see each line of output...
So I definitely want to help with that and see it get solved.
11:45 AM
posted on January 29, 2018 by hostilefork

This commit adds an implementation for MY that allows a SET-WORD!'s existing value to be slipped in the first argument to a function which overwrites it. e.g. >> block: copy [a b c d] >> block: my next >> probe block [b c d] >> block: my append [1 2 3] >> probe block [a b c d 1 2 3] Unfortunately the trickery involved does not work for PATH!s at this time

Can I safely assume that no one is missing ++ and -- as increment and decrement right about now, and is looking forward to finding better uses of those character sequences? :-P
2 hours later…
1:57 PM
@HostileFork Perhaps. But at least one person very much misses ** and //.
8 hours later…
10:24 PM
@HostileFork I guess I'll have to modify my scripts unless you leave ++ intact until it's used
@GrahamChiu I think my current leaning is to not define them... and leave them for user use. So if you like this for their definition you can copy the definitions into your files.
11:07 PM
@MarkI // is aiming to be comment, and I think that is fair, considering "/" is not a WORD! character...allowing / is already dodgy. But as for **: for the moment the strategy is to say that the base language does not endorse these "symbol-y" things that aren't so much matching the look of Rebol as operators, but as above I think they will not be defined at all, so if someone is doing something mathy then **: enfix tighten :power can be done.
Right now ME and MY aren't natives, though they probably might as well be. I need to make a way to indicate natives should have their bindings enfixed during bootstrap.
If ++ is taken to mean anything it should probably be something like "join-of". http://example.com/ ++ blah blah blah
My opinions on ** aren't that strong, it's just that it was there in the list next to // and I figured, let's clear them all out and see if anything opens up. Maybe it will spark some creativity. If it doesn't, ** can go back I guess. I just don't think of Rebol as being very suitable for math...not its domain, and if it is to be its domain it probably should focus on a dialect.
I predict I will be personally very much pleased with // for comment. If it turns out that I am wrong, and I am not very much pleased for some reason, we can back it out.
11:59 PM
@giuliolunati This HTML5 terminal seems pretty slick, I'm not sure what all is involved with it, but it comes up on Android in the browser and looks reasonable: hyper.is

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